What is the Veeky Forums equivalent of this masterpiece?
The original manga is nowhere near as good as Kyoto animation's adaptation. Op is looking for literature that is similar to a slice of life anime with the characters slowly and steadily growing and maturing as people.
Dr. Faustus by Mann
Go away, Digi!
K-ON is on the same realm as Sailor Moon, Sakura Card Captors and some other God tier gems, its too perfect and divine to anything else even compare
It doesn't hold a literary equivalent because its a unique piece of craft on its own, but in terms of being a groundbreaking, Godly quality on its own, you can look for Lolita, The Makioka Sisters, To The Lighthouse, In Search of Lost Time and some other masterpieces
I teach English in a Japanese school and the music clubs have these characters plastered all over their walls. What is this shit?
>go to japan
>don't know about moe
The fuck?
Not every English teacher is a weeb. Why the fuck would I care about children's cartoons? I'm an adult.
Trying too hard.
There are like, no good live action Jap TV shows. So of course most people learning the language end up watching anime.
I'm not trying at all. The last time I watched anime was when I was a kid in like the '90s. It embarrasses me when other English teachers talk about the anime they like.
Watching anime sounds like a retarded way to learn Japanese.
Daphnis and Chloe
>tfw watching the Sakura remake
If only the Sailor Moon remake would be that decent it would be watchable
Fuck off, loser
>being this autistic
you're somehow worse than weebs
No fuck you. I wish the teaching companies screened even harder against Otaku so none at all slipped through the hiring process.
>being this much of a fkin mediocre loser that you even have to resort to teaching English in Asia
>be english teacher in japan
>hates anime
>is on Veeky Forums
>doesn't realise this is a hive of weebs
Kek, you're pathetic
>K-ON is on the same realm as Sailor Moon
please don't blaspheme sailor moon like this
I make $40,000/year working a piss easy job. I have all the Japanese girlfriends I could ever want. And the rent is 1/3rd what I was paying back home. Go fuck yourself.
I don't hate anime. I just think it's for children. You know, kind of like how Japanese people think of it.
As if it makes any difference, the quality of the people looking for those kinds of jobs is bottom-tier whether they like girl cartoons or not
I was about to make the same post.
Otaku are a fucking embarrassment.
Its really more aimed at the manchild demographic, to be fair. Which is of course a pretty big one in Japan
>all the Japanese girlfriends
Yeah, I was gunna stop at $40K per year, but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt. Stop lying, loser.
>t. has seen the miyazaki screencap and has heard about evangelion
>trying this hard to fit into an already xenophobic culture
How sad
I make 3,000,000¥ a month salary. Do the math. As soon as I get married I'm buying a house here (in cash) and starting a school. Japanese girls are interested in white guys. I haven't been single for more than a week since I came here. If this is losing, I don't want to win.
Yeah, that's the reason why I don't like anime. Not because it's kiddie shit made for children, but because I'm trying to fit in. What a sellout I am.
>please believe my wish fulfillment, Veeky Forums, please I have nothing else in life because I’m a loser
How about you kill yourself
$40,000 isn't even that high of an income. It's below average. If I was lying I'd jack it up. If you don't think Japanese girls are interested in Anglos, boy, fuck off back to r/AsianMasculinity.
Whoa, not even denying it. Pathetic.
It's sarcasm.
I know plenty of Japanese adults who like that shit, don't try to act like Japan's culture is fucking above that or something.
No one is denying that Japanese girls are attracted to anglos, dork, but we’re denying the validity that an ugly motherfucker like you in a disrespected job in a xenophobic country has never been single while there. It’s Veeky Forums, stop trying to be cool, no one is impressed with your make believe stories, kid.
Japan's culture is absolutely above that. If you talk about your anime fandom at work here you will become a pariah. Of course you're probably the kind of person who talks about your weird and creepy hobbies with coworkers Olin your own country without realizing how much it's alienated you because you have no social skills, so whatever.
lol how bitter are you? Does it really anger you that much that I'm enjoying life? I'll let you in on a secret. Women don't care if you're unemployed and homeless. As long as you're attractive they'll still fuck you. Even if you got a prestigious job you'd still be a virgin.
>If you talk about your anime fandom at work here you will become a pariah.
You mean randomly bringing up some anime show to your normie office co-workers without context, expecting them to get in to it because you're in glorious Nippon? Of course shit like that is suicide.
So was mine.
Totally forgot that jerking off to VR JAV constitutes to actually fucking women these days to losers
You're a cool guy. Thanks for your valuable contributions to this conversation.
lol How the hell could I afford VR if I'm so poor? I'm currently dating the admin worker at one of my schools. I have to settle for a real woman.
So are you guy, this totally hasn't been a useless tangent on a thread which was focused on anime in the first place. But, hey, I ain't mad. I'm rather content actually, was just having fun.
While you can have books depict characters in their day to day lives, I think that slice of life anime achieve something compeletely different with their tiny, idealised, self contained episodes.
I'm content as well. It always amusing to watch Otaku weebs get butthurt by the realities of life in Japan.
The only person who is butthurt ITT is the unambitious person who got mediocre grades in college and had to settle with a job no one respects because they have too much hubris to move back in with their family cause they couldn’t accomplish anything significant
No one is delusional enough here on this board, or even this site in general, to believe the stereotypes normies have of Japan
>ITT: people taking the bait
I can forgive Veeky Forums for not recognizing that anyone who uses the word "weeb" is one, but the 30+ replies after the "I'm an adult" post reeks of Reddit infiltration. Please lurk for another year.
>The only person who is butthurt ITT is the unambitious person who got mediocre grades in college
My GPA is 3.9, faggot. Yes I'm a slacker. I value my free time.
>and had to settle with a job no one respects
It's not a prestigious job. Oh no. I wanted to live here but I also didn't want to work 14 hour days, so I took a teaching job.
>because they have too much hubris to move back in with their family
This is what you're butthurt about? You're still living at home and you're envious?
>cause they couldn’t accomplish anything significant
But these sour grapes taste so sweet. Stay jelly, hater.
Hang yourself.