Why don't you like her?

Why don't you like her?

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It's not that I dislike her specifically, I just dislike affirmative action on principle

>the only reason she is more succesful than me is because of affirmative action


The only reason she is successful period is because of affirmative action. My status compared to this human TED talk is irrelevant

so you hate her based on your illusion of any self worth

>this much cope

Because she sucks.

She's better than you, or anyone on this board.

>this post
Please stop.

You are a talent less hack compared to her.

Sure thing, Chimamanda.

"Do you remember how we laughed and laughed at an atrociously written piece about me some years ago? The writer had accused me of being “angry”, as though “being angry” were something to be ashamed of. Of course I am angry. I am angry about racism. I am angry about sexism. But I recently came to the realisation that I am angrier about sexism than I am about racism. Because in my anger about sexism, I often feel lonely. Because I love, and live among, many people who easily acknowledge race injustice but not gender injustice."


>chimanda more like
Stupid worthless no good will probably end up in jail or dead chimp. LMAO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

Top zozzle good

who is this simp chimp?

Haven't read her work and have no plans to. The social issues of minorities really don't interest me.

Jealous talentless hacks.

Never hear of this sheboon

what i don't understand is why black people feel the need to write exclusively about black issues. if they want respect then why not write about larger things? why aren't any black people pursuing philosophical projects? why is e-v-e-r-y single black student in america only writing about racism and blackness? and it's not just black people, obviously. muslim students, gay students, any student who perceives themselves to be a minority or a member of the marginalized MUST write from their own 'gaze'

what i don't understand is why white people feel the need to write exclusively about white issues. if they want respect then why not write about larger things? and it's not just white people, obviously. muslim students, gay students, any student who perceives themselves to be a minority or a member of the marginalized MUST write from their own 'gaze'

it's almost as if everybody writes from the basis of their own experiences and their own 'gaze'

Blacks and by extension all Western mud peoples define themselves by their proximity to or distance from whiteness. As normal people who sincerely belong in our respective countries, we whites don't experience this because whiteness is just who we are. But for blacks, the degree to which they resent and envy us, our resources, our civilization, our history, our literature, is their chief and only mode of being.

What you have to understand is that all nonwhites who reside in Western countries are at their core sullen children. There's absolutely nothing else going on in those Negroid craniums. Without whites to depend on and sneer at with frustrated anger, the teeming masses of mystery meat would not exist.

Except I don't think I could describe any of my favorite books as "about being [insert race]" because there are more interesting things to me than identity politics

i don't dislike her
she's pretty cute
i want her to wear those heels for me

>white issues

Ehhhh this, but a lot less crass and resentful. Being a minority, and not just a cultural one, but a having such visceral visual difference lends itself to constant alienation or reaffirmation of race from that mutual self-concious reflection in society; but just because it's valid or can be insightful doesn't mean it isn't usually obnoxious and almost always awful

This. I read lots of books written by black people. Like Samuel Delany. However the books aren't about them being black.
Naval gazing is boring.

Does she actually have anything interesting to say, or could I glean everything she has to offer from five minutes on twitter?


Veeky Forums has as shallow an understanding as the TED Huffpo crowd do of her. Half of a Yellow Sun is great. Getting co-opted by the liberal bourgeois doesn't ruin that.
Coates on the other hand...

It's not that I dislike her specifically, I just have no idea who she is.

I don't know that user but it's probably true.

Because feminism is stupid...

I imagine Veeky Forums wouldn't like her because she's both black and a woman.

I LOVE chimichangas

>you can't dislike anything that's jealousy
>if you dislike a black womyn's uninspired style-less prose you're a racis
talk about the bigotry of low expectations

Because she's black.

and a "she"

This post made me laugh IRL.

Don't feel bad, this is what I'm confronted with every time I say Brief History of Seven Killings is shit and shouldn't have won the Booker.

>be nigerian
>country is a shithole of Boko Haram, tribal conflicts and a polluted river delta
>be "angry" about racism
Nice priorities.

