Are used bookstores agents of gentrification?

are used bookstores agents of gentrification?

Only if they have good prices

good prices meaning low or high? i'd think if prices were low that would appeal to blacks, good, and if they were high they'd appeal to whites, bad

>appealing to blacks
Pick one

Blacks don't read. First-stage gentrifiers are poor but urbane whites *with no children* (fags, artists, students, interns), so a used book store is definitely an agent/sign of gentrification.

They're usually failing small businesses, so no.

Up-market chain stores are gentrification.

I don't understand how used book stores are ever successful. They must have horrendous margins and tiny sales volume.

wtf are you on about?
If the bookstore can afford it then low prices are best for everybody as it means more patronage as well as a more well read community. Color doesn't
matter as any person who isn't buying a book is a non-entity.

I don't understand the question. Why would they be agents of gentrification? Aren't used bookstores basically failing businesses?

Only if they be white. Nothing wrong with a nigga selling some good ass books fo his community.

Gentrification is such a stupid fucking term.

It's more of a "quit taking my neighborhood from me."

can't there be room for both of us?

>turn place into a low income shithole
>become angry when the area is revitalized with new business and better infrastructure

>rich people move in
>rent goes up
>poor people kicked out

You are a retard the problem with “gentrification” isn’t middle-class people moving into cities

That is a good thing for basically the entire history of cities the middle class were the most urban it was only relatively recently that they left

The reason why there isn’t enough room for the two of you anymore is because of extreme artificial scarcity brought on by draconian building regulations and upperclass greed

> draconian building regulations and upperclass greed

I should have known Malfoy was behind this!

Gentrification is killing all independent used bookstores in Toronto

>Be more or less forced out and unable to experience any of it.
Sounds great, man.

The ones i go to sell specialty stock at fairly high prices

What's the inverse of gentrification? Like when a lot of brown and black people move in and raise the crime rates, lower the house prices, and chase out all the decent people.

Doesn't exist

You're thinking of white flight but it's not the inverse of gentrification because you've brought race into it.

No, white flight is when the good people leave due to the influx of bad people.

i'm not rich though and i doubt the owners of used bookstores are rich


Which is it?


Reading is a middle-class-and-higher hobby, so the neighborhoods were most likely at least decent from the beginning.

It really depends. My buddy works for a used store and he says they either need to sell bags of used romance schlock to turn a profit or they need to sell a steady stream of occasional rare books. They do both, and the store has been profitable for over 30 years now. You just have to be smart about it.

not an agent but a sign

Are you imply white people don't have culture?

How can people with no money gentrify an area?

Yes, because white is an arbitrary category. Germans have culture, French have culture, Italians have culture, but "white" people is just a term for less melanin afflicted, how would you even define a "white" culture? Do you include everything in Europe? That's too different to lump into one people. The confusion mostly stems from Americans who view their American ways as "white" but I'd just say you have American culture since it's less ambiguous and has meaning.

Lol who cares fuck niggers lol they can't even read