Pepe Sloterdijk

Veeky Forums's opinion on this boy?

none of you fags have anything to say? zizek is basically plagiarizing this guy's work

We do have Slaughter Dyke threads on occasion, none of the interested anons happen to be on it seems. I read a short essay of his called Suspended Animation (translated something along the lines of "The Art of Philosophy: Wisdom in Practice" because Anglos have to market everything to plebs) and it was decent. So where "Rage and Time" and "You must change your life". Sadly, for all his Nietzschean influence he can't come up with a decent critique of the left or a decent project for the future despite admitting that we're in deep shit. Also, I was pleasantly surprized to find out he waa influenced by D&G since Sloterdijk's own brand of Nietzschean polytheism (the pluralism of the will) is a much simpler intro to the subject than Deleuze's systematizations.

nice semi positive opinion! do you see in zizek's work the influence of peter or am i delusional?

bloody postmodernist

>admitting we're in deep shit
How does he think we're in deep shit?

>an't come up with a decent critique
his oeuvre reveals the entire modern left as worthless and incompetent

Art of Philosophy and You Must change Your Life are great. I plan on reading Critique of Cynical Reason, Neither Sun Nor Death, and Spheres soon!

I like anything that mocks the French and Slaughterdick delivers.

Tfw banned

he is a vwright vinger *sniffs*

Very nice mustache, but I still haven't got around reading him, sadly

pretty sharp for a German hun, Critique of Cynical Reason should be on a reading list on Veeky Forums wiki for phil and also all the pseud faggots on here who praise Diogenes will want to take a look at it as well

I'm interested in the Spheres volumes. Can anyone vouch for them? From my understanding they are to spatiality what Being and Time is to temporality

Seconding this question. Anyone have experience reading these?

I'm only into the second chapter of Bubbles and so can't really comment beyond the fact of my own enjoyment so far.
>From my understanding they are to spatiality what Being and Time is to temporality
Definitely seems to be "shaping" up that way!

a gonservative some vould say neo-fascist uh *tugs shirt* but i like him nonetheless my gott *sniff*

He's basically modern day Heidegger

How do I get into Sloterdijk? What should I be familiar with before reading him? Can a philosophy layman understand him?

love the guy
more for the peculiarity, the line and movement of his thought, than for content
reliably unique takes on shopworn themes and subjects
much to learn from, but all easily forgotten, very low retention
only a light elation

Can you tell me what I should be familiar with prior to reading it? I assume Heidegger is key

At least read a bit of Zizek before him if you're a pseud. Zizek is easier to digest from my experience.

His books are too big

lmao, u made me 'ave a giggle m8

Well Zizek does admit the influence and he references Sloterdijk on occasion, but other than that I'm not sure there's that much of an influence.

> conservative postmodernist
These days we have NazBol's accusing regular Nazis of being controlled by the Jews for supporting capitalism and Feminists excluding trans men for being white straight males so it wouldn't surprise me.

The first thing that comes to mind is the Spaceship Earth thing that Zizek attributes to Sloterdijk, basically the notion that the Earth is fragile and we're inhabiting it like a we're on a spaceship (aka climate change or other anthropocene events can be devastating).

Yes, but as far as I know his critique mostly revolves around the historical Left (but obviously to some extent also the Liberal Left) being opportunistic greedy at-one-point-underdogs only wanting to further their personal interests and his solutions concern maybe slowing capitalism down a bit and hoping that people will value respect (including prestige and non-monetary value). I'm all for the self improvement and personal responsability that conservatives push, but it may not be enough today.


uh,uh, about shloterdajk, yes, let me just tell you this short story about me and my good friend Alleb Badiueu,.......[random bullshit here]... so anyway, my point is, uh, the guy vonderfully exposes the liberal left.

He has many smaller, almost pamphlet style works that are no less rigorous and insightful for being so concise. "Nietzsche Apostle" and "In The Shadow Of Mount Sinai" are quite poignant

i lik bubbles

Ereeahngg not really, although yes Heidegger is key, and so far I've found my having read Plato extensively to be useful and my knowing next to zilch about architecture and art history to be somewhat frustrating.

Lel, this guy is really laughing stoc here in germany amongst other philosophers! Nobody with some pride and honour takes him serious!

Woah, he's that good?

He is good at being a troll, yes!

he looks like a white version of the guy from oldboy

nothing just don’t be a helpless brainlet faggot like every other redditor and chantard, use your brain and search engines, see a word you don’t know in another language? translate it

I don't see it.

t. exhibit in the human zoo

Without doubt the strongest philosopher alive today - in the sense that he deals in cultural theory without critical theory and deals with real world issues from an advanced philosophical position.

The 'Spheres' trilogy makes all previous theory about globalization look like a toddler's scrawlings.

Objectively false.

Objectively correct.

Yes. 'Spheres' is 'Anthropotechnics', or "topology x Heidegger + technology"

sounds based

It's amazing.