>talk about the bigotry of low expectations



Look! I saeved a pic.

i don't even know her but just looking at her, from the color of her skin and that name, i instantly hate her.

Never heard of her.


need i go on?

She disregards how exhausting her lack of eloquence is while expecting her audience to enthusiastically swallow her prolix.

Her gratuitous use of punctuation begs the question of whether she has complete thoughts. It also suggests that she misconstrues the purpose of commas, em-dashes, and semicolons.

> Try not to use words like “misogyny” and “patriarchy”.

>… question the idea of women as a special species.

Her ideas are not interesting enough to justify and endure scraping the eyes on her unskilled writing.

Her black feminism is of little importance.

Prolix isnt a noun you fucking tryhard

It's not even novel anymore, vulgar intersectionalism is nothing but a secularized form of religion for the neoliberal age. The postmodern subject wants to read about 'people like them', wants to be 'represented' in literature but behind the multicultural window dressing there is nothing but rehashed twitter discourse and middle class narcissism. There is no paradise of pure, authentic alterity lying outside the confines of 'western civilization', our obsession with diversity is a sham, concealing the bleak reality of neoliberal managerial homogeneity. This attitude only leads to the annihilation of literature and politics, both of which are reduced to mere vehicles of mimetic affect. Ngozi Aidiche is Hillary Clinton is Wonder Woman is your local strong, independent middle management feminist. Our only choices are condescending 'empathetic' multiculturalism, which presents itself as an apolitical self evident ethic, and its Trumpian negation.


>Prolix isnt a noun you fucking tryhard

This is why it's free to read what I say :^)

imagine if that were actually the case. thankfully, whites do, feel, and experience things that go beyond their ethnocultural identity.

But they don't.

Blacknesss what sells right now. Midbrow white liberals, dim as they are, understand their lives are hollow and totally lacking in authenticity, their god is dead and the subaltern functions as a ready made substitute, ready to suffer for their sins. It all feels dreadfully artificial and fetishistic, upper middle class kids trained to perform alterity at elite colleges or failing that on the social media panopticon. The experience of 'marginalization' is far more universal than these people suppose. Rupi Kaur's popularity is testament to the triumph of what Lasch called the 'minimal self'.A literature of our age is yet to be written. We keep churning out loads of 'diverse' YA books that are only read by neurotic adults, but what about the atomized units who inhabit that strange, blighted world of call outs and endless handwringing about 'representation'? Aren't the books but a mere accessory to the discourse? Everything that was once directly experienced has moved into the realm of representation.

Chinamba Obongo Babembe Conongo Ochimba Borombo

>Why don't you like her?
Because she's a nigger.
I don't like niggers.

Like her? I don't even know her!

Ya know what would really be cool? If i didn't wear a bra for this hahaaahahaha holy shit that'd get em

That's the ultimate paradox of 'privilege' discourse imo. Beyond all the talk of particularity, subjectivity and 'lived experiences' there lies an unfailingly rigid universalist ideal of the human. At the end of history, everyone has the right to be universally recognised by everyone else, and yet, the self withers down to nothingness. We are all equivalent units, blank slates to be molded by the powers that be into anything they want us to be, most of us are utterly deprived of any voice in the matter. The harmless quirks that made up our life world disappear together with all traces of 'bigotry' and 'systems of oppression'

I don't even know who she is.

But, user . . . I *do* like her!

>what i don't understand is why white people feel the need to write exclusively about white issues.
Almost every author on this list is white, tell me which of these books are about "white issues"? Now compare this list to a top nig-lit list and see how many of their books are about racism or civil rights. Seeing reddit retards like you attempt to do sarcastic gotcha comebacks and utterly fail at it is pathetic. You have to go back.

I wouldn't say it's exclusively but it's in vogue to write with a first person view about their experiences as a minority, it's just an oversaturated market. It'll pass.

>Brothers K
>The Bible
Not even past the first line and it's only 50% white


Will the only way to be published in the future be to give myself an ethnic sounding pen name?

Absolutely reddit post, almost poetic

she's Nigerian and has rejected post-colonial theory. Fucking bourgeois scum.

