Is there any Veeky Forums-tier journalism? Or is it all shallow garbage...

Is there any Veeky Forums-tier journalism? Or is it all shallow garbage? Should a Veeky Forumsizen even bother following the news?

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There is reason to read the news but the capacity for journalism is not altogether useful.

>There is reason to read the news
Such as?

keeping up to date with things that happen in the world

Are you asking for newspapers or reasons to read the news?

Journalism and literature serve separate purposes. Don't follow the news obsessively but it's good to make an effort to be informed about what's going on in the world.
I think The Economist is better than most because it wears its ideology on its sleeve instead of pretending that it's totally objective. Foreign Affairs is top tier though.

The latter.

Journalism is literary.

This, Foreign affairs has some very good writers

give me one reason why its good to be informed about whats going on in the world. everytime i ask someone why they read the news they tell me "its good to be informed" but they cant give me an actual reason why. if something was so important that you ought to know about it, you would find out through plenty of other channels of communication

Foreign Affairs is an extremely Jewish magazine, as it's published by the Council on Foreign affairs. Walter Lippman was one of it's most important original members, and it's currently run by Richard Haas (President) and David Rubenstein (Chairman).

They advocate neolib/neocon globalist policies that are not in the interests of the American people, but do happen to be in the interests of Israel.

My biggest problem with The Economist is they don't show the names of their authors, so I have no way of telling how Jewish it is.

>Should a Veeky Forumsizen even bother following the news?

1. Like learning anything, it allows you to form a more complete and nuanced picture of how the world works.
2. Knowledge of current events helps you understand your immediate environment in a way that is different from knowledge of history.
3. Awareness of things that are happening in the present alerts you to currents of ideas or happenings that you feel you could build off of and make into something new. Historical works help with this too. But if you exclusively focus on history and works from 20+ years ago there's a (far) greater chance that what you're thinking of has already been done.

>muh Jews
You know where to go:

Alright then don't read the news of you don't want to. Fuck. Turns out people are curious about wtf is happening around the world, and a lot of the minute details can't be squeezed into a 30 minute half assed news segment, its not like they consider it to be a life or death situation whether or not they do. why is that so hard to grasp?

neoliberal/neocon foreign policy wonks are genocidal lunatics who will get us all killed.

>The premise of the special report is that urgent action must be taken by the United States to stem the decline of its hegemony. It asserts that if the Chinese and Russian ruling classes are permitted to realise their ambition of dominant influence in their own regions, the “plausible” consequence will be a “devastating clash between the world’s great powers”—a world war fought with nuclear weapons.

>The conclusion advanced by the Economist is that America must end “20 years of strategic drift” under successive administrations, which has allegedly “played into the hands of Russia and China.” In a series of articles, its special report advocates that the US spend staggering sums on new nuclear weapons and conventional weapons systems, including robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, to ensure that it retains the military superiority that has, until now, inspired “fear in its foes.”

Fuck off, schlomo

Stop posting.

is this the best CIA/MOSSAD can manage?

imagine defending jews on the internet

Imagine going into a thread and posting unrelated conspiracy theory bullshit.

Being controlled by foreigners who are hostile to your interests doesn't bother you?

Yeah they are, but so are Trotskyists. What you linked to is one flavor of Jewish internationalism critiquing another.

It's pretty obvious that the best thing for white people is not the best thing for most of the world. Trotsky didn't care, because he was Jewish and didn't feel invested in white society.

Why do people assume everybody keeps up with current events for some utilitarian or social reason? I like history so naturally I find the unveiling of current history interesting, do you idiots do everything do gain an edge on other people or can you enjoy anything for yourself?

imagine caring

>Actively seeking information about events occuring on the other side of the world that will never have any kind of impact on you