Am I a brainlet if I can't understand Hegel?

Am I a brainlet if I can't understand Hegel?
Reading pic related is the first time in my life that I've ever gone "what the fuck am I reading".
It's like a whole book made of incomprehensible ramblings that go on and on for 400 or something pages.
What IQ do you need to have to *get* it? Mine is 135.

You can't expect to be able to immediately delve into high wizardry

I started reading this hack because they told me I needed to do so to understand Marx.
I just wanted to be able to blow the fuck out of commies with actual arguments.

you ever read kant, fichte, schelling, aristotle or the moderns?
did you read the preface?

read at least Beiser's German Idealism first

Well I read a book about Greek philosophy once, went all the way from Tales to the end of the stoics.

yeah you’re not smart enough to understand it

post your IQ you smug cunt

This thread is officially troll

he’s just really fucking stupid

>IQ Test Results: 165
Copy—Pasted from my IQ test What now, bitch?

If you don't have anything to contribute just get the fuck out.

Dude, I swear. What's yours?

go outside
i hate to say this user, i believe you’re probably ~130 but you need to take a test with a trained professional which usually takes 30-120 minutes and is timed and scored along a series of metrics and then aggregated into your score. Online tests vary in difficulty and often do not test the same types of intelligence (Visual-Mathematical-Linguistic) and are thus unreliable. Im not trying to insult you, and im aware there are bound to be inordinately high iq anons on this board and Veeky Forums but its just doubtful you have Newton tier IQ. What are you majoring in? How fast do you read?

Yah, man, I know all that stuff. I went to this guy that was recommended to me by a doctor (of chiropractic medicine but, you know...) and he e-mailed me my results, and that's what I copy—pasted you, man. I told you, I swear. Anyway, I majored in philosophy, and I edit philosophical papers for a press, so I can read real fast and stuff.

Well then you should go step by step. If your goal is to understand Marx, my honest advice is to start with Proudhon. Do NOT start with the communist manifesto, because its not that interesting, its just a piece of propaganda. Also you still can't grasp The Capital. Start with "What is Property" by Proudhon just to get a grasp of the socialist theory of private property, then start to learn the basics of economics. After you've read the classics and have an understanding of economic theory then go into The Capital. Hope it helps.
As with Hegel, well, it will be a long journey till you get to this level of abstraction if you haven't read any philosophy.

have you ever considered cutting off your tongue and fingers so your vitriolic hatred of other people doesn't have to spread from that malformed brain of yours?

watch the sadler vids

swallow your pride kid

Woah, man! What’d I say?

think about how many of these posts you've made over the years, really despicable

I know I'm supposed to get angry or to laugh it off, but its repulsive more than anything

have a pleasant evening faggot

Jeez, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, huh?
I don’t know what I said to get all this hate, man...

Thank you all for reading. This was my piece: A Shitposter Stays in Character


>As with Hegel, well, it will be a long journey till you get to this level of abstraction if you haven't read any philosophy.

Did you even read Hegel? Philosophy is not abstract at all. Untrained human mind is thinking in abstraction.

fuck all that. I haven't read Hegel, but if you want immediate Commie Fucking Results, read Decline of the West by Spencer, and Imperium by Yockey.

Stupid anglo poster. All these /pol/ fags are so cancerous. Just ban all the IP's from USA.

this is a high quality comment

Just read a history book mate. Communism already refutes itself.

This translation is garbage.
If you read Hegel's lecture notes (released as books) they're MUCH, MUCH clearer than this.

I blame it all on dog shit translation.