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Literature #106
Why does Veeky Forums hate this kid? He wrote some of the best songs ever written by age 25
Any good campy outdoorsy and comfy nature books or poetry a large Walden?
Have you read his manifesto? Did you form any particular opinion of it? I was astonished by how lucid it was...
I am new to philosophy, can I start with this?
How does one put into action the "ride the tiger" philosophy?
Accept the challenge, will you, board of Veeky Forums?
How to answer this question without sounding pretentious?
Just finished. Damn good book.Any thoughts on Stoner?
What is some essential Renaissance literature?
Roll for next read
Tfw can't avoid to constantly notice how ugly and grotesque and charmless life is compared to art
Yesterday 14 i was a poor sobbing mess, still crying because my woman left me. BUT...
Unironically vs sincerely
We had an engaging discussion about these two last time. Lets try it again
Any books where the main character masturbates more than 3 times a day everyday?
Are there any authors or books on gender, sex, feminism, etc...
Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no tubers in my purse...
What do you think of Larry McCaffery's top 25 books of the 20th century?
Is there any book that accurately explains the history and nature of alchemy...
Post your novel ideas, it's not like they're going anywhere
Greeks BTFO'd
Is maturing as a reader, and at the same time becoming an intellectual...
To read
I want to get into political philosophy and economics but don't know which literature I should start with...
I want to write a book about women who are 19-20 from religious/traditional cultures who go to college and struggle...
What are some good books that approach the issue of destroying the ego from a spiritual perspective...
ITT: most Veeky Forums films
Plato or Aristotle?
Opinions on The Prince
Why has communism always failed despite all the bigbrained shit they wrote?
Is he the best poet of all time?
The World as Will and Representation
I want to be a communist but I have a hard time accepting their ideology
When the sage points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger
What can be said at all can be said clearly
Do you think Mr. Pine is aware of us?
Why don't you like her?
How do you learn to write well outside of a university? Is talent the only way?
"Houellebecq is France's biggest literary sensation in 20 years -- and his suffering is enormous...
Is Formalism right?
Politicization of Art
Clean your room
You will never live in a time/place where your literacy makes you special
What do we think of this TS eliot prize winner?
The Great Gatsby
Why do you like him?
Happy Valentines day Veeky Forums
What music do you all listen to when you need to concentrate? Or no music at all?
>inb4 not Veeky Forums
Virginia Woolf Thread
Discuss This Chart
How do I get into this guy's work?
Who is your favourite poet?
What are the best books on geopolitics?
Someone link me to some good educational podcasts pls
Audiobooks were a mistake
Veeky Forums related valentine cards
What is the most difficult book you pretentious scum have ever read?
What happened to the Capital Reading Group? Didn't even make it past chapter 1
First publication rejection just came in
Holy shit he is right about everything
What am I in for?
Tfw to smart to read books
Dorian GAY
What's the /mu/ equivalent of pic related?
Most horrifying concept you can imagine?
You know his advice on how to get women is legit, right?
Write what's on your mind
I got through 2/3 's of the ego and it's own before just giving up
Eternal inescapable burning/tortuous hell/damnation
Does Buddhism have any merit to it?
I want to read something dumb and fun...
Japanese trying to speak like a English native
How you say
At small indie bookshop
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
L'anomie: un roman existentialiste
What are some science fiction novels that you would recommend?
Anyone have opinions on Dutch vs. Norwegian (and by proxy, Swedish/Danish) literature...
Holy shit guys,it’s happening. Lacan v Jung, left v right, clash of the titans
Whats the best bible book that isn't pentateuch eccl/psalm or gospels?
Why is modern writing so simplistic and dry?
This guy was named pretty often on Veeky Forums...
Recent purchases
Lads, i found the harlem renaissance of naelism
Wrote 1200 words of my novel today
Just came in the mail bros
Read ts eliot poem
Zizek vs Peterson when
Why are the best writers all mentally damaged?
Why does Dante write that Alexander is burning in the boiling rivers of hell?
Smartest man in history converted to Catholicism
Why is the western world so fascinated with post-apocalypse?
I would unironically commit a murder in order to bring back Ernst Jünger to life and become his disciple
Is she correct? Is reading a privilege?
This fucker is EVERYWHERE
Hi Veeky Forums I've been working on a reading list and I wanted to get some feedback. Here's what I have so far:
Current reading
Tfw no matter how much philosophy I read I'm still just a 110 IQ brainlet
Just bought it. What am I in for?
