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Literature #107
Share your most contrarian literary opinions
Who is the greatest?
Why is there an entire generation of adults who have only read Harry Potter and other similar young adult/teen fiction...
Any Machenfags in here? I like Lovecraft and I find Clark Ashton Smith absolutely delightful. On this basis...
Mfw 20 pages in an hour
I miss him so much
How did this book get memed into “classic” territory? Is it because people fetishize the roaring 20s?
7 reasons to hate Shakespeare
Do you agree with Gass?
Pillars of Earth
Stoic Voodoo
Pretty good read but
Whats a good book about what its like to be a good looking female
How is anyone supposed to not get an anti-semtic message from his views on the "dark haired" folk?
What drives a man to write about defeat?
Best trilogy?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Several people have told me that I am similar to Raskolnikov
I have a goal of reading a classic book from every European country and these 3 are the next on my list but I don't...
What are you reading now and what's your queue?
Deduces God and the immortality of the soul
Let's test how edgy you can get
I guess I'm not gonna make it. Jesus christ, this was my last chance
-Your religious denomination
Can I get a quick rundown on him and his ideas?
Reading this guy made me realize my nature tends towards degeneracy and weakness and that I'm making the the world a...
4 threads about the bible on first page
Hey Veeky Forums I'm 21 and I've never read a book (i know it's hard to believe), only a few mangas here and there...
The story is told in the first person by a woman called Offred...
"Politically, Pessoa considered himself a "mystical nationalist" and, despite his monarchist sympathies...
Worth it?
Ulysses vs Moby Dick
What does Veeky Forums think of Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger...
Why do people in literature deny the reality of race
Who is the most important thinker inspired by stirner?
Read the Classics, user, They're better than modern Books
Reminder that you are a good writer user and people will like your book
How's that book you're writing coming along?
Writing in a language that isn't your mother tongue
Name a better chapter in all of literature than Chapter 12, the "Cyclops" chapter of Ulysses
Tired of being a math brainlet so im reading euclid's elements. where do i go from here?
For me it's The New International Version
Please describe the emotion this image makes you feel
Maybe, but what about visual novels? Can the medium tell a compelling story...
What do you all think of him? Overrated or genius?
If the people of /lit are so smart why aren't they happy?
Ready Player One
Mfw I realize Peterson's biblical lectures are not psychological interpretations of the bible...
Why are his essays so much more enjoyable than his fiction?
Theological question
So I've stayed off Veeky Forums since beginning IJ out of fear of getting it spoiled. Tonight I finished it...
My speech is full of classical allusions
Help me choose the correct bible to read
Should I read Hamlet in English or I'd rather read it in French?
Why Ancaps love him so much? he was a freaking socialist to the core, and why communist never mention him...
What are the essential postmodern novels/stories/poems?
Occult suggestions
Can Veeky Forums write a short story around this pic?
Is this an example of density for density's sake or is there something I'm just not getting?
Just purchased this, what am I in for?
Musil's "The Man Without Qualities"
Romance novels
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever
Who here read In Search of Lost Time? Thoughts?
Poetry is the most useless kind of literature. The unemployed uncle of the family
/Atlanta meet up: Boston not welcome edition/
ITT, books where everyone DOESN'T live happily ever after
Why haven't you read this literary achievement?
Los Angeles Veeky Forums Meetup
Are there reasons (not social or psychological) to believe in beliefs within abrahamic religions that are not just...
Novels that made you do this
Is this Stephen King's best work?
Why does my mind start going blank intermittently after I've been reading more than a few pages of a book in one...
Intellectuals who answer emails
Understanding Deleuze
Bookshelf rate thread
Sherlock Holmes
Post the opening sentence of your novel. It's not like it's going to get published anyway
Chess books? Favourite books on games (not /v/)?
20 Pages a Day: No Excuse Edition
Is my taste shit?
How can anyone take him seriously lmao
If you were in charge of the American high school reading list, what would it look like?
I'm looking for some good books on esoteric religion and mysticism, particularly on Christian mysticism
Umberto Eco
What's her best novel?
Amazon has been degrading their wishlist lately, first they removed the pages so you can't move around the list freely...
Why are most Booktube videos so painful and cringe-inducing to watch...
Did you know Shakespear's plays were actually all written by a woman of color by the name of Amelia Bassano...
Is it usefull to read medicine books without any prior knowledge of medicine...
Stack thread
Tfw no /fitlit/ gf
Why is Veeky Forums so shit?
