Why do you like him?

Why do you like him?

Other urls found in this thread:


He has a great interpretation of Lacan

he is funny and marxist. all you need in a soulmate

He really makes me think

Actually has a unique image, personality, and doesn't conform to retarded American idpol.

This but unironically - combines a genuine depth of knowledge on shit like Hegel with a sense of humour and self-awareness.

i thought the sublime object of ideology was okay, but thats about it for me

just another pseud "rockstar professor"

What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.


i like his writings on lacan and how he criticizes liberalism from a perspective of genuine moral commitment as opposed to the adolescent wallowing in your own degeneracy epitomized by the alt-right. i also think his weird marxist-chestertonian materialistic christianity idea is fun.

I came for the jokes, I stayed for the philosophy


I used to be okay with him until yesterday's joke of an article he wrote about peterson. Lmao. pathetic.

This. His political theory is shit though, although better than most contemporary leftists.

that's because almost no part of his cultural criticism is leftist, he just does neutral cultural criticism and then adds something like "we, as true communists should remain faithful to Hegel..." for some flavor and leftist points

I don't. Psychoanalysis is trash

>we should remain faithful to Hegel
>while being materialist

That's like being faithful to the Bible while rejecting that God exists.

I literally do that though


you are memeing, but Zizek has literally said that Hegel was more materialist than Marx
>Absolutely. Maybe today is not the time to try to change the world but instead to step back, precisely to think. What we need today is a materialist reversal of Marx back to Hegel. Hegel is in a subtle way much more materialist than Marx. You know which Hegel I like? When he says in his Philosophy of Right “the owl of Minerva takes flight only in the evening.” This simple sentence belies the usual claim that Hegel was a conservative whose Philosophy of Right advocated an almost protofascist type of society. When Hegel says a certain historical order can only be understood when its time is almost over, do you really think Hegel was such an idiot that he didn’t know the same must hold for his Philosophy of Right? He doesn’t paint a system of how our society should look. He paints a situation whose time had passed and he knew it. Our situation is much more like Hegel’s than Marx’s. Marx still believed in some kind of minimal teleology, that we are at the crucial point where there is a chance, if not necessity, of proletarian revolution or universal redemption, while Hegel perceived his situation as a post-revolutionary one. Take the French Revolution; in some sense it has gone wrong, but Hegel is here to repossess it. The whole problem of his thought is not to say that the French Revolution was bullshit, but how, in spite of catastrophic outcomes, to keep its legacy alive. And I think our situation is the same; 20th century attempts at radical emancipation have failed. We have to abandon the Marxist metaphor that we are riding the train of history. Marxists like to say that even if times are dark, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And ironically I like to say “yes, it is, but it is the light of another train coming.” So that’s our situation and Hegel knew it. It’s open; we cannot make any plans.

One time he called Avital Ronnel a bitch as she left the room. Immediately, new school dweeb philowophy MAs and various Brooklyn-based, haven't-read Marxist Comp Lit students began to murmur and look around, nervous. When I laughed Zizek turned to me and winked.

>When Hegel says a certain historical order can only be understood when its time is almost over, do you really think Hegel was such an idiot that he didn’t know the same must hold for his Philosophy of Right
Yes? Marx does the same in believing that his view will be the one through which all of history can be explained.

Sounds like Preve

Because peterson was vogue then and now we are gonna have him because Veeky Forums hates everything that it has stared at for too long...


That's so amazing I'm going to believe it

well he calls her Das Bitch in front of an auditorium every time she does an introduction for him so it's not that surprising. Even though that guy you are responding to has probably just seen those videos online and is just memeing a story


No, I will believe it entirely

I like his critique of Chomsky.

And he is funny, overall.

I'd like to be his friend.

Just because you're beyond help doesn't mean psychoanalysis is trash.

Dude smells bad.

Like a trash can?

He’s mobilization of Lacanian concepts in the critique of capitalist ideology is genuinely original and a serious advancement in Marxist thought.

I don't know what level of irony this post is.

>a serious advancement in Marxist thought.
which is like being the 15th guy in a bukkake session where the girl is Western civilization

what article? can you link it?

absolute kek

oh, just 'cos

>first as tragedy, then as tragedy


Does Peterson really think he's discussing with Slavoj?

He's aloof and is far above and beyond the other Lefties. These people who are, for the most part, either staunchly utilitarian or hopelessly drowning in political correctness, are also very spiteful of Zizek to begin with, not being able to conciliate his philosophical thought (the 'lulwut everything is empirical man what a pseud') with their anxieties and fears, which ironically stem from their desperation of turning epistemic into ontic.

If this isn't enough to make him a breath of fresh air (a sniff of fresh air?), he is also very fun to read and, as is always the case for bookworm introverts (which is supposedly a great part of Veeky Forums's demographic), he doesn't waste much time talking about others and spends most of it talking about ideas (see for example, I couldn't stand reading Peterson's twitter for more than a minute if that's a representative sample of his posts).

So you really used Peterson to fill in your fatherless void. Stop defending him, Peterson can respond adequately.

This thread has convinced me to give him a chance. Where do I start?

