Tfw I don't find Kafka to be anxious and bleak, but, rather, I see his stories as witty and amusing, even comical

>tfw I don't find Kafka to be anxious and bleak, but, rather, I see his stories as witty and amusing, even comical

Read him in German

the castle is funny as fuck

Same with the Penal Colony

Is he funnier or bleaker in German?

>penile colony

I exclusively read him in Czech, actually. I know it's not the language he wrote in but I feel it's the "correct" language that he would have used were he loyal to his host nation

This pun is very kafkaesque (dark, twisted and absurd)

woah.... youre saying... theres humor in kafka?

in MY kafka?


you must be way outta line to have thoughts like that, a real free spirit, a real maverick of the mind

Kafka is deservedly very famous but the side effect of that is that people assume his work is some bleak 1984-like shit all about state authoritarianism or something

He’s the embodiment of intelligent, nihilistic (even though he’s Jewish), and has a wicked sense of humor

I thought The Metamorphosis was pretty funny at times.

>Why don’t I keep sleeping for a little while longer and forget all this foolishness

Repeat it with me..Kafka was funny

He wasn’t a comedian but he had dry humor. His jokes exsisted but they weren’t very good

You're only saying that because Kafka himself said that he was surprised that people didn't find his stories comical.

Wow, you find Kafka funny? What a totally original take on his work. You've really uncovered unexplored layers that no one has experienced for themselves before. You're a Kafka connoisseur or should I say Kafkasseur - haha, I'm just joking, it's funny, like Kafka!

I feel like these threads are mostly made by people who read Kafka in English, had the humor go way over their heads, and then are annoyed when other people point out that is stuff actually is quite funny in a lot of parts, because they themselves couldn't enjoy that aspect of his work.

I found The Trial to be similar to 1984. Except for the religious implications.


Neither he nor any of his works are nihilistic. They are self-aggrandizing based on a certain, autistic kind of hopelessness, but never nihilistic.

Same. I'm pretty high IQ so I also got it right away but I guess others (lower IQs) may have struggled with what we easily mastered

Penal Colony gives me a solid chuckle

>Trying to have a serious conversation
>Assistants are peeking through the window

DFW has an essay on exactly this subjrct lol