
>Nicanor Parra died at the age of 103
>Lit gave a shit about his shitposting legacy

I'm very disapointed, guys

this iliterates fucks know nothing of probably most important figures of peotry and shitposting when Internet didn't even exist.

Anti-poetry's dad.
This board should die. Anti-poesía eres tú, Veeky Forums.

Lit sucks. Just one thread on this guy death and mostly ignored. Y'all don't deserved to be in a board of Literature.

gringos don't care about the other literature

What do you expect from people who put Borges in the "above the average" tier.

fucking disapointed

It's fucked up that I had to find out he died while browsing lit

Mediocre poet
I’ll rather read Ruben Dario for the rest of my life than be paid to read this joke’s poetry

explain first

surely you only has read the most known work of his to say this retarded shit

wena nido

Bumping up Based Nicanor.
May you rest nicely once more with the olimpyans. A well deserved sleep for the century old inlay of a beast and an angel.

Who the fuck is this jabroni anyway?

It was all over the news, bro.

Hola cabros, nada de lo que he leído de
Parra me ha llamado la atención. Tuve un profe al que le gustaba, y nos metía a Parra en todas partes, así que lo veo como ‘lo que tuve que leer’

>querido diario

A mí su estilo tampoco me va mucho, pero su Rey Lear está bastante bien, perrito.

It's not that I don't know about Parra, it's that I don't care about him because he isn't that good.
>shitposting when Internet didn't even exist
Exactly. Why you would think those are commendable, while being past college age, is beyond me. Oh, wait...
A poet for the everyman, hero of the working class, perpetual young at heart rebel--in that context maybe he's one of the best for whomever is into that sort of thing. From me he earns a resolute "meh".
I am willing to be persuaded otherwise by his best work which I expect you, his fans, to post henceforth.


Veeky Forums is a board about White Literature

With the exception of the classic epics, I don't read poetry that isn't written in English. IT may be good, but it's a waste of my time.

I'm the first to defend th literary lifestyle but coming down on the whole board because they don't know a mostly literally who portuguesse author is like coming back to the hipster era.