>Only anglosaxons are white!!!!

That first name tho

Pynchon has been on this board before

>female author
Strike one.
>non-white author
Strike two.
>non-white main character
Strike three, you're out!

Chimpmanda, It's you?

>IJ at 3
Makes me boil everytime

all of these are fucking retarded reasons to hate her
you should hate her because she ass at writing

Do niggers just make up their own names

It's not a coincidence that she has those traits and is bad at writing.

What do you think?

That's not what begs the question means, dumbass.

It does, in his phrase.


“But really, my position remains: I think gender is about what we experience, gender is about how the world treats us, and I think a lot of the outrage and anger [about her supposedly anti-trans comments] comes from the idea that in order to be inclusive, we sometimes have to deny difference. I think that because human difference for so long, in all its various forms, has been the root of so much oppression, sometimes there’s the impulse to say let’s deny the difference, as though by wishing away the difference we can then wish away the oppression.”

“What’s interesting to me is this is in many ways about language and I think it also illustrates the less pleasant aspects of the American left, that there sometimes is a kind of language orthodoxy that you’re supposed to participate in, and when you don’t there’s a kind of backlash that gets very personal and very hostile and very closed to debate."

She's actually critical of the language-policing part of the left in a way that Veeky Forums generally agrees with. She's pushed back when people get on her for not saying words like "patriarchy," "intersectionality" or "cis." Yas Kweens may (sometimes) like her but she's not really one herself.

Hello Adichie.

Wait are you actually retarded?

yea this. the one thing i heard here talking about was about gender issues is fucking africa. who gives a shit. that and i want to pump baby batter in her pucci

That pic would be 100% better if the woman was white

>and this is why this is NOT ok!

This is the harsh truth Veeky Forums will never accept

This is a great system because there are great authors who only have two out of three. It's only with all three of them that things necessarily break down.

>le you can't have standards because your work does not meat my standards

I concur.

It's intellectual to dislike black people

top kek

I'm absolutely positive that no one in this thread has even read anything by her.

What is she?

>Oh shit, I wanted to be a famous writer because I thought it was easy to get a career doing nothing in this country, but it turns out my perspectives, vocabulary, and sense of writing structure are all extremely limited and I'm just another high-school-level hack among millions
>Oh, I know! I can just write about my race/gender and my life (while making some shit up to sound extra sad and pathetic) so that I can say everyone who criticizes my writing or doesn't like my book is an ignorant racist, which will win me media attention and fame anyways!
>"I Am Not White: It's Not Really A Coherent Story I Guess It's More Like A Collection Of Mini-Essays And Poetry Or Something" by Mukhalmal Abetinoi has received rave reviews from critics, including "10/10, best book of the year", and the coveted "Most Socially Aware Media" award for literature. Buy 12 copies at your nearest book store/grocery store/university today!
>Oh my goodness I'm a star! Good thing I spent so much time practicing my writing skills to get here. Oh wait, I didn't need to be a good writer, I just needed a racist sob story.
>Shit, they're asking my to do another book signing and Ted Talk on the same day, I have to remember to stop smiling and to keep my "sad, oppressed, serious" face on.

I don't read books by women or non-whites

They are all the same


"Tolstoy writes about race, do does Zola, so does James Joyce." If you don't wanna know about it, don't read it, stay ignorant. I love how you think that Africans, who are living in war-torn countries, aren't writing about larger things. Cause starving is a black issue, right?

Can you explain?

I haven't read her, but I loved the movie Half of a Yellow Sun. It's kind of white though, so is making sense.

I've read the Thing Around Your Neck and thought it was pretty meh. She's celebrated because of her politics, she's easy to read, and OK all around. But there's nothing special or impressive in what she does.


Because who else is going to do it?

>As normal people who sincerely belong in our respective countries
If you're not currently living in Europe, you have no basis for this. Otherwise, you need to go back.

Sucks that injuns don't have immunity to disease. Whether you like it or not the US and Canada were by definition white nations until the post-65 immigration policies