I'd like to right a short story. Typically how long are they?
I'd like to right a short story. Typically how long are they?
about as long as a piece of string
not too long
Sorry I didn't get a lot of sleep last night
1 to 50 pages
Short story — under 7,500 words
Novel — 40,000 words or over
Novella — 17,500 to 39,999 words
In Microsoft word how many pages would 7500 be if I use 12 pt font with 1.15 spacing
i'd say over 2k and under 10k
I don't know. Stop worrying about length and just write it.
Not very long
I intend to after I finish my work. I'm not sure exactly what to write about but I think I have a good idea. I'm going to right for myself, but will share eventually
Haven't you read any? You should know how long they are. If you haven't read any how are you going to right one?
Yeah I have but I wasn't sure if they were novellas or short stories, i just want a general goal to shoot for.
What’s 7,500-17,500 then?
Why not just write something as long as it needs to be?
You’re using the wrong word, it’s “write.”
Between a short story and a novella
Shit lol, like I said before, i didn't get much sleep last night. Stressed about an exam I had this morning.
You don't start off with a word count and map out the appropriate number of pages and write THE END at the end and then go back and fill up the space.
This way of thinking reminds me of a joke O.Henry made when someone asked him his "method" for writing short stories.
He answered: I take a large sheet of paper and write a selection of words dotted at random over the page. Then I go back and fill in the gaps.
Newsflash, OP:- *He was joking*
Just write the story you have in mind.
There are many, many examples of famous authors setting out to write a short story and ending up with a novel, or vice-versa. They didn't Procrustes them into a Veeky Forums-approved jelly-mould.
Personally I think your "short story" should be a massive, sprawling, shelf-filling saga of the sort that would result if David Eddings got really drunk one day and ate George RRRRR Martin.
Long stories, obviously.
Just write the fucking short story, genius.
If you go past 2000 words you can discard it
A paragraph up to 50 pages
best answer