He's a good writer. Only fantasy genre person worth reading

He's a good writer. Only fantasy genre person worth reading.

That's not Mervin Peake

>Mervin Peake
He's dead.

HAHAHAHA he's only a copy of GRRM.
>hurr durr look at me, my fantasy is so dirty and violent.

>blocks your path

he's nothing like grrm

He's so dumb as grrm.

>hurrr durrr look it's london but there's people with beetles for heads

>a fucking communist


Better than this OP's guy.
Marxist actually.

>being pretentious by putting your politics into your genre fiction makes you better

I read the first few chapters and it felt like reading an online roleplaying forum thread.

You only feel his politics in Iron Council, some moments in Perdido Street Station and Embassytown. He's not trying to converte anyone to marxism or something. He is not C.S Lewis with his christian stuff.

*blocks ur path*

> Only fantasy genre person worth reading.
Scott Lynch
Guy Gavriel Kay

With this genius still alive and OP comes here to post this faggot with his rpg books.

It's supposed to be like that, he sets it up to be like stereotypical fantasy to deconstruct it later.

Dont know bout that, boi. Did you read the one called Tollkien ? I heard hes pretty gud.

>science fiction
>epic fantasy


not op here but i enjoied his books particularly because ther are so fantastically easy written, i can just chill out while reading it.

That's not a problem mate. Enjoy and be happy.
I just didn't like what OP said "Only fantasy genre person worth reading.". C'mon, not even close.

This. Not everything has to be deep or philosophical.

>He is not C.S Lewis with his christian stuff
kill yourself

Maybe you should do it.