When did you realise that life isn't about happyness but about giving it meaning Veeky Forums?
As far as I can tell...
Has anyone managed to fix their ptsd, depression, anxiety with the power of their own mind and wrote about it?
Decide to leave this board for a week
How about we write some microfiction, Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums humour thread
How loudly is the clock ticking for you Veeky Forums?
What's the most Veeky Forums beverage?
I just finished reading this, but I cannot figure out if it's a utopia or a dystopia
Recommend books on history
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins
An historic
What does the female obsession over 50 shades of grey tell us?
Why do Stoics still exist when Nietzsche BTFO them with one aphorism?
I want to read more people like morality man (Peter Hitchens), Theodore Darlrymple, Roger scruton, etc...
How would you fix obligatory reading at school?
Why are most literary figures miserable with chaotic or, in my opinion, shitty lives...
Who is the literary equivalent of David Lynch?
Anyone here has ever been to jail ?
Do you rate him?
I've read a little over half of the stories in this book, and almost all of them seem very pointless...
Well boys, Valentine's Day is just two days away...
I am fucking done lit. This feeling of powerlessness is too powerful...
Veeky Forums hunger games
What book would you recommend to him?
Fuck. this man is a living prophet. the greatest Veeky Forums figure of our time
Started working a wagie job, and I never have time to read anymore. I have two days off this week...
Oldfags of Veeky Forums, what do you miss about Veeky Forums?
If I were to write a book from the perspective of a deranged man killing women...
Is there 'raw talent for writing?
New book soon GET HYPE
Have you read ancient ideas about color?
Book/s to learn German?
There are people who still study metaphysics and believe in metaphysical premises after Nietzsche
Harris is too old a meme, that Peterson or whatever guy is the new (you)tube hotness
I've only got months to live. Any books for this feel?
One star reviews
You know it's true
Help me
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Why didn't Socrates write anything but Plato did?
Why do you hate him?
Want to read Nietzsche, but I haven't read any philosophy before
What will you be reading for Valentines day?
What should I read before starting on Dostoyevsky?
Are there any romance novels that go into painstaking detail...
What's the worst author photo?
Dating women
Goodreads cringe thread
I'm reading The Book of the New Sun. I'm currently roughly two thirds through Claw of the Conciliator...
What is the relationship between post-structuralism and neo-liberalism?
2018 has only just started
Stop using semicolons
Protestants typically assert all 3 of the following to be true
Tfw there are literally zero sci fi novels that are good from start to finish
This is really good. You faggots should read it. Its not hopeless, you can be cured
How did you become a good writer?
a person who doesnt respect social contracts are powerful and dangerous
Is she right about anything?
Read ______, user! it will change your life!
Why haven't you read the Bhagavad Gita?
How did he create such an unique prose style?
I was speaking to a someone irl and mentioned having a really good conversation about philosophy with some people...
Why did Rowling make Slytherin so shallow?
Why don't people understand that the bible is a code that allows people to live a better and fuller life?
Post the most aesthetic book Youtube own
Is Nightvale Veeky Forums approved podcast?
Veeky Forums Writes An Existentialist Novel
Does your soul exist beyond time? Is being trapped in flesh form only known way to experience time?
One's full throttle action and the other is Indiana Jones tier adventure schenanigans
Would this be a good idea for a comedic play?
Post your favorite opening sentence from a novel
Wtf did I just read?
"user, welcome aboard. I'll start by introducing the the to you and telling you a little about them."
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
I'm looking to buy a comfy reading chair
Write about how terrified and/or depressed you are
Veeky Forums memes that piss you off
I see Hegel pop up alot, but what is his philosophy actually about? What will i get out of reading him?
Share your Veeky Forumserary confessions. I'll promise not to make fun of you, pleb-kun
Is r/badphilosophy our sub?
What kind of jobs one can get with a philosophy major? Asking for a friend
Is Peterson's position on morality and religion disregarding Truth?
Was mass literacy a mistake?
R/books thread
These are the top 20 books of all time
What was he wrong about, what was he right about, and is he compatible with right-wing beliefs?
Why haven't you read this book?
What do peterson means with the women prefer males high in the male dominance hierarchy and what is the male dominance...
I regret being published. I should have waited until I was ready instead of rushing things
Should I just kill myself or what?
