What is the point in living, or anything for that matter...

What is the point in living, or anything for that matter, if there is no God and therefore death (complete non-existence) is inevitable?

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Cause you then only have this 1 chance at having consciousness. Use it wisely

So what? When I'm dead it won't matter how I used it, I won't know anything.

Why are you acting as if you have a say in your existence? As if you chose to come here and were disappointed with what was promised and what delivered?


You know it now though
Experience everything you can in life and then die knowing you lived lif to the fullest

There is no point, just do whatever you like.

>Why am I not happy now when I got to put my fingers in Debbie's sweet cunt in 2000?
I don't know, user, it's like that Pulp song was ironic. I prefer to think it's because she dumped me in 2003 and hopefully is a whore sucking old dick for drug money now.

What's wrong with not existing?

Fools question actually. What does the flower ask once it's bloomed?

You probably don't have the courage to kill yourself and/or don't want to inflict the consequences of your suicide onto your loved ones. Since you're more or less forced to stick around, your life will be more meaningful and tolerable if you embrace suffering and work towards your goals and self-improvement

> die knowing you lived lif to the fullest
When I am died, I can't know for shit. The dead cant know and can't think. Only the fact that I lived would remain, and of course this fact can only be approved by others which are going to die eventually. One day my whole existence would vanish along with my body. What's the point?

it is to live in a way that will allow you to die in peace.

>What does the flower ask once it's bloomed?
"fuckme fuckme fuckme fuckme fuckme"

>That feeling when you've already reached the the misery of the guy on that picture. A few years ago you saw it as a funny meme.


reddit tripfag please go and don’t come back

Butterfly is a cultural treasure of Veeky Forums. She's been here for longer than you, she's smarter and more talented than you, and she actually reads

You need to head back to /pol/ or at least your peterson containment thread

He is all of us to some extent

The fact that there is no god does not mean non-existence is inevitable.

If you have existential questions read philosophy: it will help you formulate your existential questions in a way that will make defeat and depression -almost- inescapable.

Do you have a specific book to recommend?

Exactly! Live.
Žižek is exhibiting actual degeneracy here. Is he joking?

Thank you. Very kind of you.

My nineteenth was attended by nothing but a family argument and my spreading frosting on the damn cake myself.
Make you life better as best you can.

>Make you life better as best you can.
Your phone number might do the trick ;)

Nice try FBI

That's a pretty big "if" my guy

I don't feel like directly answering your dumbass question so I'll just copy paste a facebook post I made earlier on my shitposting account while I was bored

"This is for the petite cranium people I have on here that don't know it yet

Yeah, god indeed doesn't exist
Religion was never created to try to make you look dumb by believing in big man in sky, what a shame

Religion was created with the purpose of teaching civilizations and tribes about effective, honorable and productive ways of living your live, deeply rooted within the oldest myths and stories, in order to fuel development and one's definition of self actualization. Try truly living harboring a nihilist philosophy for 2 weeks, you'll want to neck yourself. They're sets of moral values that were created in order to help you live your life according to some rules of conduct that proved to many satisfactory and fulfilling. The reason gods exist is to portray symbols and values at their highest degree of representation. The reason the Christian God exists is to demonstrate the ultimate being which is free of sin. The reason the myth of Jesus exists is to portray a man that is harboring the pain of others willingly, a character of humbleness, kindness and spiritual strength. A man that will carry a weight on his back, and carry on with responsibility hurting his shoulders, while still going forward.

Don't you dare think that your highschool education self can so very easily discard the image of the man that has led the West towards its civilizational success through philosophical prowess. Learn from the mistakes of others and understand the reason why religion still exists today.

You either choose to adopt a religion or go full-on Ubermensch. Just don't be a sad piece of shit. You want a life that is meaningful? Here's a rule of thumb - everything that you do matters. That's gonna really make you think about the shit that you do. Choose a preexisting set of moral values and you'll have an easier time, you don't need to start anew every time you wake up from your filthy hangover just to think to yourself: "Oh whatever"

Now for something comedic:
People that live unfulfilled lives criticizing religious people for living fulfilled lives"

I'm 21 and "sorted out", AMA

this desu

Yeah but these days I'm not feeling very conscious at all

You are merely a guardian of your genome, your short life will add to the library of DNA. If 'you" were to fulfill life's destiny. Did all your ancestors live and fuck, for you to abandon this mission, this purpose?

