How do you deal with the fact of your own soul crushing mediocrity, Veeky Forums?
Wait for my inevitable death with open arms
other than Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart, every other human who has ever existed has been mediocre so it doesn't bother me.
I like Veeky Forums sometimes. This is one of them.
Mediocrity is a bitter bliss the majority of this earth have to face. However, when we see what society believes is excellence it makes me at ease with my own mediocrity.
What society believes is excellence is irrelevant. On the inside, you know what true excellence is and you know just how short you fall of the mark. This consciousness of your shortcomings vis a vis true excellence is a crippling wound that will plague you all the days of your life.
you know mediocre writers, or people in general, can still be extremely successful. Look at stephen king, or that harry potter slut. If you work your ass off, keep motivated, really go for the gold, you can still win big.
The real problem is you're a lazy fuck, on top of being mediocre.
If what society believes is irrelevant, what is our overall reference level of greatness? We must make it irrelevant, but it's nearly impossible in a world of majority rules. In the spectrum of time we are our own judge. Meeting your own greatness can only happen when you've reconciled with your grievances and merge your identity with the person you truly want to be. Our own acceptance is our path to excellence.
I deal with it by realizine almost everyone is mediocre and by being slightly less mediocre than anyone else I will stand out. So just a little effort, a little step outside of the edge of the crowd will make people follow you.
Sorry for saying it in such a faggy way.
Rate my Valentine's letter btw.
For Valentine's I send you these friends of mine. They are not mere flowers but two dozen mirrors. Shine your eyes and in them you will see the beauty hiding behind my iris when you smile at me.
be gentle please
I laugh at it, and then I laugh harder, until I laugh so much I can't laugh and then I'm back to numb, and then I laugh, and so it goes on.
Why is being obese good again?
If you are capable of being the person you truly want to be, you probably just have low standards.
Why reach for the stars when I can barely touch the ceiling?
It's trash.
That was better than I expected
why get out of bed when i can lie there all day?
I honestly don't know.
lay in your bed and die then
I think about others who are even more mediocre than I.
good strategy, imo
Fat keeps you warm
God damn boys get outta bed. I know this world sucks a fat cerebral dick but shit man its got some good things. Like books, films, vidyas and tiddies.
you have to be really fucking vain for this to work.
I don't
Compared to what? I've yet to meet another person. Well, that's a lie. I met 'the other' twice in spiritual realm. Terrifying experiences, I tell you. Mind you, it wasn't so much me being mediocre, but me being completely outclassed.
mozart is nowhere near beethoven and bach you stupid semi-literate shitbags i hate you
>tfw mediocre
books for this feel?
>f-ffuck you mozart i h-hate you!!!!111
is pic related you?
Mozart is better than Beethoven, this isn't even up for discussion. Bach is probably better than Mozart but the two of them are in the highest tier of music, and Beethoven is in the second tier
The thing is, Stephen King and J.K. Rowling are only mediocre in comparison to the rare superhuman geniuses who've survived the ravages of time and managed to continue being studied and discussed today. They can't compete with the greatest minds to ever walk the face of the planet, but compared to you and most other aspiring writers today, they're beyond elite. Both of them have achieved billion dollar sales and critical acclaim, started their careers over under secret pen names, and then promptly reestablished their success. They may not be geniuses worthy of the canon, but they have an undeniable and rare creative talent that places them above well above mediocrity
You are delusional
By comparing myself only to who I was yesterday. You know what they say about the journey of a thousand miles user.
someone should lock alan watts in a room so he can 'just be alive' there
You nihilistic fucks.
You misunderstand. Why?
The mind is endless. You put me in a dark solitary cell, and to you that's the end, to me it's the beginning, it's the universe in there, there's a world in there, and I'm free
That's got to be a Charles Manson quote or very similar. Do these guys know something I don't?
Nothing wrong with being an average person, you could be a bad one...