The Republic, abridged -
Song you are listening to
Books on north korea?
Yudhishthira, Christianity, and the Mahabharata
Why should I start with the Greeks?
Have any literary authors managed to create a secondary world as well thought out as tolkien's middle earth?
3x3 Thread
Repeats shit Nietzsche and Jung said
You are casually browsing, and this QT closes the space between you slowly, finally speaking
Hard magic system
The fact that even he worked as a freelance commercial translator, founded his own publishing house...
Whats the harry potter for adults? I'm just looking for some misadventures/ light reading...
Any literature for this feel?
I stopped reading both of these after about 20/30 pages. Am I brainlet? How do I enjoy them?
This shit is spicy as af, paglia ahead of her time, this is from the 90s but everything she's saying is so current...
Saw a book in the my local bookstore called "Assassination Generation: Video Games, Aggression...
Tell me what I think about this book so I can save time
Hi guys it's David Foster Wallace here
True love can only exist in fantasy
Who do you think is/was the most woke philosopher?
Help me write a letter to my wife
Openly attacks autistics and aspergers idiot-savants in each book of the incerto and even in some of his scholarly...
Can Veeky Forums solve these riddles??
Where does one start with linguistics?
Describe this
Very Short Introductions
So user what do you do for fun?
Lao Grug can count to two!! hehehehe
I'm a brainlet and I want to get into philosophy. Do you guys have any charts for reading order?
She's back
Damn. I cried
What's your favorite and least favorite Plato dialogue?
Rate poets
Without god all things are permitted
Ebook Shelf
How many books do you read on average annually Veeky Forums?
You need a near level Genius IQ (nearing 140) to write
How do i get better at analyzing books...
/Atlanta meet up/
Memorizing Poetry
Recent purchase thread
Is Harold Bloom Right About Slam Poetry?
Prove the reasons behind stoicism, if you think there are any
I've read 6-10 hours a day for a year, ran 5km every day in 25 minutes and meditated for half an hour every day...
James Joyce's literary taste
How the fuck do I solve this? I'm on the brink of a disaster
Don't you think the main character is a bit of a bitch?
Can we all just agree that the analytics ruined philosophy...
Why would anyone bother with buying a paperback book when a hardcover version exists?
Wake up at 10 am
Meet this qt at book club
ITT: Liberalist literature
Was he the Jordan Peterson of the late 19th century
At every point in history there has been an intellectual capital of the world
Book Covers
Unfortunately we do not have an /art/ board, but Veeky Forums is the second-best place to ask
Just b a good man XD
Ethics was a mistake
Why haven’t you accepted idealism?
For those who can't write
Was the bible supposed to have a deeper philosophical meaning or was it supposed to be taken literally...
Name me one up to date study which proves that socialism has more disadvantages than capitalism...
Best war novels you've ever read
Friend asks to borrow your book
I keep hearing that Heidegger corrected errors that have been present in philosophy since the Greeks...
He's a good writer. Only fantasy genre person worth reading
Let's see those first paragraphs
How accurate is this small reading chart?
Itt: great writers with cringe fanbases
In this thread you post /lit related photographs, preferably ones you've taken
Hi Veeky Forums so I was wondering, what books should one read to have a good understanding about Christianity?
Post something erotic you've written: bad fanfiction or something serious of yours
Was otto weininger right about the nature of women /lit? do women have no souls?
Would anyone be down for a Veeky Forums meetup in Vancouver, British Columbia? The one in Baltimore sounded p fun desu
Why doesn't anyone take Eastern philosophy seriously? Their theories are just as thorough and rigorous as ours...
Kill cave beast and save father-grug
/shelf/ thread
How do i reconcile metaphysics with modern science?
What's your list of reasons to stay alive, Veeky Forums?
Read Evola
Favorite Podcasts
Is 30 too old to become a writer?
What is your favorite book title?
In you had to choose one book about Art History, which would it be?
What should I expect, Veeky Forums?
Why is English so much easier to comprehend than any Romance language...
Communism is inherently flawed, these examples where capitalist countries interfered prove it!
Who is the worst canonical philosopher
Peterson eternally btfo
Which is better, Milton or Blake?
Literary confessions thread
An innocent person gets kidnaped and tortured, raped and killed in a horrible way for no reason...
In clear and dispassionate terms...
