Why must one imagine Sisyphus happy?

Why must one imagine Sisyphus happy?

>you'll be happy if you spend your whole life working a monotonous job and never accomplish anything
the original brainwash

He only has to deal with gravity pushing the rock back down, not other people

Yeah I should be like you, user. I'm just having trouble hating life

Maybe read the essay?

you don't hate life?
what in the world are you doing on Veeky Forums?

Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the cliff is meant to represent the futility of life. Life has no inherent meaning and everything we do will eventually amount to nothing when humanity is wiped out.

We must imagine imagine Sisyphus happy because there is no reason for him to be unhappy. Both of situations are futile, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the futility.

Albert Camus is seriously retarded

bc ur fugging retarded

go to mass, read books, get married, have children, spend time outdoors (hiking, gardening/farming, fishing, camping)

literally just do those things and you'll be happy

or just keep being a dumb fucking atheist that wants to kill themselves

For when you realize Sisyphus is not actually happy

anime christians are contemptible
honestly... you are so innocent and pure even though you've been such a bad, naughty christian making snide comments like that.... mmmm....

Because life apologetics/cultism/addiction

>this is the power of liberal psychosis

This, its Sartre stripped of any veneer of academic rigour.

Why would he be doing it if it didn't give him some personal satisfaction? It's absurd. But, then again, it's supposed to be.

>Why would he be doing it if it didn't give him some personal satisfaction?

>You share a literature board with someone who does not know arguably the most popular of all the Greek myths

Welp, time to walk into traffic

that's what it's about, it's very misguided and can be used to justify pretty much anything, but you already knew Camus was a degenerate

abominable post

I know he's cursed to do it forever, but what's stopping him from just ceasing? He has to get at lest a little bit of satisfaction from his task.

>My fate is mine, my fire is not out, all is well, I silence all other destinies, I master the struggle and own it, because of all this I am happy.

Not sure if that is any summary at all but what really stuck to me is this part:
>"I conclude that all is well," says Edipus, and that remark is sacred. It echoes in the wild and limited universe of man. It teaches that all is not, has not been, exhausted. It drives out of this world a god who had come into it with dissatisfaction and a preference for futile suffering. It makes of fate a human matter, which must be settled among men
>All Sisyphus' silent joy is contained therein. His fate belongs to him. His rock is a thing.
In my head there's an vocal emphasis on the "I" in "I conclude that all is well" and that, along with the rest, really elevates me in a way that I didn't get the first few times reading this essay.

cuz the alternatives are like, uh, undesireable and gay.

Not really, he could just be content.

>Hey, bro, just be happy with your shitty life. Don't worry if Chad's life seem a lot better. It's just as meaningless as yours. Also, don't have any kind of hope, because that's philosophical suicide.

Bravo, Camus.

>Attributes the man's own absurd desire to complete a futile task as brainwashing by someone else
I'll bet you don't clean your toilet because it'll just get dirty again

You're still sisyphus if you're a Chad. That's not the point.

But I bet it's a lot easier for Chad Sisyphus to be happy.

The gods wanted to give him a task that would cause him suffering and misery, he told the gods to go fuck themselves and lifted the boulder up with a smile on his face out of spite, I then assume he is happy knowing that the gods were angry that the task of rolling the boulder wasn't causing him any misery.

Maybe you should look up the definition of curse

The virgin Sisyphus vs the Chad Sisyphus. LMAO.

If Sisyphus were happy, we wouldn't be feeling existential despair.

>t. christlarper doing none of these things


there is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn

>have children

Why would I willingly put people on a conveyor belt that leads to a pit of eternal agony. When you think about it, I would have to be a complete asshole to do that.

imagining Sisyphus happy is a necessary denial. Sisyphus is not happy, he is bored and his shoulders are aching. even Camus only describes him as happy for the short moment as the boulder rolls down the hill without him. but we must imagine him happy always otherwise we will continually sink into our own Sisyphean malaise.


He's not. He has to push a fucking rock around all the time, how would he be happy ffs.

>why must one imagine Sisyphus happy

why must one imagine a concept of happiness

The notion of contentness as good is death. Apathy is death. Read Goethe

Reality is philosophically unsalvageable so the only way to be happy is to make shit up.

to make animes

I just wait for death at this point. Knowing that I won't exist one day makes me feel really comfortabe. In the last few months I don't even look at the street when I cross it. My friend saved my life a few days ago by pulling me off the street. I'm also really getting into alcohol because dying might be less painful when I'm drunk. Next step is getting into random fights until I'm stabbed to death.

We imagine him happy so that we don't feel bad. He imagines himself happy because no one else will provide bullshit arguments to him as to why he should be happy. One day his defense mechanism from the shitty work that he does will become too old and he'll be left with no reason to go on. He'll finally let go of that stone and end it.
>b-but he's already dead
Tough luck. At least I can die and free myself from this shit.

>eternal agony
If life were that bad you would've killed yourself, which begs the question why you are desperate to paint life as worse than it is.
Well? Why do you?

He understands his purpose and his goal, while we wander aimlessly with no real sense of direction. It all depends on what type of person you are, would you rather be stuck on a clear path laid out in front of you or explore with freedom, being tied down by nothing

>if life is that bad
>I'm literally playing devils advocate here

>sweat is real
>life is real
>life Israel
>S.W.E.A.T. is life

So that you don't get upset :)

>i deplore debt

why is he so anti american?



fuck. This might be the most inspirational thing I've ever read.

