I am fucking done lit. This feeling of powerlessness is too powerful. A fucking bitch bullied my mother today and I just stood there hoping a fight doesnt break out. I was a pretty confident guy before this and now I am nothing. All of my sense of existence has zeroed in to they point that I couldn't stand for my old mum. Fuck me. I will fucking join the army and wipe out this smug fucking species. I will wipe the floor with that old cunt juices her daughter produces when she sees me raping her fucking
Even writing this provides no respite. I can't do shit.
Is vengeance really the dish best served cold. Should I start working hard so that I can fuck that bitch up in 10 years. What if God kills her before that.
Is thinking too much the break on action. I can't get that image of my mothers face out of my head. I will kill myself just so I can forget this. Real world is a bitch. Its all bullshit.
I am done.
I am fucking done lit. This feeling of powerlessness is too powerful...
Gas yourself
I’m so glad I’m subscribed to this blog.
Thanks for you
This ain't no blog nigger. This is my life and its going away one shit at a time. I should stop shitting because I don't want to give any shit
Go hang in /fit and /k. What's so hard about standing up for yourself, to a woman no less? That's like being bossed around by a child.
How fucking pathetic do you have to blame other people?
Do you not realize you are angry because you are pathetic?
Do you not realize how this is a downward cycle?
OP grow the fuck up, and get a pair of balls.
I don't like fighting. And standing up for yourself is easy to do if the system worked. If I stood up for myself here cops would have shoved me in
Oh why didn't i think of it before. Grow a pair of balls. I hate these fuckong pseudo advice.
>just work hard. Grow a pair. Carpe diem
That's rough op but i dont really get the situation ? Its an odd position but as a younger man I guess you have to mediate and descalate while preventing any physicality, i mean what else do you expect to ?
I dont know man. Why the fuck is everything so difficult. Slave entire day so that you can eat and then come home to see your loved ones berated.
Who the fuck is enjoying life. How's it comfy for people. How did they get there
Is ignorance is bliss the only true path
clean up your room, bucko!
read the fall by camus u stupid fuck
Replacing one form of subjugation with another form does not make it better. Although I do agree that it will toughen your balls a bit more.
t. went through National Service
Okie dokie you little soy boy
You're putting way too much pressure on yourself. If it's really nagging at your conscience, just apologise to your mother. If a man is mentally and physically crippled, is he responsible if he watches his loved one being beaten? Obviously you are not totally crippled, but you could be so drained and exhausted that you are psychologically incapable of being angry or aggressive at times. That is understandable. You are living a too stressful life that is ruining your nerves. It's like those sweatshop workers that live in a semi-zombie state and end up throwing themselves off of a building. You just aren't living right, or you have some kind of illness. This isn't something to get worked up about because you'll only make it worse. You need to be gentle on yourself because you are obviously quite frail at the moment. You can't make a sick person healthy by beating him up, so why beat up yourself?
DOES anyone want to take the world and do what he wants with it?
I do not see how he can succeed.
The world is a sacred vessel, which must not be tampered with or grabbed after.
To tamper with it is to spoil it, and to grasp it is to lose it.
In fact, for all things there is a time for going ahead, and a time for following behind;
A time for slow-breathing and a time for fast-breathing;
A time to grow in strength and a time to decay;
A time to be up and a time to be down.
Therefore, the Sage avoids all extremes, excesses and extravagances.
>A time to grow in strength and a time to decay;
You are in a time of decay. You are becoming weaker. This isn't something to be upset about. Often times of strength follow times of decay and it goes in cycles; there are examples of this in the heroes of literature. You just have to accept your decline so that it goes smoother, and sets you up for the upward climb once it has worked itself out.
Try meditation to free your self from these negative emotions
is meditation the soyboy alternative? i mean you feel justifiably enraged and all your options are "just chill man, forget about it, and if it happens again, just chill again lol"?
>I want to defend my family's honor
>xD standing up to attackers is bad tho
you are weak and you have earned all the angst you currently feel. Stop being such a pussy intellectual and go slap a bitch. Alternatively, accept the fact that you will never be a protector, and stop trying to fill that role (remain a child instead).
not an argument
Have you tried copulating with your mother?
You can't do anything else, can you?
From how bad you feel it looks like you have it in you to do something about it if something similar happens again. I dont know about seeking revenge though. Or needing ten years of hard work. Get excited if you see someone being a bully. You are now allowed to be an instigating dickhead to them and youll be seen as heroic for it.
And thus the viscous cycle begins. Weaklings produce consequences in their heads for their actions even though no consequences is sure to happen. It's like self-justifying their weakness.
"If I fight back I will get arrested, that is why I did not retaliate." Nope. You did not retaliate because you were scared! It has nothing to do with cops or feminism. You were scared, passive, and ineffectual. You chose not to act. Stop blaming the system for your faggotry.
Just be yourself.
yes, you can go and fuck up the one that fucked you up.
At least you can percieve your own faults and have a desire to improve. Use this experience to mold yourself into the person you want to be. Don't kill yourself; improvement is a much better way of "atoning".
If that's too soy for you eat 3g of shrooms, lay down in the dark and a memory of the anger will come to you. Then you will feel all of the anger that preceded it till youre back at the source of it but you wont even care because tears will come streaming down your face as you let it go and experience the void throttle to spatial temporal commensuration.