There's no point individually but there is the passing of ideas, "memes" (the real meaning of it) just like you pass on your genetics through reproduction, the same can be done with an idea.
I strive for next generations to have more tools for understanding their feelings and acquiring a deeper comprehension of their context and how to improve it, therefore I put the seed of these ideals in most of my fictional works, hoping that it will eventually reach the right people who will in turn, reproduce this message forward.
This is the same reason people are willing to die to defend their ideals, the way they see life should be lived because in the end, everything else is futile.

ahh memes, the dna of the soul...

that eventually technology will find a way to store consciousness in a database forever and we were tragically born in the time period where we're not going to live long enough to reach that point but we're aware of the concept.

nice try jordan not reading your new book

>Did all your ancestors live and fuck, for you to abandon this mission, this purpose?
fuck yeah

>for an even to acquire meaning it must not have an end

Non sequitur. You should read Nagel's The Absurd.

I scrolled through just hoping someone would say that.
I remember looking down on the guy in the photo. Not anymore.


non-meme answer:
Life is a competition. Always will be. The competition is for limited resources such as housing, food, water even air due to pollution and especially mating partners. You are rewarded with chemicals in your brain for completing these instinctual calculations. Sugar gives a notable dopamine high. The orgasm from sex is addicting. etc

Why do you hunger? You have no conscious power to control it, all of it is automated. If you decide not to eat at all then you die. In short the most basic level of life existing is meeting primal needs.

What after that? The accumulation of knowledge doesn't care for any individual. You can choose to discard all of the past aggregation of culture, education and technology but most other species of your kind choose to embrace it. But why? To fulfill their needs, all that data from the past, from yesterday is an advantage over other life forms. As long as you continue to exist you contradict the very notion of meaning as you live life unquestionably filling primal commands. As a lifeform you are predestined with all motivations planned out before you even had existence all mapped in the dna from your parents. You never needed a point because hunger would kill you long before you defy and contradict your very design. You eat because you have to and it does not matter if you don't want to.

Meme answer: You cannot prove there is nothing after death.

The vast majority of species have died out. Most of observable space is lifeless. To die out is the norm and to live on is the exception.

By ending your line you're fulfilling life's greatest and inevitable destiny. Breeders are just taking a detour, they neglect and deny their true end.

Only people need reason, nature just does what it does best. If you desperately crave a meaning, make one for yourself, just how arrogant do you have to be to demand something higher to approve your existence in order for it have any point.

>tragically born in the time period where
Stopped reading there. I for one am grateful that my soul will never be imprisoned to a material database preventing my ascension to and reunion with God.

If the only way you have to conceive meaninfulness is when paired with eternity or transcendece and the permanence of the conciusness on both cases, seeing what's your departure point, you're pretty much fucked, at least in the current times. "Individuals" as you understand the notion, die and what now makes existence meaningful is the question of: is there life before death? so this translates to: you have to actively want to live and to enjoy life. Of course there are many obstacles as the enjoyment model is one and not achievable by most for mutiple reasons and here lies the drama.
The most helpful knowledge pieces i've found regarding to the matter, orbit around theories of "identification" (Stuart Hall, Judith Butler, Duvignaud, Donna Haraway, etc.). I'm not going into detail but think of yourself (and any other thing) as a "substanceless" entity that folds and unfolds "showing" its shape and the other entities that compose it. You're no more than the overlap of actions of many other things and at the same time you maintain your individuality, so you're always more and less than yourself.
This would resume as: wathever you choose to do, it doesn't fucking matter, or it does. In any of the cases, do wathever you want or can.
Actually suicide is a point and has as much meaning as the transcendence you long.

The "Nation", The "Humanity", The "Posterity", The "Reproduction of the species", are no more and no less magical thinking than the search for transcendence through God.
The last sentence poses a problem, what about those lives than aren't worth living or crying when already dead?
Those don't have ideals, their existence is "unintelligible", those lives are already futile in your sense of the word. But still, there's a question that can be asked and is too hard to be answered. Why do they still live? (don't even bother to answer with an esentialist, magical-tautological answer you can't explain)

what's the point even if there is something

we're still stuck navigating this moral jungle, and if this is just a prelude I'm honestly quite tired already
I don't want to play this game

This will be me in 6 months but without the cake, what do?

But the thing put into the database wont be you, it will just be a copy of your mind at best.

obviously it won't just record the brain data and turn it into 0s and 1s
instead it will employ more sophisticated and organic modes of transfer

if we're talking sci-fi why make it so limited and mundane

Well first off, there is a God. But if you won't accept that, the next best answer for you is that we live on the cusp of medical immortality.
Theres a variety of videos online about how we may one day completely eliminate the aging process, perhaps within many of our lifetimes.