Im not mediocre at all
this is an old idea, its mentioned in the Daodejing, in the Platform Sutra, in many random hermeticist texts from the middle ages and enlightenment, im sure some surrealists and new ageists have said it as well. But yes specifically I do think Manson has said this, something about him building inside (prison) while the others were trapped outside and how he was advancing mentally and spiritually past others, i would believe it if it wasn’t obvious he was becoming dumber the longer he was incarcerated until his death from the Hep C and AIDS from all the rayp sex he’s had
I love re-reading the Tao Tea Ching, Loud Sue is my favourite female philosopher.
I have never met a person on a higher level than myself. Upon realizing this in my late teens I went in the complete opposite direction lamenting against that truth by viewing it as 'cringy' and seeing those around me as equal. This could not go on past a few years as the truth kept creeping back and infect my mind with bitterness. I've met professors, successful entrepreneurs and creatives, virtuous religious men, daring individuals, men who seem to fit perfectly in the social and sexual world with a genius within that realm that could unlock anyone, and yet despite all this upon submerging myself into their mind I see nothing but a lesser being, a slave to their lesser desires without any ounce of true introspection. Am I denying there is nobody on earth greater than me? Of course not, but only the people I interact with concern my mind and I've already come to my conclusion about their worth
Yeah Manson.
i can tell you are.
By knowing wizard powers come to me 10/30/2020
Acknowledge it and work to surpass it. Everyone starts off as a fool.
You're a useless human being. To yourself and everyone around you.
i drink a lot
also this
thats fucking herlarious, but fatty really should lose some weight.
Chopin you dumb faggot
>Shine your eyes and in them you will see the beauty hiding behind my iris when you smile at me.
This will surely confuse the young girl
Can someone on lit pls help. I was talking with a disaffected colleague of mine much smarter than me and he recommended I read someone named Birkenstein or Birkensmelt. Something with a B. He apparently writes about postcapitalist life or what society could be like without capitalism
By shitposting.
Those are all literally escapist tools to avoid the real world.
how the fuck are you idiots even measuring this
that's deep, I like it
Michelangelo made this when he was 23.
Twenty Fucking Three.
What have you done with your life Veeky Forums?
You either got it or you dont.
Yes but society infantilizes us. 23 is the new 14
fuck im retarded, the best thing i ever came up with is this at the age of 25. Took me 9 hours.
I cleaned my room yesterday you fucking post modernism nazi
Gtfo and go study marxism
By making peace with the fact that history cannot be changed and we have to wear our past mistakes like stains on a t-shirt, no matter how bad we wish we could've gone back in time and changed what kind of person we were.
There's a certain liberty in knowing that nobody is exempt from entropy. We will all die and wither one day, and nobody will be around to remember what embarrassing shit bags we were.
But until then, it's business as usual.
>sculpture past the 18th century
What I'm doing with my life is not concerning myself with dead mediums
I have the reverse problem. I have a much higher intellect than average but I'm inhumanly incompetent in everyday things.
>How do you deal with the fact of your own soul crushing mediocrity, Veeky Forums?
By being rich. The best way.
By becoming better
Honestly in what sense? I have spent my life developing skills and pursuing passions like anyone else, having regrets is natural but nothing to be overly upset about.
To fantasize about having capacities beyond our nature is distinctly niggerish and shows just how low mongrels like you are intellectually.
What is more upsetting is not living up to your capacities because of unnatural societal restraints. To max out our capacity is a blessing we do not have the pleasure of seeing very often in this deluded society, to dwell on a limit that you never reach is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of.
Drink until you cant speak proper anymore
get into poetry
Fuck it man, just drink
Youll come off as the new bukowski
Or something.
