Is r/badphilosophy our sub?

Is r/badphilosophy our sub?

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no, but /r/badliterature might be

I can't stand these spiteful circlejerk subreddits
>Guys you'll never believe what happened, I listened in on some idiot's conversation and he said "Platonic form" in the completely wrong context!
>Haha oh wow, faith in humanity lost
>Probably a Jordan Peterson fan
>Hope you called him out on the spot, have some Reddit Gold

>>Probably a Jordan Peterson fan
Are you implying Peterson fans deserve anything but scorn?

it's just very rude to assume someone is a Peterson fan when they aren't.


this too but it's pretty fucking dead

most posts aren't mocking someone who used a word in the wrong context, they're mocking smug ledditors who completely misapply or misunderstand philosophy. Also there's a moratorium on peterson posting at the moment.


They're just like the rest of Reddit and ban everything that hurts leftist feelings. The circlejerking gets real old real quick.

>ban anything that hurts leftist feelings
>one of the most popular sections is the Donald Trump one

yeah, it's not like reddit is home to the world's largest donald trump circlejerk forum or anything. It's not a leftist website unless your definition of "leftist" is "literally anything to the left of ME".

I saw somebody get banned for posting a video of a pro-choice philosophy professor talking nonsense about abortion.

(Saying nothing of JP himself) I feel like 90% of his fans are just well-meaning guys trying to fix their lives, as with everything else abject autists ruin it completely.
My biggest problem with communities like badphilosophy is that they're pretentious assholes who think they're gods because they took an intro to philosophy class and can namedrop "ontology"
Any community built around shitting on everyone outside the group is an unhealthy echo chamber.

This is the video btw


yes, they're a bunch of condescending losers and their philosophical views are not retarded, judging from the survey

a perfect fit

You mean /r/philosophyidontlike right?

no. r/lit/ is though

>not retarded
picko uno

that's more of a political view than a philosophical one. of course people suddenly become retarded when they touch politics

Good post.

I get that Veeky Forums hates JP because of the autists making like 4 threads a day on him, but at the end of the day he's just trying to help people and succeeding.

Sounds like the mandate of heaven.

>the emperor has a right to rule because he rules
>if he didn't have a right to rule he wouldn't
>a rebellion is just if it suceeds

Something can be a ban-happy hugbox without being also "that thing you arbitrarily hate", sperglord.

>muh reddit this
>muh reddit that
>muh this reddit
>muh that reddit
Can you all just please fuck off? If I wanted to hear about reddit, I would be on reddit. But I don't, so I'm not. Isn't there a reddit you can discuss your reddits on?

I can't make any sense of this

>Isn't there a reddit you can discuss your reddits on?

and so on
but really both reddit and Veeky Forums are barely ever actually insightful or useful on the topic of literature, it's just that there's nowhere else to discuss it so I'll take what I can get.

try LLM Discussion on fayeboo dot com

People that put him on the same level as a professional idiot like Sam Harris are dumb. JP has hyperautistic fans but he's well meaning
Plus I really enjoyed his bible series, all the autists only care about the self help shit but I really only see that as a side gig, his jungian archetypal shit is the real cool stuff

i fuarkin' love redddit
narwahal bacccon lolololol xd

>mfw the narwhal bacons

If you like his bible shit you should watch or better yet read Maps of Meaning, it's much better.