Who is your favorite Shakespeare character? First for Falstaff
Writing about racism
Just as there is no truth to be found in history but only ideologically inflected narratives of one kind or another...
Is the Nobel Prize of Literature still relevant?
End of west
ITT: Sentences that make you mad because you wish you've had written them
Is it a coincidence that every 'Great' philosopher has been *slightly* antisemitic?
Okay ebook fags, check in
Let's do something. First post to gimme a subject, any subject at all, i'll write a around 100 word story on...
Do people that write well do so naturally or do they consciously try to like vary their vocabulary and structure their...
/r/books hate thread
What’s your most expensive book?
I tried to warn you
What's a good name for the critical post-marxist distancing from left wing politics and notions of cultural "progress"...
60 page description of tea party comprised only of pretentious aristocratic snobs
Write what's on your mind
Why has he been forgotten?
What's the server about?
Get in boys. The minotaur is live! Let's ask him some thoughtful questions
Has anyone here actually published anything?
Why do old books look so much better than new books?
What are some books that give practical insight on life (instead of autistic ramblings about pointless shit like most...
Where do I start with muslim apologetics?
Dosto and Tolstoy will never meet
Literature on Art
Is it supposed to be Spears pointing in or rays pointing out?
90% of criticism against this book is literally "BUT THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE / KEROAC AND CASSADY ARE BIG...
Does Veeky Forums have a wider literary range compared to Reddit?
Little black and white thinking scientism brainlet are too dumb to critique the meta questions! Maybe they should be...
What did he mean by this?
When is he going to snap?
Is this good
Defend these. Pens are superior in almost every way
Wake up and browse internet on phone for an hour
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
How much IQ do you need to have to be a great writer?
Does anyone here use calibre?
Fuck you humanity
Holy shit, these jordan peterson faggots are getting out of control
Most patrician languages?
Stop being rational
Can Veeky Forums please recommend novels about people gradually worn down by disappointing and unfulfilled lives?
It's 2018. Stop teaching our kids about racist outdated books written by whites
Critique Thread
Guy in class namedrops Infinite Jest
Why are book publishers and media pushing female and black authors so hard? What's the endgame...
The NYT is arbitrarily refusing to put Jordan Peterson's book on their best seller list (despite it being a best...
So was trading the Master for Pilate the plan all along?
Are there any bookies that explore consciousness?
What is your favourite Mira poem, tweet or other literary endeavor?
In terms of just sheer quantity, who has the most books on /lit?
Art starts from the natural ignorance of man about his interior condition (in body and in character); it is not meant...
Atlas shrugged
So is poetry like greentext before Veeky Forums?
Has written 19 books
What's more literary: playing an instrument or studying mathematics?
Why is this important in the canon?
What are you favorite greek words Veeky Forums?
What is she writing Veeky Forums?
I just saw this on /v/
DC Veeky Forums meetup tommarow
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Why does my edition look so gay?
Honestly I can't get over how good this poem is
Post yfw you are exposed as a fraud
Does reading Veeky Forums n. affect attention span?
Being forced to work to survive
What's a great, quick-read novel? I keep picking up 1984...
Is there anything that ISN'T a spook?
Why does everyone shill evola? i cant believe anybody could take his extreme dribble seriously
Why haven't you read all his books yet, user?
ITT: Post your political stance and your major/degree
About two years ago I read this book
Is this drivel the lowest form of literature?
Bolaño on translations
Shakespeare's Most Underrated Play
Post Veeky Forums kino
Last meal you drank
What is Sniffy talking about when he's talking about ideology? I tried googling it but all i get are shitty memes
What religious writings should I read?
Can we have a thread about Spanish literature? Preferably from Spain, but LatAm also welcome...
What is Veeky Forumss take on communism/socialism?
Anyone who wants to discuss the works of L. Ron Hubbard?
What is the most Veeky Forums way to die?
College course has you watch a 'Crash Course' video
Plagiarism software pins down new source for Shakespeare's plays
Can anyone give a better explanation of history than the whole thesis-antithesis ordeal? Can we prove this madman wrong...
ITT: the worst
If I read on average 3 hours every day will i become more articulate,creative and a better overall writer?
/sFFg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I want to read a book about an absolute retard trying to find love. Does that exist?
Is eton still like this? how do i give myself this sort of education?
Ayo hol up, you sayin we wuz middlebrow bourgeois thinkpieces n sheeit?
