Hi Veeky Forums I've been working on a reading list and I wanted to get some feedback. Here's what I have so far:

Hi Veeky Forums I've been working on a reading list and I wanted to get some feedback. Here's what I have so far:

The Greeks
Homer: The Iliad, Homeric Hymns
Homer: The Odyssey, Homeric Hymns
Hesiod: Works and Days
Sappho: Fragments
Pindar’s Victory Odes
Hesiod and Theognis
Greek Lyric: An Anthology in Translation (Hackett Classics)
Complete Works of Sophocles
Complete Works of Aeschylus
Complete Works of Euripides
Complete works of Aristophanes
Aesop’s Fables
Apollonius of Rhodes: The Argonautica
Menander: Dyskolos

The Romans
Complete Works of Horace
Complete Works of Ovid
Vergil: The Aeneid, The Georgics, Eclogues
Seneca: Phaedra, Medea, Oedipus
Complete Works of Catullus
Lucan: Pharsalia

The Bible
Dante's: The Divine Comedy
Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
Giovanni Boccaccio: Decameron
Anna Komnene: The Alexiad
The Song of Roland
Chrétien de Troyes: Yvain, The Knight of the Lion
Poem of The Cid
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine Love
Rustichello da Pisa and Marco Polo: The Travels of Marco Polo
Anonymous: The Mabinogion
Geoffrey of Monmouth: The History Of The Kings of Britain
Margery Kempe: The Book of Margery Kempe
Omar Khayyam: The Rubaiyat


That's all I have so far. Any suggestions? (I know the Bible wasn't written in medieval times by the way, I put it there because of its importance to the culture of the period.)

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Why no philosophy user?

I wanted to make a separate list to tackle that.

Il Canzoniere you turbopleb

>Il Canzoniere
thanks for the suggestion.

Only suggestions I have:

Le Morte D’Arthur for medieval.
De Rerum Natura by Lucrecius for Roman.

Solid list bro.

Thanks man.

>reading list
Its called a bibliography brainlet.

No Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Terence or Plautus .
I'm supposing you don't like plays right user ?


>Complete Works of Sophocles
>Complete Works of Aeschylus
>Complete Works of Euripides
>Complete works of Aristophanes

Didn't have Terence or Plautus though. Thanks.

Didn't notice. My bad

user, read the list again.

But start reading them, yo. Making lists is alright, but it's better to just start reading the books on your list instead of thinking too much about it. You already have plenty to read.

I intend to start reading from this list after I finish my current book. It's a long one so it'll be a few weeks before I get to the list.

What are you reading atm?

Unabridged Gulag Archipelago. It's pretty good.

>He didn't forget to include Lucan.
my man. Good list OP, I like what you're doing. Brekekekek coax coax. Don Quixote ofc for renaissance. And for medieval don't forget:

- the stories of Fionn mac Cumhaill and the Fianna.
- some collection of Reynard stories


List+ suggestions so far are gonna take you a couple years user .

You better start as soon as you are done with that other book and read copiously every day.

Thanks for the suggestions.

That's the plan. Reading the entirety of this list is definitely a long term project. I'm aiming to have it done in 2-3 years.

>he doesn't know about the revolution of the printing press, or the KING JAMES BIBLE IN ENGLISH of 1611, or the impact they both had on a medieval people held captive by oral shamans who prayed in an alien language.

brainlet detected, remove yourself from this thread.


Pick one.

>(I know the Bible wasn't written in medieval times by the way, I put it there because of its importance to the culture of the period.)

Your obsession with making lists is nothing more than procrastination. You will never read all of that. Read the King James Bible, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Shakespeare's complete works, and Paradise Lost or Dante's Divine Comedy.

Stop making lists and read.

are you going to be an ancients scholar?

just read something you like. it seems like you're whipping yourself

I don't really think this is being obsessive. I just want to challenge myself and actually read the classics. The world of literature has many rich connections and I think exploring these works will help deepen my appreciation for western literature as a whole. It's not like I've been laboring over this thing for months, it was done in my spare time for a couple days with Google.

Read Aeschylus before Sophocles, Virgil before Ovid, Boccaccio before Chaucer, The Study Quran before any Muslim author, also and

include petronius for dat roman lifestyle
ditch boring hesiod and compensate with pseudo-apollodorus

philosophy is for brainlets

Quite honestly this is all you need



Nice list op, I'm gonna follow it as well.

Let's expand that medieval section a little. I'd suggest you add either Parzival, Titurel or Willehalm, all by Wolfram von Eschenbach, to your list. Also, consider to read a translation of the MHG version of Yvain (Iwein by Hartmann von Aue) or his other Arthurian Epic, called Erec (it's based on Chrétien, too).

If you like the Aeneid, you can also read the Eneas Novel by Heinrich von Veldeke. If you prefer tragic love stories based on Celtic legends, go for Tristan and Isolde by Gottfried von Strassburg.

Source: I'm a student of Medieval German literature.

Thanks for your advice! I'll be sure to add those.

Just one or two more off the top of my head for you, hope you like them. First check out Interior Queefing by Tiberius Fartfinger, but don't get the translation by Flat U. Lence, stick with B.R. App's. Next for some more historical perspective in medieval times, get a copy of E.D. Pills Gave Me Brain Worms by Ormonious Discharge. Once again there are less than optimal translations so get Flims E. Member's edition. Last, as a kind of palate cleanser after all the heavy stuff but still very insightful into the broader philosophical oeuvre, read Anonis Pretnshuss seminal work, KYS: And Quit Shitting Up My Board With Your Banality.

Cool! I got one for you too! It's called: "Fuck Off Autist or: How I Learned to Stop Being a Such Bitter Cunt" Keep in touch and tell me what you think!

who is that by tho?

Good thread OP, got a few from it and other posters I'd like to read, though I've read a lot of these. You already have quite a lot of Greek stuff, but you could maybe add history books like Thucydides, Plutarch or Herodotus, if that would interest you.

Good point. I should put those on the list.

G. F. Yusef

How about Diogenes Laercius?

I would add Maps of Meaning by Jordan B Peterson.

I'll consider that whenever I make a list for philosophy.

good gooooood.

I hope you have separate lists for philosophy and history? If you want I can cross reference where you should read a certain history or philosophy book in between the fiction so you will get more out of all categories.

Can we make more lists right now?

You can do whatever the fuck you want.

I greatly appreciate your offer, but unfortunately I haven't started on those lists yet.

Can i get a critique on my list:

1. Western Canon: The complete works
2. Harry Potter: The complete series
3. Hunger games: The complete series

>he didn't include any manga or anime of the Japanese Canon
kys brainlet

Go for it man.

kys brainlet wtf