His movies A Perverts Guide to Cinema/Ideology are pretty solid

First as Tragedy then as Farce and Violence are good starting points. Also a number of talks that are on youtube .

Peterson's inflated ego does shine through with these posts, the fame really got to him.

I want to like this dude but at the end of the day he's still a bitch who shills for open borders and muh pronouns and so on. There can never be a Marxist that just focuses on economics and class divide. They always shoot themselves in the foot with shit like this.

>he is also very fun to read

The last book I was able to read in a day (because I enjoyed every minute of it) was "Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?" This is also the most recent thing I read by Zizek

I like films. I enjoy his interpretations of films and Lucan.

Italianfag palesati però.

user is right though, what an absolute farce of an article.


Memes mostly. Zizek is kind of a joke when it comes to philosophy and economics tho

I'm on Mr Slovaj's side

What parts of the article did you disagree with?

It claims to be an article about peterson but is barely an article about peterson
The link to the video does more for peterson in the eyes of many than any critique slavoj could lob at him

Slavoj just uses peterson's identity as a means to express his gripe with PC liberals

>The reason you're afraid of being beaten up and beheaded by people coming from violent war zones, who believe in a severely radicalized religion, and who identify strongly sign their ethnic backgrounds is because you have a pathological problem , great over yourself
Imagine telling Native Americans that their fear of catching smallpox and being displaced by white people was due to a pathological issue.

He barely even talks about Jordan Peterson or even understands the alt right if he thinks the alt right actually likes Jordan Peterson holy shit.

> closed and biased point of view, slovoj [sic] zizek being one of them
> the left overall is lost on its own bile and arrogance


>The alt right likes Jordan Peterson
So he is pretty much talking out of his ass

>unironically bringing up white genocide bullshit
>implying there's even a remote similarity between modern-day immigrants and literal imperialist conquerors who carry diseases and have a deliberate plan to exterminate the local population
/pol/ is the other way

why is Jordan Peterson attempting to pick a fight with Zizek quotes on Twitter?

The first sentence should suffice. He claims JP is "beloved" of the "alt-right" even though JP is not part of the alt-right, never was, and whatever fanbase he had with them has abandoned him after he refused to answer a question about Jewish influence in society and had a falling out with an actual alt-right persona Faith Godly from a free speech event with Peterson even saying " the irony isn't lost on me",

I'am no fan of JP and find it worrisome a lot of his fans see him as a father figure but this article was just a lame attack against him an 'lo and behold' he calls him a N*zi and see his rise to fame as akin to the Brown shirts.

>First they were temporary refugees from Syria
>Then they were migrants looking for work from North Africa and the Middle East
>Now they are immigrants
Makes you think
>White genocide bullshit
Pure ideology. Would you like me to refer you to statistics done by the end white nationalist organization known as "National Geographic" about how white people are diminishing in every single one of their countries (except ireland for some reason)?
>He fell for the "they are just like us cool aid"
Leddit is down the hall and to the left m8

Fucking liberal delusions, thinking that these people want to integrate into society

he’s nimble, humerous, relentless, not easily intimidated, self-mastered, autistic and a coke head just like me

i don’t agree with him but he warrants immense respect just like Schmitt and de Maistre

>Hey did you know that white people are becoming a minority due to low birth rates and high immigration rates all across the board
And liberals wonder why rightism is on the rise again, Jesus

>natural changes in the ratio between different ethnicities are literally the same as genocide
So at every point in time where a large number of refugees/immigrants/whatever the fuck you want to call them entered into another state in large numbers, that was "genocide"?

> "natural" changes

>birth and immigration are somehow "unnatural"
can't make this shit up

Also, he actually has original ideas. You're not getting more of the same

Capital concentration is natural, ergo migratory patterns of subhumans into metropolitan areas are natural. also go check the number of immigrants in Germany its fucking miniscule you alarmist German intelligence riled faggot. RW deep state starts pumping out propaganda via Putin, C1A and German-British intel and you actually believe all of it like a fucking retard

>Calls white people immigrating to the United States a genocidal imperialism
But like you said, it's a natural change in the ratios between different ethnicities. Europe was over populated, full of religious intolerance/war, and America desperately needed new faces to build industry.

When people call it a genocide it's meant to highlight the fact that neo-liberal are displacing white people for economic gains and that this then meets the UN definition of genocide.

being this triggered by the UN's "solution" to diminishing populations that you have to call it Putin's propaganda

>Fly and boat people to white countries to promote multiculturalism
>Natural changes bruh
Then it's a natural reaction to kick them out.

>tfw I check the catalogue and there are no Peterson threads
Right now Zizek is like a breath of fresh air

Why do they all insist on calling Zizek Mr when he has a PhD but Peterson always makes sure to be called Dr when his name is listed.
Signs of a pseud.

