Open the closest book to a random page and write the first sentence you read

Open the closest book to a random page and write the first sentence you read .

"Your Jesus never managed anything more prodigious than Apollonius of Tyana, and it would never enter anyone’s head to claim that he was a god."

From De Sade's dialogue between a priest and a dying man

Kein Gegenstand hat mehr philosophische Schlussfolgerungen angeregt als der Beweis für das Dasein einer Gottheit und die Widerlegungen der Trugschlüsse der Atheisten, und doch streiten die frömmsten Philosophen noch immer darüber, ob irgend jemand verblendet genug sein könnte, aus spekulativen Gründen zum Atheisten zu werden.

Accettiamo facilmente la realtà, forse perché intuiamo che nulla è reale.

We begin with proving statement (i), that is, (i') with A=O, and then we will explain what we need to add to handle the case A≠O.

Obviously continual response to the music had developed within them an almost Pavlovian response to the noise, a response which they believed was pleasure.

The Battery having discharg'd, Light is restor'd,- the Company presently regaining enough Composure to note the Arrival of a Thunder-Gust, as Windows begin to rattle and Trees to creak, and the Landlord rushes about trying to Draw the Curtains,- as, thereby, the hearty Opposition of these Electrophiles, whose wish is ever to observe their admir'd Fluid in its least mediated form.

M). Expedir la ley orgánica de los tribunales encargados de la función judicial del fuero común en el distrito federal, que incluirá lo relativo a los responsabilidades de los servidores públicos de dichos órganos;

Remexe, assim dizendo, as frias cinzas e mais e mais conchega-se ao borralho.

“Holmes stared with great curiosity at the slips of foolscap.”

Michael Townsend had died and reincarnated as Michael De Santa.
From my novelization of GTAV

Colonel Cathcart was a slick, successful, slipshod, unhappy man of thirty-six who lumbered when he walked and wanted to be a general.

"Indian Leaf Butterfly: The upperside of both the male and the female butterfly are brightly and attractively colored with orange and purplish blue."

Tråkkematter kan bestå av to ledende plater eller folier med ledende skumgummi mellom eller halvledermateriale som endrer resistansen når det presses sammen.

Wciągnąłem mój stary, znoszony kombinezon roboczy i przepasałem się pasem od skafandra, za który zatknąłem porażacz.

Take these two things to Violante and tell her for me that she is immediately to choose death either by poison or steel.

"In this case, I just feel bad for all the faggots who got dealt a lame Frank-N-Furter."

Page intentionally left blank.

They are nearly always involved somehow.

"Ponter has been shot in the right shoulder," said Hak though his external speaker to Mary.

>His and my reader will, I trust, excuse me for breaking the orderly course of these comments and letting my illustrious friend speak for himself.

Guess Veeky Forums

Gogol ?
Dead Souls maybe ?

wow, so edgy OP

Literally every single comment by the dying man is something like that.
Read the thing

no, but it's by a russian though

The human being occupies a very special place in the semiotic structure of the cinematic shot.



"Oh, my God!" Ignatius mumbled to himself, watching the silhouette of the streetcar forming a half-block away. "What vicious trick is Fortuna playing on me now?"

Ouvirás gritar mil vezes a teu lado.

In other words, the basic situation was that he was peeved and I was sulking, but neither of us was consciously aware of this, not how habitual, for us, this sort of petty psychological struggle was - in retrospect, it seems to me that we did this sort of thing to one another constantly, out of possibly nothing more than unconscious habit.

O, let m kiss that hand!
Let me wipe it first, it smells of mortality.

Besides, this book, like the eleven other books, was for his own use, and if we may trust the note at the end of the first book, it was written during one of M. Antoninus' campaigns against the Quadi, at a time when the commemoration of the virtues of his illustrious teachers might remind him of their lessons and practical uses which he might derive from them

The best marl, Melinum, occurs on the island of Melos.


Als ich wiederkehrte
War mein Haar noch nicht grau
Da war ich froh.

Die Mühen der Gebirge liegen hinter uns
Vor uns liegen die Mühen der Ebenen.

One night this lovely moon, arrayed in jewels and scents, lay sleeping beside the king.

maybe Pnin

And ALLAH SAID DEATH TO THE INFIDELS, Fuckyour sister and your sister children and you shall get 72 virgins!

Let us consider the latter first: 'The most subtle form of archaism,' says M. Breal, in his Semantics, 'is to appeal to grammatical methods that no longer exist in the popular conciousness.'

Herodotus.. (?)


Pale Fire

And so, still clutching the hunk of bread, he drew his feet out of his valenki, deftly leaving inside them his footcloths and spoon, crawled barefoot up to his bunk, widened a little hole in the mattress and there, amidst the sawdust, concealed his half-ration.

"Now we have agreed that Love is in love with what he lacks and does not possess."

Mason & Dixon?

"Christianity is an ingenious attempt at bringing about a buddhistic movement in favor of peace, spring from the very heart of the resenting masses... but transformed by Paul into a mysterious Pagan cult, which was ultimately able to accord worry the whole of State organisation... and which carries on war, condemns, tortures, conjures and hates."

spring = sprung
worry = with
Fucking phone posting

Yep, it's Pale Fire, from the Commentary

While he told these tales Spiridon's eyes, which had an unhealthy look and scarcely moved under his thick reddish brows, seemed to be saying: 'Why do you come here, you spy? You won't get anything out of me

The ships came over to them from Lemnos bringing them wine, ships sent over to them in numbers by the son of Jason, Euneos, whom Hypsipyle had borne to the shepherd of the people, Jason.

"The man noticed his at once, quickly looked him over, then dropped his eyes again, and thus they walked on for about a minute, side by side, neither one saying a word." -- Crime and Punishment, P & V, 272