Philosophy books are supposed to be difficult
"life is irrelevant"
Lit: ultra elitist, hostile, unfriendly...
Pronounces socrates 'saw-krah-tees'
People who are really into literature are a certain genetic type
ITT: Substitute a word in a title with "roastie"
ITT: your best
Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all: why did Nietzsche hate anti-Semites?
What am i in for?
PewDiePie's half a minute books review
PewDiePie's Book Recommendations
Has anyone actually ever read the Bible from cover to cover?
ITT chill books to read while high
How does Veeky Forums feel about Kipling
I read Nietzsche but I hate racism
How do I find a boyfriend that's a poet or a creative type of person? I just want to be a muse :(
Tfw all other prose in english disgusts me after reading moby dick
How do you sort your books?
If you’ve read this what u think
What are some books that will help me pick up women on a dating website or irl...
Let's get straight to the fucking heart of the matter here...
Is this true?
How many authors have murdered somebody...
Pewdiepie read 6 books last month
Romanian Lolita
How would a stoic deal with this?
Write what's on your mind
What about him? Is Borges on the same level as the greats?
How did you overcome the fear of death?
The Prince
How many books did you read on february
Read Expected Got
Should I read this or c & p?
Most important book of last year
Saddie B is live
I took a year off to write my novel and have spent the last six months trying to get an agent or a publisher to pick up...
What do?
Cursed image
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what Gnosticism even is?
Could this work to express the nuance of uncertainty or awkwardness within a sentence?
Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit
Reading fiction
Do you prefer paperback or hardback? Why?
If you could chose fifteen books (five fiction, five non-fiction...
Be me
Name one (1) better epic novel or epic film. Pro-tip: you can't
Any books for me?
Veeky Forums user profile study
Books you buy but never read:
Machiavelli was literally tortured by an occupying force for a while and when he was let go he didn't retire to his...
People who have desactivated their social media accounts for more time of reading
Explain this
What does Veeky Forums think of Chomskys office?
Is there any good Swedish literature?
You see this type of photo on someone's social network
Ok so I just bought this shit. It's fucking massive, but I want to read and understand it. How do I start?
What the fuck was he's problem?
You are taking a stroll in a park and make brief eye contact with this girl reading a book...
Is this actually Pynchon?
How's your magnum opus coming along?
For better or worst, what book was a turning point in your life Veeky Forums?
Is Picture of Dorian Gray worth the read?
Who are some other philosophers that couldn't practice what they philosophized?
Critique Thread
What is Canadian literature so gloomy?
Tfw my normie father says Moby Dick is "out of fashion"
Write your thoughts on life in this thread
Blood meridian
Can you guys critque my short story?
His best work was a post on Veeky Forums
Are there any books about being a moronic intellectual...
Why are some of you so reluctant to call this genre fiction...
This is the winning poem of the annual Princemere Poetry Prize, earning its poet $400. Say something nice about it
Read this book, you fucking virgins
Are there people on Veeky Forums with AAD? Do you have any tips for reading and keeping focus...
What are some prominent Jewish authors whose Jewish background has clearly shaped their work...
Epic Poetry
Which entry-level books are also exit-level?
Redpill me on this book, Veeky Forums
You may have heard of The Great Omar, a fully illuminated copy of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Reading difficult books regularly makes a brainlet like me tired. Recommend some easy/comfy books...
Start reading, brother
I want books of the mentally insane
Why are Catholics such literary plebs?
Does anyone reading non-fiction take notes on their computer?
Which books do you reread every year?
Grug Zi walk on bridge
What the fuck happened to this place?
For every major novel in literature there's are literally and entire industry making analysis and anlysis of...
"If God is real, then why do people suffer?"
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm about to be an uncle! What are the best children's books to get for my upcoming nephew?
ITT: Assigned reading for your high school
Anybody have a copy of this?
March Reading Thread
ITT: Things about books you really like that other people complain about
Is 17+
How's the life after getting you bachelor in literature going Veeky Forums?
Please respond to my question:
Any books on the death of globalism?
The lookspill has been by far the greatest addition to my intellectual toolkit of the past few years
What are some books about artistic NEET's who do nothing but go outside for looking for social events or doing artistic...
Barbarism is the natural state of mankind," the borderer said, still staring somberly at the Cimmerian...
Which translation? I heard Jowett is the best
Best literary work from each language
Antisemitism and philosophy
What does Veeky Forums think of Mencius Moldbug's body of work?