> neoliberal policies used to drive down wages and separate voting blocs in white nations are somehow "natural"

i don't have a deflated wojaks folder, post some more since you're intent on adding so much to the conversation.

u see wut the peterson marketers all did? they laid low on valetines day to make it look like ppl who read peterson get laid, sneaky sneaky

>Be me
>Former anarchist
Even when I was a far left anarchist I was against 3rd world immigration to Europe and the US because it was literally a scheme to drive down real wages and make sure that 3rd worlders stayed impoverished and did nothing about foreigners funding wars in their countries
How the FUCK are modern leftists not seething that this happening? I remember Bernie being up in arms about the TPP but thats been about it.

i used to say the same shit when i was a true believer marxist, but i always got bashed and called racist by rich kids from expensive schools, then i was like fuck it, if i want to improve my standard of living i should just get a better job instead of waiting for someone to overthrow the government, marxism is pretty dumb

These people were literally sent there by heads of state to colonize the locals' ground. How the fuck is that not imperialism? On the other hand, immigration from countries like Syria (while indirectly also being the result from imperialism in those countries) isn't somehow a deliberate move to colonize the west by the Syrian government.
While I don't approve of these neo-lib strategies there is in no way a "genocide" of white people just because others are also getting into the West. If you claim otherwise, you don't seem to understand what a genocide is.

Corbyn seems to care (sort of) and Slavoj, unlike in this article, has criticized the left for hoping they can "import" a worker's movement via resettling refugees

Can't wait for Ramadan

it may not be "genocide" but it is "ethnic cleansing"

Lol no it isn't

> Resettling Syrian families while their nation is being used as a PvP arena for 21st century weapon technology
Cool, I am ok with this, save those kids

> Resettling millions of 20-30 year old Africans smuggled through Libya by NGO boat operations per year for no fucking reason besides profit and destabilization, then having the balls to call them syrian refugee children
There's nothing wrong with this, in fact, it's natural, and anyone who says otherwise is racist, and in fact, quite a dullard, or dare I say, a Dotard! haha drumpf

well i can see why brainlet leftists might think it could happen since the labor movement in america was basically imported with the wave of immigrants from italy and germany, but the thing is they imported the EUROPEAN labor movement to american shores, sorry, syrians, dominicans, and bangladeshis are not going to suddenly start organizing themselves in a european style guild system just because they touched american soil

You were a true believer of marxism and you took the most wage slavey servile to the rich job you could get?

The result of uneducated masses hearing ideology and adhering to it without thinking critically.

>These people were literally sent there by heads of state to colonize the locals' ground.
>The locals ground
*Land that they bought from the locals

Yes , I'm not exactly a fan of calling it "white genocide' or the /pol/ shit blaming it on a Jewish plot , but intentionally displacing Europeans based on economic incentives while fervently defending multiculturalism ought to have severe negative connotations to it, and it's the phrase that stuck.

I mean no only are you shitting up white countries with war torn foreign countries but they are also supporting the mechanism by which private interests exploit the countries these people are coming from ffs , I don't know what the proper phrase for this whole scenario ought to be but it's bullshit

marxism tells the working class that they should dig communism because they will get to keep the surplus value of their labor, well as a worker, if my total wages go up, which percentage of it is surplus or not really doesnt matter to me, so if waste my life waiting for a revolution and then the gdp goes down so even after the deformed workers state takes only say 5% of my surplus instead i could just go to school and get a better job that pays twice as much, even if half my "surplus" goes to capital, i don't care my standard of living is objectively better, now i'm not a trust kid from columbia, so i'm just thinking of what's in my best interest as a worker, nothing more, and clearly communism isn't in my interest compared to, like, getting a some job training

It's a phrase that will keep people from seeing any merit in what you're saying. Even though I disagree with you, it's clear people feel they're in danger of losing their cultural identity so it's worth talking about. But when it's accompanied by shrill claims of "white genocide" can you really blame people for thinking it boils down to racism?

>Can't wait for Ramadan

lent just started today but u don't see christians making a big fucking deal out of, ramadan, spare me

You make marxism sound just like what the Trump voting southerners demand.
I didn't realise how marxist the USA was.

>from seeing any merit in what you're saying
Except for millions of white people tired of anti-white racism. Makes complete sense for them

I don't think it is fair to expect outsiders to be hyper-sensitive to the nuances and changes of the alt-right though. But then again people who abuses the term post-modernism can't complain :^)

>Trump voting southerners

trump won because he won michigan, wisconsin, ohio and pennsylvania, all northern states some of which hadn't gone to a republican for decades, i mean you have to be a really lame democrat to lose mother fucking pennsylvania ok penn has been blue since 1992 for crying out loud, all these "muh popular vote" ppl are trying to distract you from the fact that trump won states that the democrats thought were so safe they barely even campaigned in, i mean he fucking killed them in the electoral college, people don't seem to get just what an asswhipping it was

ummm no sweetie, mainstream news outlets and sassy talking heads on twitter disagree with you, she won by 3 million votes and there is nothing unstable or inherently contradictory about the political agenda of """"progressive"""" democratic party and their chucklebuddy """"conservative"""" controlled opposition candidates

sorry i reposted to fix "had" to "hadn't" and google the last time penn went red which wasn't 1992 it was actually 1988, 1992 it went to clinton

Yes, by "people" I meant the other millions of people who don't already agree with you. You say people are tired of "anti-white" racism or being labeled as racist, and I was pointing out a reason why those groups are begging to be labeled that way.

I love that picture