Guys... all this stuff I read is not helping me in real life. It's not improving the way I interact with others...

Guys... all this stuff I read is not helping me in real life. It's not improving the way I interact with others, or the way they see and value me.

Everyday conversations rarely warrant philosophical insight. At best, I read a nugget of wisdom in the form of an aphorism and I keep it in my back pocket for a relevant discussion, where it will be seen as nothing but a witty quote.

Being woke is useless, it just makes you feel superior and look at everyone as drones working away to buy the new iPhone so they can take selfies at parties.

How the fuck do you become enlightened in a way that also advances your social standing and actually brings you happiness?

>looking for social interaction
never going to make it

>How the fuck do you become enlightened in a way that also advances your social standing and actually brings you happiness?
if you are asking this it means you are missing the whole point

>lack of technĂȘ

Stop being vicious.

I'm at the age where I'm already starting to regret my lack of socialising over the years. I don't wanna die old and bitter, and I know I will because friendship and love are important too.

you dont expect the food you just ate to become tissue, energy etc right after you swallow, right?

ideas need time and rest to be assimilated just like food needs time and rest to be metabolized.

and just like the body will use what you give it to fit your particular lifestyle and context, you mind will use what you give it to solve the dilemmas you face.

you are not the one who does it, you just receive the result of the processes in which you are immersed.

>ever feeling regret
See? You are not cut for this, faggot.

I've been reading this stuff for about a decade now, when exactly are these ideas going to be assimilated? They already help me with personal aspects of life, but not with social ones.

Why do you put personal edification above everything else and put such an emphasis on it at the cost of everything else?

You can see immediately in your post why you're having these problems, you're not near any enlightenment. Just be patient, you're probably still a young one

If your social standing is the only thing that brings you happiness you're way off track.

>How do I advance my social standing by engaging in an activity that is done in solitude?
Definitely not by reading some random stuff that people meme about. Go out and do things with other people. There's no other way.

Why don't you just stop being a faggot?

if all the "books" that you've read didnt convince you that life is about living for yourself ,that you dont have to prove anything to anybody,i dont mean that you should be extremely pragmatic or egotistical,communicating with some type of people is completely pointless,its like describing colors to a blind person,i mean if you are really "enlightened" you should now and accept this fact.

There is no difference between your personal and social life unless you create that distinction yourself.

Maybe you never understood any of what you read, sounds like you completely missed the point of letting someone else articulate themselves for a moment and just saw literature as a means to reinforce a belief system you held before opening "Mythology"

if you were truly smart you should be able to talk about the most complex philosophical ideas on layman terms

but nigga you a brainlet regurgitating shit you read nothing more

This. Why the fuck would you expect reading books to improve your social skills? Why would you judge their failure to do that as a failure to 'help in real life'?

This is kind of like taking up tennis and then complaining that it hasn't improved your maths skills tbphwy

Read Goethe

1.If you're reading fiction: art itself is and has always been inutile. That's one of the factors that make it art. If you go through the canon expecting anything useful to your mediocre everyday life, you will die without finding what you want.

2.If you're reading nonfiction: same as 1. if it's Peterson.

>implying enlightenment is a good thing

>being woke for some purpose

Well aren't you just a typical Anglo consequentialist. Being woke is for no purpose than being woke. If You don't love knowledge and knowing for its own sake you're just a pseud. I still do occasional things with my brainlet friends and they know well to not invite me for most things since I'm just bored and quiet. Now, I went ahead and made contact with non-brainlets who I know only online, but they keep me intellectual company. I also out my autism to work and write analyses and explanations for my.own pleasure regardless of people liking my stuff or not. My monetary life isn't great, but with all my free time I basically either read, listen to lectures, or think and write and occasionally put out a blog. I don't waste time worrying about branlets.

>I've been reading this stuff for about a decade now,
Nigga are you retarded or what? Holy shit...

Can you link a blog post? I'm on the lookout for new perspectives, and long-form braindumps

you're not integrating it, you're just reading shit and rote memorizing. People say you can't think your way out of situtations like social anxiety but that's bullshit pussy talk. Expand your mind wide enough and you can engulf any petty worldy fuckery.

user. Listen, listen well Bucko.
Your experience, the one you live.
Is dead.
What do you think it is, that you see? Do you not realize you have lived and died already?
This is the point of between, The place of water, motion of fluidity in sea, time is the changing of Tides.
Gravity moves the moon, and the Moon moves thee.
Do you not see?
Define your self, please.
Give in to me.
Truth hurts and sound is Hertz.
Stop relying on falcitites
Stop giving in to technology
This is your experience to be
Find your self, in this peace
Of times shallow Sea.

Read Dale Carnegie