Why do so many people who want to create poems today didn't even try to make them rhyme?
What do you think of my poem? im a girl so be nice!
Dude, you can, like, change your character if you do something enough times lol
Critique my poem?
Tfw I'm "that guy" at work
What does Veeky Forums think of Carl Schmitt and where to start with him?
Do most people here subvocalize? Even though most everything I read about subvocalization is negative...
Roast me
Did Homer write?
"And this is my daughter's room. Shes quite the book lover."
Is this worth reading?
Not being able to read primary texts
Well, Veeky Forums? Have you put enough black lesbians in your book yet?
Does this book exist?
Please tell me someone else has read this gem?
The purpose of life is to return to God...
What are some good books on music theory, something that covers all of the essentials in a good order for beginners
You might not like it but this is what the worst book of all time looks like
Anybody here read this?
Rate this list
What's some well-written smut?
Has there ever been any good arguments against veganism?
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Who is the best philosophers of all time?
What are the best 5 novels written in English?
Book of the New Sun
Why did language arts/english teachers always tell me not to start a sentence with "because" ?
What's the deal with this book?
What are you reading right now, Veeky Forums?
What book do I read for a Christian perspective on biblical morality? something like this but better
What effect can a novelist have on a culture in which terrorism and 24-hour news channels seem to have hijacked the...
What do you people think about the use of drugs to fuel creativity when writing?
Ok, I know Veeky Forums loves to meme on Harry Potter, but can we talk about what a crazy phenomenon it was...
How do I escape the feeling that I've already failed in my attempt to be a writer whose talent is evident from his...
Very Short Introductions
Critique thread, my fellow wannabes
People think with punctuation marks?
You unpublished fucks. Tell me about your sad attempts at literature
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Can you really be happy if you have a negative and cynical view of the world?
Just write a masterpiece user. you're the voice of a genreation lmao
Amor Fati
Poems for love
Muslim here, any reason at all I should read the Bible?
Going on a 2 week long trip for spring break, is this a good read?
What did he mean by this?
I'm a burger who's just moved to the UK and I'm having trouble acclimatizing politically
Just read the first couple of chapters of pic related and I hate the prose with a passion. Does it get better?
Post-deconstructionism (post-post-structuralism [post-post-post-modernism]))
How can i focus better when i read...
Finally joined a bookclub focusing on classics and real literature
What are some books that deal with Galaxy wide empires...
ITT pleb red flags
The categorical imperative states that moral actions must be universal and evaluated by themselves...
A magnificent reputation as cutesy, succulent whores precedes Frenchwomen wherever they go...
This book is shit and you know it...
Anti-Metaphysics Bias
Nihilism and existentialism
Nationality and Nationbuilding
What is best examples of literature written in someone's second language?
ITT: The worst book you've every read
Post your stack for the next 2 - 3 years. I'm not going to read anything else. I'll read and reread
What does Veeky Forums think of Carlos Castaneda?
Hatred outlives the hateful
Can stem major write a good book? And why answer is no? Hard mod:not genre fiction
Are there any interesting novels about the death of a civilization?
John Greene btfo
Authors similar to Borges?
Have you boys read this classic yet?
China Bans George Orwell's '1984' and 'Animal Farm'
What are some good books about pigs?
Objective Morality WITHOUT God
How can anyone defend this? nothing happens :the novel americans ruined everything edition
The Handmaid's Tale
What do you think about this masterpiece?
Have you read it?
How does Veeky Forums track their reading?
Been reading around 75 books per year for the last 35 years of my life
Just fucking wow
Post a painting or picture and recommend a book for it
What is DeLillo trying to say in this novel?
The American Spirit
Le Outsider
Why does Noam Chomsky have such a cock sucking fan base...
Is Buckley worth reading or nah?
"If God exists, then why do bad things happen?"
Post your aimless shower thoughts and people rec books off of them
So You're Writing Your Novel:
Tfw I wasted 10 years of my life studying western philosophy
Does Veeky Forums believe in God?
Okay i suppose i'll try and do something more interesting here for you
Leave this board and never return if:
What books will stop me from wanting to be the girl?
Holden speaks like a 50s teenager
Any of you guys into Renaissance literature?
Why do nazi's and soyboy's love this pseud so much?
Going to university
Did this do anything to improve your life?
Why did Meursalt shoot the Arab 4 more times?
Bedtime reading
Veeky Forums, why do you read?
Have there been any interesting developments in 21st century philosophy?