The labor theory of value is correct
Japanese Lit
My New Love
Does Might make Right?
Is French literature dangerous?
People on the far right seem to really like Heidegger, but was he really that important of a thinker...
Opinions ?
Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best model we have right now
What is the philosophy of Veeky Forums? Is freedom truly at its core?
Long-winded and detailed descriptions of the environment
What does Veeky Forums listen to?
What problem was Hegel trying to solve with his dialectic?
How many books do you read at once? Or are you a one-at-a-time fag?
The Will to X
Recent purchases/stacks
ITT: Post a writer and trivialize his entire work with Muh
Fuck / Marry / Kill
Greatest fantasy books ever written?
What sould i read before tackling this Bad Boy?
My biggest gripe with Peterson's 12 Rules
ITT: worst of good authors, it can be sentence, a paragraph, a phrase, a word, a story, whatever...
Poetry Reading Thread
Read Ancient Indian philosophy
Essential Kissenger
Has anyone made a legitimate assertion against the claim that all reading (and in fact everything) is political?
Do libraries sanitize the books are they get returned?
Murakami is not the Japanese John Green, right Veeky Forums?
Imagine instead of arguing between two old and disproven systems of fascism and communism (hot topics)...
What's the point of reading in public if nobody asks me what I'm reading?
Is this book really as mind-opening as people claim it is?
What should i expect ?
Any good introductory books on epistemology ?
Hemingway>Camus>what Vonnegut wishes he could be
How does one learn to write jokes Veeky Forums?
What is post modernism???
Women of color reading dead white men even at the risk of being beheaded
Library opens a dedicated kids section
Huh, this passage from 12 Rules for Life really made me think
What are some books that explore the idea that we are nothing more than physical bodies moving about space and that any...
Best books of since 2000
Is your decision truly yours?
Critique my book selection
Jordan Peterson understands postmodernism perfectly well (as far as that is possible)
Where were you when Veeky Forums was succinctly btfo'd?
Be you
Reading is for NERDS
Help pls with opening page of novel?
What's the best book to read if I want to get a good understanding of the pre-Socratics...
I've started Thus Spoke Zarathustra and can decipher his views and opinions, but sometimes find myself lost...
Thoughts on Ayn Rand?
YoYoYo what the fuck it up Veeky Forums?
ITT: shit books Veeky Forums tricjed you into reading
Ancient Evil
He doesn't read living poets
Reading Lists
Nietzsche and the concept of Ubermensch
What made you reject pessimism and antinatalism for good? Specific books?
Marshall mcluhan
Do you bookstrap?
I think I'm on to something
You have to spend eternity on an island and only get to bring a single book. What would it be?
Idealism vs Reality?
Is this the Literature club?
I need good books to help me understand the female psyche
Grug hate spook
What is the essential pretentious hipster garbage books I can pretend to read to impress cute girls?
The perfect book doesn't exi-
What is your political ideology?
Be you
Can one base his life philosiphy on Mathematical thinking?
Well, Veeky Forums?
What are some good books/guides for someone who wishes to start his/her own religion or cult...
Have you read some of /ourguy/'s works?
Words that are impossible to spell right
Hitchens Vs Peterson: Dawn of Morality
*Appeals to tradition*
She picked franzen twice, even after he shit on her the first time...
Read The book of the new sun by Gene Wolfe
Ethnic diversity in UK children's books to be examined
>Thank you for sending this short piece our way. This one didn't quite feel like a match for us...
ITT: Passages that made you cry
How come gay people are such superior authors, poets and philosophers?
Is this acceptable?
How did inferior men in history rose up against their genetic superiors? What was their philosiphy...
Sufferings of a new writer
Do you prefer American or British English?
Did we like it Veeky Forums?
Always skip the preface
Reminder Veeky Forums is a community college free board. If any of you went to community college please leave
What is some essential atheist literature?
Iliad (trans. Peter Green)
Who here /midwit/
Finishes book
To nut, to nut
Does authoritarianism work?
What's the most obscure book that you consider to be a 9/10 or better?
Can you please stop reading books by dead, white authors?
Which fantasy universe would be most fun to rp in?
Mythology Thread
Post your best writing prompts
Is the Constance Garnett translation of Anna Karenina any good?
Are you ready to renounce Harry Potter yet, /pol/fags?
Unpopular Veeky Forums opinions thread
What did he mean by this, Veeky Forums?