I personally am planning on entering the Biomedical field for this reason (among .
I am to be more beneficial to this world alive. So I will remain alive for as long as possible, and do as much as fast as possible. That is my purpose.

There is nothing better than existence, therefore, even if our existence has no meaning, you should embrace it for it is the best and only thing you will ever know.

to live life, faggot.

(among *others).

>I'm 21 and "sorted out"
Yeah, def reads like a 21-year-old that has "life figured out."

>Religion was created with the purpose of teaching civilizations and tribes about effective, honorable and productive ways of living your live

It was created to explain the unknown.

Unbridled hedonism. Gorge ourselves at our own wakes.

revolt, motherfucker
revolt against the absurd

stfu camus

I'd start from Plato. The Phaedo is a good book if you are afraid of death. It does not postulate the existence of a god and yet it makes several arguments for the immortality of the soul.
See if you are convinced. If you are not, keep working on the Greeks and then move on in time.

[[[is-ought intensifies]]]

Came here to post this.
I think classical music and theater helped me realize this. When you have an album or a film the work of art is fixed and seems immoral. But when you go to a concert or a play you can see it only once. It is changing continuously, you don't have the time to wander around. You have to dedicate all of your attention to it, because you'll never have an another chance to re-view or relisten the performance. Everything is here and now, everything is what you see and hear. People at concerts try to record the music but they end up with shitty lo-fi phone recordings that you'd never actually listen to again. It's a sad, failed attempt at achieving immortality. Just listen to the music, that's all you can do, really.

So life is subjective? I am not trying to claim that there is meaning in eternity and death make our life meaningless. But more like, is there an objective meaning to life if
1- God doesn't exist
2 - you would eventually die

Even if you don't die, is there meaning in being a continuous existence?
Is there an objective truth and meaning at all? If I can do whatever the fuck I want, can I kill people? Can I rape? Can I insult everyone I meet in everytime I want?

Only alternative is killing yourself so might as well keep going.

We have to believe there is a purpose, even if we can't know it.
It's better than giving up before finding the answer.
Just make sure every decision you make is solely yours, as if you couldn't be wrong, your head will be clear and won't have to worry about the end.

That kid looks like marcel

Just on the off chance that this isn't bait: Give up on this ridiculous fantasy of immortality - you WILL die one day, accept it.

I knew it! Memes are the meaning of life.

Exhaustion, it’s a thick tar that surrounds the brain. I haven’t seen it, but I can tell it’s a deep flat black. It’s gritty, corrosive and odorous; it stinks of death. It weighs heavy on my eyelids and cuts recollection short. It excretes lead into the bloodstream, making movement an unnatural chore. Every breath exhaled feels right, and every breath inhaled feels wrong. I can’t lie to myself any longer; I shouldn’t be alive. This body is a waste of resources, and this being is occupying other’s minds, worrying them, fancying itself worthy of their concerns. I’m not really a burden, but I’m no help either. I have no purpose, and I’m too tired to trick myself into creating one. I fantasize about pulling a trigger, constantly, almost daily. If there ever is a time to commit, once the thought has been past ripened, and starts to ferment and rot, I know I would really prefer not to use a firearm. Given the choice, I would prefer poisoning. Ingestion of sodium pentobarbital. “Nembutal to numb it all” could be a catchy slogan in the future, if over-population ever leads to a cultural acceptance of suicide. The fighting hand deserves the feast, though I can’t help but feel we’re only fighting for scraps.

death is what gives life more meaning. As for purpose since there is not an objective one it can be what you set

Do you consider the soul and consciousness to be the same?

That was so vividly written


Yes yes, the universe will inevitably explode, we're all going to die, etc etc. You sound like baby's first nihilism.

That doesn't mean I should sit back at let death take me without doing anything in my power to live longer.

Did you actually assume this of another adult on this board? That they would have just NOW realized the severity of death? Or are you just a child who has realized the same. Hence the "baby's first nihilism"...

Go home Mainländer

We don't live on the cusp of medical immortality, this post is a non-sequitur

Is this what passes as a response for you, you gigantic foaming-mouthed retard? Also stop compensating for the blatant underage nature of your sci-fi fantasy by screeching “babby’s f-first!!” as a reply. A 15yo nihilist is more enlightened than your “we finna boutta live forever” attempt at a position. Now fuck off.