
MacIntyre is an analytic philosopher

That guy was insincere as fuck throughout the review. He usually is. Scott Alexander is the type of writer that hedges a lot. If you liked his review, you're a dupe.

slatestarcodex is blogkino

any other blogs you guys recommend?

Where effete programmers go to feel edgy. Its Rational Wiki and Less Wrong except for the James Damore crowd lmao

after "you're still crying wolf" i stopped trusting scott. his truth standards are absurd

>Ayn Rand
stopped reading

>Here’s a thought: the value of philosophy is almost always mainly negative. As a heuristic, one should ignore whatever a philosopher advocates (because it’s bound to be wrong and stupid and probably evil as well) and look at their arguments against other things.

better than being a dumb left wing cunt though

rationalwiki and LW despise each other m80

Well shit, guess I'll never go to that place again. This guy says it's bad and he must be a paragon of intellect.


I got about halfway through MacIntyre's book, but I couldn't finish it. It was just too convoluted for me, and an absolute disorderly hodge podge. It was like walking into a knick knack store. Aristotle is probably rolling in his grave. That book has virtually nothing to do with Aristotelianism.

Check the blogroll on the left hand side of SSC. Thelastpsychiatrist gets mentioned here pretty often, as well as his gay spirit child hotelconcierge

don't waste that user's time. last psych can very easily be summarized in a post, no point in reading him:
>hurrrr everything is narcissism
>hurr why dont you like michael bay


>scott "THINK OF THE STATISTICS" alexander
spoiler alert: narcissism

Read a few TLP articles; they felt purposely vague to obscure a lack of logical connection and make the author seem clever.

Premises seemed to hinge on blanket generalisations (usually on gender, or "the system") that the reader has to accept as axioms.

Whole blog gave off a TheRedPill, edgy cynical vibe.

>I'll give you a moment to catch up.

OP here. Agree with . TLP is like Zizek, worthless insight porn.

Agree with this. Psychiatry is bullshit. No amount of masturbating with statistics can change that.

But I am amused with now he btfo the book. His 1,3,4 summarises pretty much all the fucking retarded "critiquers"

they are all positivist bugmen computer programmers

MacIntyre's writing is plebeian as hell. Not denying that I'm a pleb, btw.

>Your decadent individualist mind has no idea how disappointed Aristotle would be in you for even asking that. Did you even consider just being a virtuous city-state in which everyone is a great-minded soul acting for the good of the polis?
This is the objectively correct response to so called "moral dilemmas", if you disagree see yourself out.

No, it's both a denial and extension of them.

>le lolbertarian I-can-only-orgasm-to-spreadsheets blog man

I wish HotelConcierge updated more often

h-how to get neck gainz

I'm guessing none of you have read Hipsters on Foodstamps or Wrong Lessons of Iraq.

>Agree with this. Psychiatry is bullshit. No amount of masturbating with statistics can change that.
This in particular makes me think you haven't actually read anything of his.