What should I read in order to start hating mankind ?

What should I read in order to start hating mankind ?

History books, newspapers

The Holy Bible

read about all the cultures we've lost due to them being conquered and replaced and think about all the peoples we will never even know about because they were completely raped out

the news

Read nothing.
If you want to love mankind, read everything.

I dont know, Mein Kampf maybe?


Veeky Forums

hey thats a line from a kurosawa movie. hack

this board

do you even read brov ?

Its various holy books, obviously.

any given mgtow forum

now say it without the dildo in your ass, faggot.


Comment sections on news sites.

the replies to this post show how 1. poorly read this board is and 2. how explicit it is becoming that this board really doesn't like literature at this point in time.

t. homosex gayboy faglover supreme
I recommend the site known as Veeky Forums

Literature as some sort of humanist/empathy project is gay and wrong

But its also the reason writing came to be

Journey to the End of the Night is a good start

Read something like Shakespeare, Milton, Homer. Then James Patterson. Knowing that he's one of the best selling authors ever will make you want to blow your brains out.

writing came to be because conquering warlords needed a way to catalogue their vast plunder

this but unironically

No. The phonetic alphabet was developed to help trade

American Democrat news
>want to ban straws
>want to ban friends
>want to ban pets
>want to ban sandwiches
It's impossible not to hate them

Holy shit spot on.

What should I read to stop hating mankind?

I hate people with a passion, they are either retarded, incompetent, annoying people or they are talented and nice which makes me hate them even more. I know people who are like Bob Ross in that pic, they appear to not have the time for any resentment. I hate people like that, well I'm full of resentment myself. I alternate between anger and sadness. I feel inferior to everyone, because people are either outspoken idiots so I envy how outspoken they are, or outspoken good people, which is good feelings annoying hell, or they are stuck up idiots or good people and in that case I don't envy them, I just think they ought to die where they are for how useless they are (just like me).

I'm throwing opportunities for myself to see life differently, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you bastards.