What does Veeky Forums think of Žižek?

What does Veeky Forums think of Žižek?

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How do you pronounce his name again?

I like watching his videos. Never read any of his books.
Has some interesting things to say, but I don't take him too seriously (i don't know very much about philosophy). Made me think about certain things in nee ways.

I could not make out a single coherent argument or statement in Pervert's Guide to Ideology.

He's my favourite sniffboi

I think, judging from your pic related, that he hasn't slept in decades.

zi SNIFF zek

He's got a talent for reframing discussion in a nonconventional way and a talent for selling himself. Other than that, I don't think he's said anything truly important.


I meant his books have any of you read any of them?

I started reading Sublime Object of Ideology, but brainletted out because I didn't into Marx and Lacan first

what's a book?

Jee Jack

He's a fucking hack like anyone who bases his """"""""analysis"""""""" in psychoanalysis

i didn't find anything of interest in his books beyond a bunch of wacky, quirky disconnected ideas

haven't read everything by him but Absolute Recoil seemed the most focused book, i mean focused by Zizek standards, which is not much focused at all.

Sublime Object i guess you have to read it if you want to read the guy, the main idea of the book is pretty straightforward if you ignore the 1,000 irrelevant tangents he takes

if you like Sublime, then "For They Know Not What They Do" expands on pretty much the same kind of stuff

Can you please expand? Not on zizek himself, but on your thoughs of psychoanalysis.

where did you get lost? i remember the chapters in Sublime revolving each one around a separate clear idea, even if he takes a few meaningless tangents going nowhere

at that point he hadn't turned yet into the copy/paste fest of unrelated snippets that his next books would become

Is it possible to understand him with no sociological baggage? I mean, I didn't even go through Marx.

See the resemblance?

go to his wikipedia page and listen to how his name is pronounced you scrub

yes, you just may have to read some secondary texts, he doesn't get that deep into Marx in Sublime Object. Lacanian stuff may lose you a bit, you may read some of Bruce Fink's books to familiarize you with it. I personally find Lacan boring and pointless so never had any interest in digging deep into it beyond understanding Zizek's superficial terminology.

No, haven't read any of his work yet.
I don't know his name either, tbqh.

I guess I will start with him first and try your recommendations when it gets cofusing. Thanks.

lacan for me is sincerely unreadable but i have to admit he didn’t write his lectures himself. some concepts i grabbed from people influenced by him seem on spot though. really interesting his takes on narratives and power.

that's cause he woke as fuck boi

I want him in a conversation with Peterson

they would agree on literally anything

Honestly I couldn't tell you where I got lost, very early in the book. I'd just gone back to uni, and so had a tonne of other stuff to read, and trying to make my way through Zizek as slowly as I had to in order to understand it just wasn't worth it.

It seemed like it would be a breeze to understand with a little more background on his influences. But then I've also heard people say Zizek reinvents those thinkers so drastically that reading them only helps you understand him to a very limited extent

why would you want to hear 2 grandstanders grandstand past each other? they are only fun when they intimidate some lesser beings into submission

he's been replaced by peterson as Veeky Forums's choice of meme-tier intellectual with dubious Freudian offshoot interests

funny because true

he's my favourite right wing author

*sniffs* the analyshish

I've read Sublime Object of Ideology, Parallax View, Violence, and his Antigone

Oh shit

Really want to see the chemistry between those two.

not sure they speak even the same language

Judging by what he has said about women, migrants, and Trump I'd say I don't want anything to do with him.



>liking Trump
>on lit

What!? No! I fucking hate him. Zizek said he would vote for Trump, which is abhorrent.

Not who you're responding to, but it's complete unempirical psuedoscience. Of course, being unscientific doesn't necessarily invalidate it from a philosophical standpoint. I haven't read Zizek so I don't know how it is that he uses it, but being a Marxist I'm going to assume he uses Freudian psychoanalysis, which has problems in and of itself. Freudian psychoanalysis is obviously based on the theories of Freud, many of which are just complete nonsense.

he tricked you, he can't vote in the us


He seems pretty reasonably aware of both Trump and the migrant crisis, although I've never heard him speak on women. What's the problem? He realizes that the left is bungling the migrant crisis and that Trump is nothing more than an empty opportunist.

idiot neolib

Anyone think that Destiny will be the next Zizek? They are doppelgangers:
>huge heads for their massive intellectual prowess
>tiny shoulders and overall body structure
>rationalising capabilities which baffle anyone below 150 IQ
Will Destiny become a post-ironic liberalist God Emperor?