The Empire never ended
Reluctant Newcomer Drama
The Last Book You'd Read Before Dying
Norwegian authors appreciation thread
What's with modern philosophers and accusing everyone who gains any notoriety of being a fascist or crypto-fascist?
What is the best joke you've ever read, Veeky Forums?
Who else here /lit-fascist/?
Any good philosophical works on infinity?
I read it and I'm still not a christian. Is there no hope for me?
Clarice Lispector is far from being Brazil's best writer
Where do you buy your books online?
Why does Veeky Forums display the typical late modernist aversion to Haruki Murakami...
I keep hearing that foucault was a crypto-fascist, but no one is able to elaborate on it...
GWF Hegel
Was he the last great philosopher?
Problem of suffering
Please help
Can We Talk About Raymond Carver, Please?
What am I in for?
Start with the gre-
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
I'm about to publish my first book and I don't think I'm going to tell people that I'm transgender...
I Wrote An Ancient Greek Play
At bookstore
Starting with the Greeks, what's the progression?
Here I go
Shelf thread
Is pic related still valid when starting with the greeks?
Tfw reading the sermon on the mount for the first time and realizing how much of this stuff I already consciously and...
Is Veeky Forums an analytic or continental board?
There seems to be some underlying, or rather ubiquitous, sense of futility to people who browse here...
The Odyssey is like so dumb...
Tell me a story Veeky Forums
When your whole book is based on a logical fallacy
You will never be as smart and talented and perceptive as James Joyce
Has anyone actually read this book?
Boy I just love retarded notes
*calls your sweater "faggy"*
When you finally realize that morality...
Hello Veeky Forums, /a/ here. I've been interested in studying philosophy by myself for a long time...
Tfw too scared to use semicolons when writing in case I look pretentious and just end up using a comma splice on...
The time when I was reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra was probably the most productive and self-disciplined I have been in...
Amazon Books
Has anybody every killed themselves over an idea?
Did New Sincerity die with DFW or did DFW die because of New Sincerity?
The only convincing love story of our century
Enlightenment Now
Is Jordan Peterson the second coming of Nietzsche?
Spinoza's Ethics
Even the most pretentious, postmodern plays are fairly accessible, easy to understand...
The NY Times listed these book as the most important American novels of the last 25 years:
Jalal ad-Din Rumi
Moments in literature that hurt you every time
What are some books on rejecting hedonism and embracing responsibility?
Who are the best playwrights besides the Bard?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Commit right now to reading ten books by authors who don’t look like you. That’s the only rule...
Is this really what living in New York is like?
Peterson hates postmodernism
To what extent should people be encouraged to suffer as a means to strengthen character?
Get out of your room Virginia!
Was Tolkien Ancap?
What does Veeky Forums think of Gnosticism?
(Not sure if this is the correct board, but I'll ask anyways.)
Read a book by Houellebecq
You guys know any books or Novels about Pornography?
What are the essential comfy books?
The New Yorker's attempt to take down Peterson
Why is Max Stirner so much popular on Veeky Forums?
Grugowski from east Cave no likey all te roach tribe
Was Meursault a sociopath?
When do you stop being a "young" author?
Wanted to be an edgy, cynical...
ITT: post your ideas for a YA novel with a plot twist that would trigger an everyday millenial
Freud vs Jung
Goes insane
Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
Can we talk about this book?
12 Rules for Life- Any Critic?
Will schizophrenia make me a better or worse writer?
How do I get into poetry?
Non-native English-speakers who've read pic related, was it hard?
Ecce Homo
Write whats on your mind
ITT: Covers better than the books
5-6 page paper on sex/gender in ulysses due tomorrow
Has a book made you more or less religious?
Things that happen
What is his easiest play to appreciate? My vote goes to King Lear
The funny thing about the "kek" meme is that it is litereally a textualisation of laughter, and now...
Veeky Forums, I'm almost done my novel
Clever book covers thread
I only read the classics
Reminder to ignore all pseud rhetoricians
Are there any worthwhile pre-readings to this or should I just dive right in?
What does Veeky Forums think of Paglia's Sexual Personae?
Is there a chart for Economics/Finance/Investment?
Mom found the ego book in my bookshelf
Why do you believe in God, user?
I always see lists recommending these books but I've never seen a list explaining why they are being recommended
I know this book mostly contains instructional literature but it is without question laced with bits and pieces of...
Did you read SIEGE, Veeky Forums?
Have any of you read The Master and the Margerita? What did you think about it?
