Let's have a Veeky Forums graph thread

Let's have a Veeky Forums graph thread.



ill post one, although i dont agree with stoner being on here.





Is there a japanese one?

The joke is suicide

Only worthwhile one.


Can we have the right-wing literature one?


This is actually really bad. For example, for Christianity, where's the Catechism?

aren't there like 3 parts to that?

I read a bunch on this list its a real wild ride.

>The shock doctrine
Retard alert

This is actually really good. If there isn't a part 2 I would be happy to make it. I think I've got quite a good list of right wing philosophy/fiction/poems etc

Agreed, and we don't need two bibles there, either. Get that Catechism in.

+ Lives of the Poets - Johnson


Does the title spell out Apology?

Why is Joyce on here?

>Beyond Good and Evil
>Not Genealogy of Morals
otherwise good stuff

Does anyone have or is willing to make more parts of this?

Not starting with Beyond Good and Evil, immediately reading the genealogy of morals, twilight of the idols, and thus spoke zarathustra right afterwards. It's almost like you want to be the last man.

The exclamation marks really put me off.

is there a graph for women? not women authors, just a study or focus of them.

I have part 2 but I'm currently at work so if you can wait for later today I can get it to you guys. If anyone else has it you're welcome to post it.

Does anyone have a Spanish literature graphic? Looking for literature from Spain but SA is fine too.

isnt there an imgur post that compiled all of them?

Thank you for this thread guys

if i read all of these in a year would my life be improved
asking for a friend

where do i find those books? i cant find 85% of them online


Putting Rand here on libertarian right instead of much better known/respected authors is kind of weird

she is pretty well known and obviously Atlas Shrugged is as well, I think it fits ok. What would you change it out with

I get that the list seems to try to put only one book of every author, but maybe The Road to Serfdom by Hayek, or something about the economic aspect of libertarianism. Even something from Mises seems to fit better.