How many books do you read at once? Or are you a one-at-a-time fag?

How many books do you read at once? Or are you a one-at-a-time fag?

I only read about 1/100000 of a book at a time

one fiction, one philosophy, one history, one poetry collection.

I non-read my books.

can you unread books?

can you unlearn reading

can you unknow learning

can you know dumb

can you read smart




I read literature first thing in the morning.
After an hour or so of that I switch to my textbook for language study
I read for about an hour before bed... some non-fiction usually.

I'm reading 2 books right now. One novel and one philosophical work.

can you?

I've been reading one novel, one short story collection and one or two non-fiction books at a time lately



One non-fiction and two fiction.

one english, one german, and one latin book

i usually have on the go:

1 x very long book (currently anna karenina)
1 x short book (just finished turtle diary, not sure what next)
1 x theological/philosophical/nonfiction book (currently julian of norwich's revelations of divine love)
1 x collection of short stories (currently chekhov)
9001 x other things i haven't finished because i'm a shit

I read the first chapter of many books and come back later. Normally I have to re-read the first chapter again. I don't know why I do this.

I'm one at a time fag. I'm monogamous.

I've never been able to do more than one at a time outside of when I was in university. Even then, I normally never read more than one fiction work at once.

But now I'm trying to get used to reading two at a time now: one rented from the library and one that I own.

This is my 1st time doing 3 at once and it's going amazingly
>Sot-Weed Factor
>The Sellout

like four to eleven or so


I limmit myself to only one book for pleasure, one book assigned for school, and maybe one graphic novel. Does that make me a one-at-a-time fag if I don't count the school book and graphic novel?

yeah you're a total pleb AND a brainlet also probably underage if not biologically then developmentally

Usually 2 or 3 because i have a short attention span.

I don't know why but I started laughing hysterically at your image. Thanks OP

because of the graphic novel right? otherwise he just sounds like he’s underage (and should be banned)

I read one "hard" book and one "easy" book

Right now I'm reading Os Lusíadas in Portuguese, that's my hard one. 16th century poetry in a foreign language

The "easy" one I'm reading is Myths from Mesopotamia (oxford's world classics). It's easy to read but harder to understand than I thought.

Next I'll be reading Herodotus (hard) and some greek tragedies (easy).

Two to three.
One longer/larger in the bus
One on the tram
One in the library if I'm not working on anything else.

i am always working on 9 books

one for when i brush my teeth
one for while i eat breakfast
one for when im putting on my shoes
one for when im rollerblading to work
one for lunch break
one for my afternoon cigarette
one for rollerblading home
one for dinner
one for the evening bubble bath

I have a pretty good routine going

you have it the wrong way around. herodotus is easy, the tragedies are hard. esp if you read Aeschylus

You could read one book and finish it nine times faster, perhaps with more retention and meaning?


they are all picture books anyway

no, it doesnt work that way, dumb redditor brainlet 1 book at a time, if any at all lmao