Definitive soy books

definitive soy books

infinite jest
moby dick
the holy bible
blood meridian
gravitys rainbow
the culture of critique
all dostoyevsky in english
legacy of totalitarianism in the tundra

Harry Potter

Star wars

dreamscape confirmed for chat-lit

you... you son of a bitch!! lol

Anything that has been adapted into a videogame.

this minus moby dick, dostoevsky, bible, and culture of critique. never read cult of crit but i just dont see how thats soyboy, pretty random choice for your list

/pol/cross posters
fuck off

Game of Thrones is definitive soy.

/pol/ false flag

fuck off /pol/

yes, someone should do a soyboy reading guide

>Books listed besides the ones i like


mein kampf

>Divine Comedy

>that new york times tier propaganda bullshit

i bet you didnt even read mein kampf. kys

genre fiction

and a tale of two cities

Remember when there was the term "metrosexual"? What happened?

Not implying soyboys are metrosexual though

World War Z
Ready Player One
The God Delusion

fag -> metrosexual -> numale -> soyboy
just a natural evolution of making fun of wimps

i thought metrosexuals looked good

Hitler was a sensitive man
he went to art school when he was younger
he wanted to be a painter
Hitler was a vegetarian
he was also a non smoker
he hired gay and handicapped officers
he was concerned about overpopulation
if hitler was alive today
he'd listened to the cure, the smiths, and depeche mode

Metrosexuals were this retarded notion that men could also care about fashion, grooming and manicure. It was a way to redefine masculinity. They were all gay in the end, so it went nowhere.