>not The Virgin Sissypuss

>millionaire tv host telling children sewing his shirts in a dank basement in bangladesh that there is no such thing as a bad job
>tells them they're there because of their choices because free will lmao
>tell them their education is their responsibility and if they weren't lazy they wouldn't be in a sweatshop

cuckservatives need to be shot desu.

because you're emotionally stable anyways like sartre was

I think he's talking about hell user.

Nice slave morality faggot.

>being a meek worker that thinks there is no job beneath him, that you should never complain and that reward comes who toil in silence
>accusing others of slave morality

slave morality is best morality. You have no idea how much equanimity I felt the day I realized I could just become an antinaalist instead of trying to lose my virginity.

>a meek worker that thinks there is no job beneath him, that you should never complain and that reward comes who toil in silence
Which is correct if you are a slave.
T. Master

That's not what "begs the question" means, user.

I always thought the essay's point had an even wider scope than that. That anyone could be the happy Sisyphus and everyone already is Sisyphus.


Nah the moral of the story is to kill and eat your kids so you can be happy child free dummy

He's cursed to do it. There's no agency there, he's stuck doing it forever regardless of how he feels.


They get paid more than they otherwise would. If they didn't, they wouldn't take that job.

>having someone suck your dick under the threat of torture means it's voluntarily because they are free to choose the alternative

if you'd constantly feel existential despair you would have killed yourself by now

>the original
absolutely not

>It's absurd. But, then again, it's supposed to be.
This post is so much funnier than you probably intended it to be.

master of morons

What a sad board, filled with readers of wonderful books, who have learned nothing at all about wonder.

Imagine trying to lift that burden, and forced to roll it back up the hill because some angry god doesn't think you're worth your salt. It would be humiliating to quit.

The world becomes less and less wonderful the more you learn about it.

If I slap your ass what's stopping you from just not feeling it boi?

You can't really "learn" wonder. You either retain the capacity from childhood, or it dies in you, and books that call up its specter only serve to embitter you more.

>who have learned nothing at all about wonder
Mask was better. Probably because the kid was uglier.

by choosing to be happy regardless of his situation he can affirm his own will and authenticity
in choosing to imagine him so, we can create hope that we can enjoy our own lives without regard for inherent meaning

It's not about hating life. It's about hating yourself, and then blaming your failures on others, and then redefining life in such a way that you reverse your failures into wins.

>tfw sisyphus is the avarage r9k

very sad

You're right actually, and in retrospect it was mean-spirited and contributed nothing to the thread. I regret posting it.


I like this in an absurdist thread that a college educated television host is telling the less fortunate to do this stuff without a hint of self-awareness.

I haven't felt this disgusted in a very long time.

there's no way for you to know i haven't killed myself by the time you're reading this :)

Peak boomerism

The essay doesn't provide enough reason to support this claim or give reason to have faith in it.
It's trash.

To clarify:

Absurdism "bursts from the comparison... between an action and the world that transcends it". There's reality which has no discernible meaning, and the human who seeks meaning, and this relationship/confrontation births the absurd (defined as "the disproportion between [a man's] intention and the reality he will encounter").

Basically: "I don't like metaphysics but here's my throwaway ethics at the end of my essay lol"

I'm happy I came back to this thread to see your reply. Not because of any moralising thing, like my post being vindicated and you submitting to me or any dumb shit - just the unexpected pleasant humanity of the exchange.

Who is he?



When Camus says that one must imagine Sisyphus happy, it is really best to understand it within the context of the absurd.

When one is faced with the meaninglessness of life, one can either commit suicide or philosophical suicide (finding irrational faith in God or a futile attempt to find meaning in life). Camus uses the example of Sisyphus in order to convey the notion that we must instead focus on our immediate experience or the now. He speaks of hopelessness in Sisyphus's work, but more precisely he speaks of the hopelessness in attempting to find anything beyond the absurd.

Alternative is killing yourself so might as well try enjoy it.

Camus was too obsessed with free will. He should have read Spinoza and tried to find comfort in determinism.
I've been less anxious about most things once I accepted that the human thought process is as determined as everything else. Belief in free will leads to crazy absurdities and pseudo-catholic guilt where you feel you have to make yourself think/feel a certain way to lead a good life. This is a fallacy and a peculiar condition of the philosophical subject.

>everything is determined

The S.P.O.O.K. Pledge

One must imagine Billy Hatcher happy

Neurobiology, classical sociology, psychology, continental philosophy after Marx. We are basically constrained/determined from multiple aspects, and reproduced by socioeconomic structures to operate under a strict set of circumstances. Meaningful human agency is collective agency, it is often meaningless on an individual level. A worldview where everyone is supposed to find his own path in a sphere of freedom leads to an absurd society filled with anxiousness and apathy, it doesn't work.

I don't think everything is absolutely determined, but I do think that on a macro scale everything is just action and reaction. Any human notion of "choice" is just a misinterpretation after the fact, but I could be wrong. I'm just skeptical of the notion of free will when we have virtually no control of our biological and environmental circumstances in the first place. I think it's better to view it through the lens of agency rather than choice, but I still feel like that's just playing semantics.