Do you rate him?

Do you rate him?

6/10, not enough wrinkles, would not hire to defend me at the Rostra

Top 5 of the ancients.
Most underrated of the otherwise highly regarded.

Underrated compared to who? He's one of the most highly praised, after Plato and Aristotle (who both deserve to be rated higher)

What's his best work?

Stupid Kikero, fucking hack.

Caesar's the GOAT

Depends what you want to read. Rhetoric, law, politics, philosophy...

Dude was a turncoat and Caesar little bitch.

Too slow to pick a side.

His philosophical works are underrated.
All of his other stuff is overrated.

He picked pompey's side, but it was incompetent

Some of his speeches are hilarious.
His political work is what the US and British governments are "based" on.
Murder Trials is fascinating.
He's the top 3 of stoics.
All ancient Latin writers, after him, hailed him as the greatest writer of all time; after the Renaissance (which happened partly cause of his rediscovery) he became the primary writer people read and taught Latin through.

The early Christians considered him a righteous pagan and some even a pagan saint too.

greatest orator of all time

Why so?

Latin philosophy is overlooked in general because it's more of a "remake" of pre existing greek philosophy.

no, he's not

This is a reminder that Cicero was a proponent of file sharing and encouraged general media piracy.

I should read Cicero, where should I start?

A few stray thoughts...

If you love epistles, I'd check out his letters to Atticus.
It can sometimes feel like you're getting a peek at the man's private life.
That's not something you can do with most ancient historical figures.
It can be intoxicating at times.

If you're more of a history buff, I'd look at the political speeches. Many love the ones where he rails against Catiline.


Tell me what their best work is, I'd like to read them

okay, thanks dude

As if you could read Socrates.

Like a stab through the heart

Chad Horace coming through

He's pretty good, except for the anti-semitism.

>except for the anti-semitism.
what do you mean?

listing socrates as separate from plato is retarded. there, i just freed up a spot for cicero


>durrr the jews religion doesn’t allow us to use it for propaganda and bribery
>durr the jews do business with each other well and don’t like to pay taxes durr
>durr they’re barbarians durr
>durr we rape and burn to death millions of people but Jews is worse duhhh

Is there anyone that hasn't disliked them?

Ancients is too generic.
Maybe top 5 ancient philosophers ?
But in that case Seneca should be listed as well, also Epictetus and Aurelius...

president trump

Cicero is better than all 3 if them

wtf I love cicero now

In one of his speeches (Pro Flacco) he defends a friend who oppressed the Jews (he basically stole their gold and didn't allow the Jews to transport their gold to their temple) and part of Cicero's apology descends into blatant, no holds barred anti-semitism.