What is this post even trying to say? Who's Destiny, what's a 'liberalist', and what does it have to do with Trump?

he has a few notable works and dozens and dozens of rehashed books (literally whole passages and pages lifted) that restate the same stuff

yes, a guy who spends all his life playing league of legends or arguing with sub-110 iq brainlets and can't be bothered to read any philosophy is on his way to become a philosopher



i would buy his books if they weren't so unreasonably expansive and i weren't so broke
i tried youtube videos but it just sounded like incoherent rambling, maybe i'm just a brainlet

i would buy his books if they weren't so unreasonably expensive and i weren't so broke
i tried youtube videos but it just sounded like incoherent rambling, maybe i'm just a brainlet

He's undefeated against Youtube's best.
>Alt-Right fears him
>Deep Centrists worship him
>the Left pretends he doesn't exist
>the Rothschilds bow to him

>doesn't know who Destiny is
Why ask any questions beyond this?

Because the whole post sounds retarded. The only people I know named Destiny are black women, and I doubt a black woman is the next Zizek.

Is his kung-fu panda review any good?

> What!? No!

Get a grip user, this isn't /New Sincerity General/

He's fucking ugly

Kill yourself reddit

not bad

It was actually 78d chess in order to destroy capitalism through acceleration of the material dialectics.

Hey Popper go suck a cock
The point of psychoanalysis is explaining things that can't be empircally analysed, the only thing you can see using empirical evidences is the reaction of the being on those concepts, but you can't explain it
Also, Zizek uses lacanian psychoanalysis, which is based on structural linguistics and hegelian epistemology (which is far superior than pure empiricism)

>The point of psychoanalysis is explaining things that can't be empircally analysed
Psychoanalysis literally makes up the objects of its enquiry. This wouldn't be a problem if said objects were something actually abstract, like in maths or metaphysics, and not something material like the brain, on which psychoanalysis pretends to have an actual, empirical capacity to analize and cure (while not being rigorous in the slightest). Talking to an analyst isn't different from confessing to a priest.
>Also, Zizek uses lacanian psychoanalysis, which is based on structural linguistics and hegelian epistemology (which is far superior than pure empiricism)
Pure namedropping. Lacanian psychoanalysis is irrelevant in this day and age, and it has been btfo by D&G. Same as structuralism, which is a surpassed paradigm. And hegelian epistemology in the age of Heidegger? top kek.

Remember user, machines, not metaphors.

He's hilarious. I love his 'proving the opposite of what you thought' shtick too.

It requires a deep Lacanian dialectical analysis to parse and so on and so on

>The point of psychoanalysis is explaining things that can't be empircally analysed
its very far from phenomenology, which serves to what you just said. psychoanalisis has so much aprioris that its a whole construction on itself, a fiction basically.

What migrant crisis? The crisis is in the countries they're fleeing. It's a political crisis because politicians want to give in to the right who want to basically send the migrants to be killed.
By getting millions of people killed? Yeah, no, doesn't sound like progress to me.

i don't know where this meme came from, Hillary was obviously the accelerationist candidate. Trump was a reactionary candidate.

Acceleration is about accelerating global capitalist dynamics, not about doing things that will make local leftists mad like closing borders (not that Trump has done even that)

>Lacanian psychoanalysis is irrelevant in this day and age, and it has been btfo by D&G.
My God, people unironically praise Deleuze
>And hegelian epistemology in the age of Heidegger?
Yeah of course, that nigger that rejects metaphysics and try to "change" for ontology but in the end it is just empty anthropology

>Acceleration is about accelerating global capitalist dynamics

GOP tax plan is about as accelerationist as possible, the next crash is going to get incredibly ugly

I'm not gonna discuss this with a racist sorry.

It's not far from phenomenology, it studies the relation of the being with phenomenological stucture, what it does is that psychoanalysis doesnt use phenomenology as a way of analysing but something to analyse
That what makes Lacan great

You don't understand.
Trump is going to dialectically reinforce his opposite party by being a fucking moron.


>My God, people unironically praise Deleuze
Yeah but psychoanalysis is irrelevant anyway.

>Veeky Forums went from Lacan to Jung
was it a downgrade?

Dude psychoanalysis and its emphasis on sex is everywhere. Sex and genre is like the prevalent political discourse these days.

That's not how the economy works moron

If you think Jordan or Turkish isn't suffering a real crisis from the overload of migrants into their borders you are letting your heart overload your brain


Get the fuck off my board

But no one cares about those shitholes

Hey Jordan is a cool country


What crisis? They're asylum seekers. The countries that welcome them will benefit economically, and most of them will leave as soon as they can.


>The countries that welcome them will benefit economically, and most of them will leave as soon as they can.

education cannot wait though

What is a Slavoj? Nothing but a miserable pile of ticks and sniffles.

sounds like something he would say, are you him?

why are far-leftists always genetic failures?
How come there are no chads that promote marx?

His much-hyped for the wrong reasons. Several decades after his death he will be rediscovered and appreciated for the right reasons.

>there are no chads that promote marx

Holy shit man if you think that is Chad than you are genuienly proving my point

>Supply side economists
>Telling anybody else they don't understand economy

>The countries that welcome them will benefit economically
>Influx of cheap labor with weak protections and no political representation
Yeah the bosses are gonna HATE that

He was a turbochad in his youth. He probably fucked your mom as well.