Best literature
"philosophy" book
The hunger games
Peterson believes that postmodern philosophers and sociologists since the 1960s...
How's the poetry career coming, Veeky Forums?
How would you describe its grammatical function?
Book where the main character is a NEET?
Which rapper is the most Veeky Forums?
I need to cry Veeky Forums. I can't remember the last time I just sat down and felt like crying, I just feel empty now...
Has user read this novel? I am a few chapters in, they jjsy hacked the bank and are researching Armitage. Great book...
He raped his sister, Jolenta
Philosophy of Praxis
What’s the most arousing book you’ve read...
Analytic philosophy accomplishments
Poetry Thread
Lurk Veeky Forums for months
Recommend me good fantasy books/series
Sends a rocket to space
If you could create a new academic discipline by writing some tremendously influential foundational text...
How was your day, Veeky Forums?
Why is Derrida so absolutely painful to read?
Harold Bloom[6] praised Blood Meridian as one of the best 20th century American novels...
I'm on page 60 of Crime and Punishment. Why is this trash considered good...
Got a Bolaño urge, have read Savage Detectives in the past...
Tfw read 20 pages an hour
I'm a brainlet, and I have literally 0 (zero) knowledge of philosophy
What did the ancient Israelites mean by this?
Think that religion will solve my existential anxiety
Wanting to be an author
So how much is taste in literature just social posturing and uncritical acceptance of authority?
Jordan Peterson's Bullshit
Looking for honest answers here. What's the point in reading when you have average IQ?
Atheism is simply a lack of belief
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
Who here is writing?
Book has the N word (nigger) used in it
How are the aspiring writers on this board spending their 20s?
Are lyrics Veeky Forums ?
It seems to me undeniable that up to this century literature used language in the way we all use it...
Remember when he through a hissy fit because his colleague got #Metoo'd? Was Derrida a rape apologist?
Do you meditate? If so, what are the most profound insights/feelings you've ever had?
Are there any books I could read that would help me with my negative mind?
Alright Veeky Forums, is this really a masterpiece or am i going to waste my afternoon reading this?
Now that the dust has settled, which one was the best Dostoyevsky girl?
Recommend me a good Bildungsroman, Veeky Forums
Why does excessive reading make people so obnoxious?
Why do you read fiction rather than watch tv or play vidya? what makes reading fun...
Is this crap even worth the hassle?
The more theory and literature (and theory on literature) I read, the more alienated I feel from society...
ITT: Maximalism
Why doesn't everyone just kill themselves?
What do you reckon was in the Library of Alexandria?
Where do most of you fags live? I don't have any Veeky Forums friends and it saddens me...
Are there any books to help me get up the courage to kill myself?
Senior quote
Tfw British and Anglo philosophy is literally the worst in the world
Are there any books on why healthcare is such total shit?
Looking for honest answers here
How come none of you can explain postmodernism?
I’m trying to win an argument with my dad about inequality. Can some people familiar with economics help me out...
The Fountainhead vs Atlas Shrugged
Let's have a Veeky Forums graph thread
Is there any Veeky Forums-tier journalism? Or is it all shallow garbage...
I think I've found god, Veeky Forums
Peterson B& when
If I had to pick one book, it would be this one (This edition...
ITT: astroturfed literary figures
Stack thread
Veeky Forums BTFO
This is the greatest work of literature of our generation
How do I relearn to enjoy fiction again?
Why do study the Greeks, but do not strive to look like a Greek God?
Books like this one
Scared of the future
Let's solve a mystery, Veeky Forums
Is anyone here mortified by writing? I'm not talking about the writer's block, the hopelessness of the blank page...
The Great Gatsby
What's your opinion on the Mind-Body Problem?
Chuckles condescendingly
We all know that men are superior philosophers and artists (Paglia admitted it)...
/SFFG/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Why are his "followers" trying so bad to be masculine
What's the most interesting idea or insight you've ever read?
Have any of you read his work?
Ockham’s razor
What did peterson mean by this?
Socrates propagates a sterile, not thought through philosophy, that really...
Tfw I don't find Kafka to be anxious and bleak, but, rather, I see his stories as witty and amusing, even comical
I'd like to right a short story. Typically how long are they?
What are some good Nietzschean books?
What are the greatest novels of all time in your opinion?
I want to read the iliad & the odyssey but i have never read anything on greek mythology or anything by the greeks...
