Veeky Forums related valentine cards

This is to cheer you all up. I'm going to dump the one's I've made. Feel free to suggest ideas because I know some of you are cute and clever.
Also post what you have on you.







Nice cutting out. How did you get it so fine?


My gf loves me telling her that she's my property.
Makes her wet.
Shame she doesn't know who Stirner is.

Someone make a Kierkagaard one.

high res images make it easier. From a technical perspecgive I use the selection tool if the background is simple. For more complicated cuts I use the eraser tool with a hard brush and cut around it-- clicking and holding shift to cut in straight lines. With practice it takes no time at all.

>Dont tell me its overman

nice larp and idolatry of pseuds

Not larping, but believe what you want.
You're just ugly, and probably short, so no woman wants to be owned by you.

I hope this serves you well



what about a Socrates, Boethius, and Aurelius one?


got any suggestions as to how they should read

I'm trying to leech off you here

for whom





Baby you´re gonna be soren the morning



I like those

Holy kek I fucked.

'ho da feck is they?

Simply golden.

That was uncalled for user. It's Valentine's Day

Wow, rude. :'(

james joyce. he wrote lewd letters about his fart fetish to his wife


