I can't understand Dostoevsky...

I can't understand Dostoevsky. I'm trying really hard to read Notes from the underground but I really can't even understand what it is I'm reading. I'll read a whole chapter from Part 1 and have everything just leave my brain as soon as it enters. Am I just stupid? Am I not supposed to be reading Dostoevsky?

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>Learn Russian

Try reading part two first. It reads much more like a laterally, and has at least some less irony. After finishing the second half go back and read the first. It'll help you realize what he is driving at.

Like lots of great authors that are tarred with the "existentialist" label (Nietzsche is another good example) lots of people dive right into his work without taking the time to understand the context in which he wrote, which has a strong historical specificity and is dialogue with a ton of other writers. Basically if you don't know who Chernyshevsky is or the basics of Russian "nihilism" there's no point in reading ol' Dosto. Also read the bible and learn Russian.

Doestyoevsky hates nihilism.
Dostyoevsky is super redpilled so don't read him if you're a brainlet who doesn't understand context.

nigger did you read my post? kek


maybe you should just study your laguage more

Part one is semi philosophical, so read it as you would Plato or Aristotle. Take your time understanding the underground man's arguments, there's no rush.

there’s no book i’ve ever read faster

you might just be stupid desu...
unless you've literally never read a philosophical text before

he was the first author i ever read in my adult life. the last book i read was probably Holes back in the 8th grade. take your time and read it slow until you get the hang of it. take it 1-3 chapters at a time and make sure you review sparknotes or other online summaries/analyses/author biographies which will give you a better idea of the context. then re-read it and go slow. i think chapter 4 in book 2 "little lady of no faith" or some bullshit like that is a good one you should read and see if you can pick anything out of. it's got several huge ideas in it

Read crime and punishment.

So much easier to understand and it makes notes from underground much more approachable.


extremely stupid, ~90 IQ dumb

I just finished C&P today and could see the similarities, guess I'll read Notes pretty soon

Do I really need to learn russian or are the translations actually that bad.

>Do I really need to learn russian
No, you don't. If you are really having a hard time reading it, do

no get out

You've probably never thought about Tsarist Russia in your life.

If you are a young man that participates in society and Notes is completely going over the head I think you might just be dumb.

>linking to reddit
>literally, unironically linking to reddit
I can't even anymore.

Dostoevsky believed humans could be redeemed through suffering, especially his readers.

Once you realise this, his work makes a lot more sense.


On a side note (not op) was Dostoyevsky an old believer? I read somewhere that he was but I can't find any other place where this is mentioned, but it also ties to 's observation that redemption is linked to suffering.