Open the closest book to a random page and write the first sentence you read
So now that the Gass man is dead (rip sweet prince) we can all agree pic related is America's foremost prose stylist...
Why do you dorks like this book?
Why most zombie apocalypse stories/media are dog shit?
Is she /ourguy/?
I have a story I'm trying to write, but despite having a bunch of background info, characters, and general plot points...
Is Dostoyevski the greatest novelist ever ?
What the fuck was his problem?
Good on pew
pronounces Camus as Cahm-uhss
Books for when you want to break free and feel this beautiful world again?
Hi, so, I was wondering. Instead of talking *about* books and free will and very very advanced philosophical concepts...
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
I found this book really good, but a lot of things aren't explained at all (like, what are Abaïa and Erebus...
/mu/ Here
Teenage me scared of death but try not to think about it
Sometimes 'new sincerity' gets mentioned here
The world needs a harsh unapologetic satirist to deflate the pretensions of modernity
100pgs in and this is fucking great so much better than V...
ITT: Passages which made you uncomfortable
Reading in the comfort and solitude of my house or a local library?
How do you go about reading a doorstopper...
Fellow wage slaves please advise
War and Peace
Why must one imagine Sisyphus happy?
Could someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
How do you escape the mindlessness and numbness of the everyday life?
What's the literary equivalent of 12 tone serialism?
Basically a prophet: Literature is doomed
4 years old - tooth fairy isn't real
Varg Vikernes
Claims to hate white guys
Did people really just randomly quote or reference countless past works in normal...
Are things really that bad?
Have you ever written something utterly shameful like bad fanfiction or furry porn?
What are Veeky Forums approved tv series?
What actually died on the cross?
Any other left-handers here? How the hell do you write?
I wrote this trash heap. Please give me all your hatred
What kind of literature will girls like in ten years?
Tell us about yourself, Veeky Forums
What are some essential reading that a 26 year old virgin should read?
Is this a good progression?
Annotated Editions
How do you take notes while reading Veeky Forums...
What are your favorite English words? Those you consider most beautiful, have the greatest definition etc
Destroy your tabula rasa delusions
I can't understand Dostoevsky...
So I've read the big three when it comes to Stoicism
Talking Basement-Dwellers With Jordan Peterson, Reddit’s New Favorite Philosopher
Post a piece of art, get book recommendations
What does Veeky Forums think of Micheal Gira's new book?
Im deciding on whether or not this is a good birthday gift for my girlfriend. Any other lit suggestions...
Itt authors you feel bad for. Pic related. She's 30 and doesn't even have kids or a boyfriend yet
What are you doing if not philosophizing? Can you justify your daily actions, or your belief system...
"of course i've read it i literally have the title of that book tattooed on my chest" - Charlotte Sartre on Jean-Paul...
How to Win Friends and Influence People
How many books do you read per year? I read 7 last year
Favorite Kafka short story?
Why is this board full of angry, young men?
I have f*****d my life up beyond repair...
Who is the most Veeky Forums painter?
Don't fall prey to the most subversive smear tactic yet: The "cult" claim
Tfw /ourguy/ BTFO's Peter Pan
I fucking hate school. I dont get why school tells how smart you are...
How do we make literature more diverse?
I'm teaching myself philosophy. I'd appreciate help with this
Claims to have read Nietzsche
Do you believe in censorship?
Kaur eventually published two books of poetry, the first of which had sales exceeding The Odyssey’s ten-fold in 2016
Eliade says in his PhD thesis that Vedic philosophy was already one step ahead of current Western philosophy...
Has reading a book ever given you a boner?
What does Veeky Forums do for a living?
What's wrong with Idealism?
Why is it so difficult for people to fathom that everything they percieve might be fake...
Is this good book to get general brief knowledge about history of philosophy? If not what would you recommend?
I'm looking to get into Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. Apart from the primary literature...
Main character unironically carries a sword everywhere when guns exist
After co-founding the Jhalak prize for non-white writers...
ITT: Titles you love
What is Veeky Forums its opinion on radical environmentalist writing like the unabomber manifesto or the monkey wrench...
Post your goodreads waifu
Why do all of these grandiose philosophers suffer mental breakdowns?
Free will does not exist
Seriously, why does everybody hate her?
If you saw this, would you call the police?
Hello, I wanted to share some creative writing projects I'm working on
Stephen King
What's the most Veeky Forums profession?
