YoYoYo what the fuck it up Veeky Forums?

YoYoYo what the fuck it up Veeky Forums?

Just copped this and I'm about to skim through.

What should I expect?


stuff thatll sound cool and uplifting if you are a poor shit, but nothing thatll ever pull through.

fascism all the way.

historical references you won't understand and some meme quotes you'll recognise

Ressentiment: the political philosophy

I will wiki the shit out of those references my man.

Expect the deep desire to seize the means of production.


You need to read AntiDühring and Kapital if you want to honestly engage Marxism

Why do you answer if you clearly haven't read it?

i like a manifesto
put it to the testo

is it a good intro my man?

Meh. More a pamphlet.

The single most important piece of literature ever written. Viva la revolucion!

You need to buy a helicopter if you want to honestly engage Marxism.

I wish I could upvote twice :)

>Calling it Kapital
You can always tell someone hasn't read it when they call it "Das Kapital"

Bullshit is what you can expect:
Section 1 outlines the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It's ok stuff, but Marx and Engles seem to blame all of the failures of capitalism on a single class (the bourgeois) which I don't think is quite true. Not to mention some of the awful things capitalism/colonialism are blamed for actually sound alright (like roads). You might also note the seething anger and calls to violence seething underneath all the revolutionary bluster, even in section 1.

Section 2 is the actual Communist theory. It's alright in theory (getting rid of private property, etc) but there are some sentences that even on paper seem like they could be (and indeed were) horrifyingly interpreted to disastrous effect. I.e. getting rid of traditional morality, as it is a bourgeois concept, and replacing it with our own morality. The bit that made me laugh out loud though was this:
"When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character. Political power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of one class for oppressing another. If the proletariat during its contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organise itself as a class, if, by means of a
revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have abolished its own supremacy as a class."

That's pretty much describing the very mechanism by which Communism fails every single time.

Section 3 is worthless, requiring a decent knowledge of 19th century politics and section 4 is a 2 page saber-rattling conclusion.

It's full of shit, but worth a look. Don't be swayed by it though. We have tried the experiment and it always fails in groups larger than 50 or so people. They were real Marxists in the Soviet Union, the awful purges and arrests and repressions all have their roots in Marx and Engels original text.

>What should I expect?
not much
if you're interested in marxism better find one of those infographics with a list of books to read like picrelated

>"'Why shit cost money?' and other misunderstandings of economics"

I'm german
I also called it AntiDühring

>Hasn't read it
It takes like half an hour my guy
You don't have to like it or agree, but at least it wouldn't be obvious that you got all your opinions secondhand


Marx is very interesting but communism is retarded.

Waste of time t/b/q/h

how about you do your homework instead of asking for it on a taiwanese fishing aficionado message board

It's a pamphlet. A well written pamphlet, perhaps, but propaganda anyways. The theory is important, but heavily flawed. If you want to get marxism at a more fundamental level, you should read Hegel's Philosophy of universal history and Marx-Engels's German Ideology.

Wikipedia says the holocaust was real so its not the most reliable source senpai


>What should I expect?



You know how /pol/ told you that Marxism seeks to destroy the traditional nuclear family?
You'll read Marx say so himself. You'll never have equality while some children have better upbringings than others so they all need to be raised by the state, with the proper indoctrination.