Potential future reading groups

Shill your suggestions for a Veeky Forums reading group in the not so distant future. I'd suggest Gaddis' JR or maybe Proust's Swann in Love.

In the water margin reading group (), there was a plan to go through all the great chinese classics in order.

All Veeky Forums reading groups die.

the gr one seems to be going pretty strong?

What about a novella/ss reading group where we pick 5 and discuss one per week? People could jump in and out that way and it would allow us to study a few authors.

The GR one is not going strong. Everyone is behind and most dropped out. Very little discussion.
There was a short story group a while back. One thread a week and it went pretty well if I am remembering correctly.

I doubt that will last even through Water Margin

Short stories or novellas would be the best way to do this I think

Weekly or biweekly discussions of novellas

A Classics reading group is vital.

might put in the effort to get it going, should be a scheduled weekly occurence, really

That sounds really lame desu no thanks

GR might literally be the worst choice for reading groups why do you stupid fucks pick the densest longest material like War and Peace GR or Moby Dick
Reading groups should be about short stories, obviously.

I'd be into it. I've been meaning to read some stuff by Calvino and a lot of his work is an accessible length. Clarice Lispector is also on my list.

This collection might be fun, too

Noted, I’ll get something going soon.

yeah I'd give this a reread for sure

Post readable image please, desu.

This is where I comment that my pet ant liked this collection amiriteguys

It'd be to give it another go and seeing what you guys think as well. I remember loving some of them while others I found insufferable because of all the standard po-mo shenanigans.


Anna Karenina. Short chapters, mostly plot driven with some more esoteric sections, easy discussion material.

I propose The Brothers Karamazov or The Trial since one of those is what I’ll be reading after I finish what I’m currently reading

I’d participate in this discussion

I’d be interested in this.

This is on my backlog so I’d be interested

There has already been a successful GR reading group. And this one gave people 1 day's notice. Big mistake.

I think monthly reading groups of novels under 350 pages is realistic.

Borges is top tier reading group material: his short stories are digestible, fun, deep and have a shit ton of discussion potential.
This is also a good idea.

Nobody wants to read Swann in Love? It's a section from vol 1 that is often read on its own. Gets you into Proust without needing to read 3000 pages.

Strangely the War and Peace group that happened a while ago went pretty well.

>checks the wiki
knew you fags would complain. If you examined books half as closely as you examined images this might actually be a good board

meant for

Seconding this, or 5thing rather

The Count of Monte Cristo one did not.

this make it happen


let’s read anna karenina