Why do old books look so much better than new books?

Why do old books look so much better than new books?

Weird, they actually do

because they're old. if that same book was printed yeserday, you would want none of it.

>garbage tier paperbacks
>almost nothing but meme fonts
>no grid

Your opinion is incorrect.

m8 if you're gonna get old books then at least get the hardcovers.

Why do soyboys like minimalism so much?

The emptiness of the design resonates with their lack of true belief in anything.

I like you guys but desu one of the worst aspects of the right is their inability to understand or appreciate art.

I like the tactile feel of modern books, but older books have that crinkley sound and thick paper. Old books have a better smell.

>new books
How recently do they have to be released to be considered "new"?

Do they smell and feel bad?

At least get the sewn hardcovers with acid paper if you plan on collecting books.

Minimalism has it's place. But for a book design, I do prefer some sort of artwork or at least visual distinction

Minimalism is the opposite of soy. It's elegant, refined and measured. Soyboy plebs, like yourself, like kitsch covers with gigantic titles and quotes from the NYT all over the place because of their (your) ADHD ridden brain.

>Not exclusively buying smythe-sewn hardbacks from turn of the century small presses.

Minimalism is not jarring or offensive, but it is insufficiently aesthetic to be preferred.

I'm collecting the same set OP holy shit. Stupid Goodwill stickers ruined my portable Melville though.

I have Chekov, Melville, and Cervantes. Looking to add more.

Pic related

I love this meme

International Style design is elegant and timeless.
meanwhile, those garish Viking covers retain only kitsch value. I think you're confusing IS with those terrible visual-pun 'minimalist' film posters that are popular on reddit.

Those covers you posted are disgusting and garish.

those are posters from the '72 Munich Olympics
you're a dumb pleb

Cool. Those posters you posted are disgusting and garish.