Any literature for this feel?

Any literature for this feel?

I would have beaten the carnivorous motherfucker to death with a stick right there.

akshully they're omnivores

moralist evi.l.. would you kill cat for eating bird
the human moralist is the most evil creature... the possum kills out of necessity... the human moralist kills to satsify his sick illusions.. his little emotional lusts...

Eat a dick faggot

*drags you to my underground sweating hell chamber near the core of the earth*
*automated machines keep you alive and nourished but always in heat agony sweating..*

tfw to dumb to get into Veeky Forums-esotericism Twitter

I don't even know how to properly read a twitter thread. Like wtf is the order I am supposed to read and why is it completely counter intuitive to every other form of media?

quads consecrate the spookiness

>i would kill an animal for doing what animals do

>wolf attacks your brother
>oh shit can't do anything animals just being animals
retards like you need to be dumped into the amazon

the cats are already dead in this story.

Yes but they were animals you chose to care for as pets, little quasi-family members

the reason you kill an animal that attacked a person is because that animal will attack a person again
in the case of the wolf, if the wolf is trapped i would kill it because i dont want to deal with the hassle and risk of setting it free
if the wolf was far away enough i wouldnt chase it, i wouldd help my injured brother instead
if it was a dog we would kill it because there is no place for it if it cant be around people

you keep pet kittens indoors

you dont apply human moral standars to animals and you dont kill one out of revenge

I didn't tell I believe it to be the right decision.

being a pet owner is not about uncurated attachment (feed muh dawg choklot) but taking on responsibility. part of that responsibility is not letting your human standards jeopardise the wellbeing of animals

>jeopardise the wellbeing of animals
>i must kill this animal because it ate this other animal

I impose my human morality on the natural world because I have the power to do so.

what. thats what i'm saying, idiot.

>because I have the power to do so.
you dont
learn to properly make a point then

learn reading comprehension you fucking cunt
*cuts your face off and shoves lice in your eyes*

*walks away from the computer*

The possum should have thought of that before he killed my friend. I'll kill him and his family.

I'd kill you if you killed my cat, just to be clear.


This one's a bit hard because it includes a quote-retweet. So the correct order is 2->1->3