If Wordpress is so much more professional than blogspot/blogger...

If Wordpress is so much more professional than blogspot/blogger, how come it's near impossible to find blogs and individual entries with google searches?

Besides I could name a fair few decently popular writers with a blogspot , but no Wordpress ones of any note.

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WordPress or Tumblr is good for short form stuff, like application updates and drawings while stuff like blogspot (or a custom written blog) usually fairs better for long form stuff. I've followed a few indie games on WordPress like blog but I've usually found more helpful information on blogspot type sites.

Don't use either. They are both botnet ridden trash pieces and your best bet is to learn a week's worth of PHP, HTML, and CSS and make your own blog.

i'm a brainlet when it comes to code

Also wouldn't this people's ability to find my blog on google?

>learn a week's worth
You're on lit, use your brain

WordPress isn't any better. Website relevancy is metered in views. Either start a blog and share it on some site like Reddit or just wait until the media brings up something that your blog talks about.

>why does [the company owned by google] show up on [the company owned by google] more?
well i dunno op

Website relevancy is not just metered on views or on the type of website, it is an overly complicated set of everchanging rules. In short your page has to respect a lot of conditions and wordpress is not structurally adapted to them

t. Wannabe google-ads money chaser

But all my favorite non-fiction authors and informational blogs are on blogspot?

Are they pseuds?

what the fuck do you guys get out of reading blogs

theres programs that do all the coding for you

Useful information. There's a lot of cool music blogs out there. Mark Fisher (author of capitalist realism) put a lot of his writings up on his blogs.

It's called spotify you absolute faggot

Literally kys

do people use blogger and wordpress to put up short stories and writings too?

medium has the most google juice right now, too bad 90% of the content on medium is empty self-promotional trash, when i see a link is to medium i skip it

Blogger sometimes. I assume wordpress too but it seems to be filled with nonsense

Wordpress has better functionality and design, but blogger is a lot simpler and frankly has generally more interesting (non-fiction/factual/analysis) content despite being quite dated.

>what the fuck do you guys get out of reading blogs
Same thing I get out of Veeky Forums's hobbyist boards. You can learn new things and get recommendations.

Nothing you couldn't read in a book

Not true. There's some blogs I read specifically to learn about new books to read, even.

Really? Name 5 genuinely useful blogs

Does anyone here have their own blog already? I'm curious.

Protip: Search the domain of your website and it will get indexed by google.

Just fuck off already.


Just use a static site generator.

But HTML is a markup language css is a domain-specific declarative language, not code.

I'm a brainlet in general then

I have a web page powered by squarespace that I regularly post on, despite the metric's revealing that no one actually reads my shit. I pay $20/month for it.

I have a blog on wordpress, google discovers me fine when you search the phrases/key words that deal with stuff I post. You really need quite a lot of hits and to title your shit generically if you want to be found more easily, but I don't do that since I don't give a fuck. I just link my stuff on FB groups and Reddit and that's most of my traffic.

Nah w3schools.com/ will help you out. It's latex but easier to get.

You'll get it.

Post ur blog laddie

Hell that goes for any of you all

motherfuckingwebsite.com might help out to with the basics about websites, bloat and how html is like a book layout language.

Thanks mate

Me responding to me again : is this Veeky Forums? {motherfuckingwebsite.com}

Me again :
I meant /glit/


when i started reading again (after basically reading no fiction for the 10 years i was in college) i realized that i remembered very little about the things that i had read when i was younger. sure, i could look up plot summaries for the books, but i couldn't even recall my reactions to them or my opinions of them. so, i started writing up posts about books as i finished them. not in-depth analyses or formal essays or anything. more like a low-key journal. notes to my future self. answers to the questions "hey user, have you read XXX? what did you think of it?" spoiler-free. I could have just used a google document or something like that but some friends of mine wanted to see what i was doing so i used the wordpress format so i could easily link it.

cheers. looks pretty neat.

so wordpress over blogspot then?

The latter just looks so much more accessible, while wordpress looks like its trying hard to be some fucking tumblr shit.


i'll just leave this here

This made no sense...
Blogspot turned into blogger a while ago and is part of the google/alphabet botnet.
Wordpress is opensource and something you can install on your own server (most hosting companies offer an installation for free).
If anything Blogger is Tumblr with googlefuckero-y.

>ffs this is Veeky Forums so read a bit

Blogger sucks