I think most of the more serious problems associated with materialism come from an insanely pathological fear of death. There's a good 30% of society who think they can become immortal by eating particular organic foods and doing the currentyearstrendyexerciseactivity(tm). They definitely won't die alone and suffering horribly from multiple organ failure at 85. The other portion of the population just gives up and embraces hedonism with shit like obesity, drug abuse, etc to ward off the impending "nothingness" that these fucking mongoloid sheep have convinced themselves exists for no good reason.
>anywhere near anyone in terms of anything
I play a pretty good banjo, and that's good enough for me.
How can this board be so perverse that it reduces a classical masterpiece to another reason to wallow in your own self pity. Look at that fucking statue! It's gorgeous and a testimony to human excellence.
I do my best to not be mediocre.
>Human excellence
I wonder what Michelangelo had that you all don't.
He lived in renaissance Italy
Whereas I live in shithole Italy
>psychotic coping to avoid the issue
Death is a scary thing but also a liberating thing too. For example if you fuck up your life to homelessness, when you die you won’t be homeless anymore
it's quite simple OP, i gave up writing altogether!
there have been so many geniuses before me that i'm happy just to spend the rest of my life reading their great works
Mozart is a pleb compared to Bach. Also, why no Handel, Wagner, or Bartok?
Also, your assertion is ludicrous. You give musicians too high a place. What of Pythagoras? Archimedes? Newton? Maxwell? What of the forefathers of microscopy, telescopy, modern chemistry, and so forth?
In any case, to answer I'm not mediocre in every sense. I'm lazy and unwise. Thus, my achievements are, so far, mediocre, but I find enjoyment for myself in various things - books, puzzles, games, art film, stargazing, and other hobbies.
Succintly, I distract myself - as do we all.
the absolute plebbest underagest answer possible
>hurr durr im just not applying myself
Go back to Peddit with all the other distracted savants, this board is for undistracted humble common folk.
You become a tradesmen and come to terms that you are a brainlet.
>humble common folk
this is the most arrogant, classist, elitist board on the whole website. it outclasses Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums even in this respect. i would say Veeky Forums and /tv/ are boards for common folk and have the least pretensions
You are forgetting Alexander, Caesar, Frederick, Napoleon... All of them were destined to greatness. Probably more so than those 3 in fact.
He said that if people knew how much he practiced and how much time he spend on honing his skills they wouldnt think it was such a superhuman effort.
in all honesty, i want to marry somebody from a better lineage, in the hopes that there will be a sort of genetic snowball effect. my kids are smarter, so their kids are smarter and become even smarter. one day, hopefully before I die, I can live to see him become great in some aspect. but this is all predicated on the assumption that i am simply incapable of achieving greatness myself, which is probably true, but i dont think we should admit that to ourselves, keep striving, etc, even if it's a bit cliche and reddit to say 'just pursue your dreams bro'
I assure you, goon, even in my distracted state I've far more literary knowledge and intellectual heft than you.
Though I admit, I am no "humble common folk," which, just so you know, is basically what a pleb is.
This. Self-destructive scientists are literally plotting RIGHT NOW to make machines that are better than humans in every way because they have a fetish for being cucked by technology. Just accept it.
>in all honesty, i want to marry somebody from a better lineage, in the hopes that there will be a sort of genetic snowball effect. my kids are smarter, so their kids are smarter and become even smarter.
This is what Jews do. I'm not a stormfaggot, it's just the truth. They place a very high emphasis on in-group relationships and births.
>haha I'm so cool I share Veeky Forums memes on Veeky Forums ha ha
I don't, I know that nu-normies are so stupid and so thick that I don't need to do anything. Their lives consist of 'woke memes' and defending other races online.
They are nothing like the people your parents were at that age. And all they do is whine whine whine.
Veeky Forums is just for people to LARP as Patrick Bateman
I smoke weed almost everyday. I purchase cocaine weekly and I spend my weekends doing that while drinking. Also, I am extremely religious. Daydreaming about suicide all day helps too.
This guy gets it.
Teach me master
>How do you deal with the fact of your own soul crushing mediocrity
ignore it