Why are the English obssesed with dystopian ideals...
Ernst Jünger
Is a totally self sufficient lifestyle possible in 21st century America?
Why does anything exist?
Veeky Forums pill, serious thread no memeing only post in this thread to acquire wisdom
Write What's on Your Mind
Is the Hong's The Essential Kierkegaard any good? How bad are the cuts? Is the secondary material any good?
Help me out here Veeky Forums. My gf bought me a copy of Ulysses for my birthday...
What am I in for?
Is his new book good?
Great Atheist Authors
Most popular youtuber is starting a book club with Beyond Good & Evil
On the Superiority of the Ancient Indians
What is philosophy even supposed to do after this guy?
Karl Marx And His Work
Opinions from people who have actually read it
Okay Veeky Forums
Why do the majority of Christians take the symbolic fictional parts of The Bible literally?
He's right you know
So I'm reading this book and seeing things
How do I prove wrong a STEMfag who claims science and ideology are two separate things?
Is he /our guy/?
Is Pewdiepie /ourguy/ all along
Thoughts ?
Which testament is better?
Nietzsche BTFOs Heidegger
People who open their books so wide they damage the spine
What are some books that explore the love dynamics between fathers and daughters?
Where to start with accelerationism?
I'm a 20 something year old college student who likes to read, so I'm pretty much better than anyone I know...
Are there any similar phenomenons in history like Jordan Peterson's popularity?
Write a paragraph and Veeky Forums tells you if you're a pleb or not
Could the answer be this simple?
Dutch Veeky Forumsizens. I have been given an assignment to read a book written in Dutch (i am from belgium)...
TFW smart but have poor vocabulary and never listened in HS English class, so I have crappy writing skills
Author didnt spend time in exile
What does Veeky Forums think of 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson?
I'm interested in the subject matter dealt with in this book, namely...
Art is not "creativity"
Critique Thread
When will humanity finally overcome capitalism?
How do you from this
Is finding Christ about "fake it till you make it"? How do I take the leap?
Who has a real claim at being the best prose stylist in the English language? Was it Joyce? Melville? F...
Is he the Michael Jordan of 20th century thinkers?
When to Press Enter and Shift-Enter in word?
I'm thinking about buying this book, does anybody know if it's any good?
What are some good Veeky Forums approved podcasts? ive burned through hardcore history and cum town
ITT: comfy books
My impression is that most philosophers agree that morality is objective. Why...
How should I dress to be Veeky Forums?
Goodreads Thread: Lefties Only Edition
Cormac McCarthy
Now I a fourfold vision see
"Veeky Forumscore"
Is he the original soyboy?
Write a story about your pet
The state of Veeky Forums
"Stop complaining about life and be a Goddamn individual! There is nothing wrong with Capitalism and you should worship...
How to Study?
Give me one rational argument against Stirner's egoism that isn't based on blind faith in societal values or religion
Can we bring back the Jet Pizza meme?
Bruce Springsteen is the Noam Chomsky of musicians aka liberalism cloaked in the fetishization of the working class and...
How exactly is eugenics better for humanity if it only benefits a select few...
Anyone who doesn't like this book is normie scum. Whenever someone says they hate Holden...
Uhm guys, why did I just find out about this now...
Just picked up a copy of this, but rarely see it discussed on Veeky Forums compared to his other works...
/erg/: e-readers general
Hermetic Ethics
Hello: this is oinopa or angelica...
Why does Veeky Forums hate Barnes & Noble?
The best men should mate with the best women in as many cases as possible
Why the fuck did I major in philosophy I'm never going to find a job let alone raise a future family wtf am I doing
Is steampunk inherently the worst genre, or is it just really unlucky?
Philosophy and science
What are some books on the fact Jews are pushing for a war between Europeans and Muslims to kill two birds with one...
No wonder he was such a morbid cunt looool
Understanding Rome
Why, in Arthurian Myth, is Lancelot Forgiven?
Who's in the right here?
Why all the hate?
Book titles that describe your sex life
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What are some good books on radical antifascism besides this one?
Is this the only German worth reading?
Should i start with the greeks? or the sumerians?
Is this any good...
Is there a point in reading literature when you're ~100 IQ? You won't understand much anyway
*Solves all philosophical questions
Who writes better short stories?
What are some Veeky Forums jobs? Obviously librarian and professor but any other ones?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games