This is how Catholics behave
Britbongs pronounce Don Quixote "Don Quicksot"
Was Helen of Troy a hero or a villain?
Stopping midway through long classics
How do you feel about people destroying books? I joined a random Facebook group and saw this posted...
/general critique thread/
ITT: Most misleading book covers
Books you would like to see made into movies
Has anyone here ever actually completed a book?
How to read this properly?
This copy is an abridged version. Where can one buy the full two volumes...
Finish a book
It's easier to write good poetry in English than in romance languages
If you like Evola but dislike Fascism, then what is your political line in today's world?
6 hilariously problematic moments in Shakespeare's plays
Say you actually do start with the Greeks:
No opinions
Just a quick reminder that you have access to literally any book through your local library(even more so in college)
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins, filthy plebs
Book refers to abstract agents in the third person as "she"
she pronounces Camus as Cah-moo
Has a book ever made you cry?
I just got a job teaching English literature part time at an international senior high school
Was she right about Eichmann?
Be me
Who else reads one chapter a day
Michel Foucault
What are the books that, to you...
Rate Stanley Kubrick's reading list
The youngest generation of erudite, hermetically self-taught men are producing this with their knowledge
In prose, write about a recent sexual experience
What are some words which are strictly smarter versions of other, synonymous words? Such as
Did reading them get you any pussy?
Is this true? Are they the same?
I like this guy, but he's in too many "Douglas Murray DESTROYS leftie" videos to be taken seriously...
Michelle Obama Announces A New Memoir
My novella starts with a character waking up
Why haven't you graphically mapped out your worldview like Taleb?
Is he the mouthpiece for the collective unconscious of young white males in 2018?
Wait a minute, the ram is Jesus, isn't it?
Literally a Jew that wants to rule over the Goyim
How to start with the postmoderns?
What are his best 3 works?
Opinions on this man?
I work here roast me/us
Now that the dust has settled, is Lovecraft /ourguy/?
How am I supposed to read this properly. Without being a fedora
Kill all Normies
What's the most productive way of reading in a day...
Tfw literature is making me less red pilled
Am I a brainlet for not understanding the metamorphosis? what did kafka mean by this?
Rec me some novels about consumerism, lonley masses, alienation and sexuality in these contexts
What do you think about this book? What about Chris?
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
If the Greeks got most of their philosophy/metaphysics from the eastern doctrines doesn't that render the phrase "start...
NEETs of Veeky Forums, what are you really going to do for the rest of your life?
I fully realize how ridiculous the following will sound, but if I reach even one person who believes me...
/Atlanta meet up(date)/
Walk into my dad's office
What does this mean
However does one improve on his reading efficiency and speed...
Why does it seem that most writers/artists/bands/etc have an extremely creative and productive period for a few years...
What is the best publication of Pale Fire? Obviously the OP is out of print
I want to gift my son ten books, but I don’t know what to buy
Opinions on his writings?
Was he really that smart?
When you use the phrase "free time", does that refer to gratis (free as in free beer), or libre (free as in free speech...
Surprisingly enjoyable
Rightwing thinkers?
Good books about french 60s/70s pls
Reading the foreword
Was Inherent Vice a worthy adaptation?
The intellectual powerhouse strikes again
Protestants can't compete with orthodox and catholic religious literature
What is Western Literature's obsession with separation and alienation
They could've dunked it in a cube of molten iron and just carried that around instead, right?
Just finished this and found it rather convincing...
Is conceptual art just an excuse for hacks with no skill to call themselves artists?
Diversity studies literature
Useful literature
How do you feel about Dante's circles of hell? Is treachery really the worst sin?
Chuang Tzu
What is the most patrician counry to live in for a Veeky Forumsizen?
Girl has moby dick quote as her instagram profile
Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums
How do you do it?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Books that are about madness and insanity?
Reading feels so unsatisfying these days. It is a consumercuck activity
Hyperobjects occupy a higher dimensional space than other entities can normally perceive. Thus...
I want to take the Schopenhauer pill. Where do I start with him, Veeky Forums?
What's Veeky Forums opinion of The Alchemist and Paulo Coelho...
Destroys your tabula rasa delusions
How to move on without meaning
Tell me where I can get some fucking DMT RIGHT NOW
Stop watching porn
Why don’t you spend more time reading like you know you should?
Anyone else make a conscious effort to resist American cultural imperialism in their writing?
What are the three best short stories you have ever read? Pic unrelated
Is New Sincerity just the most insidious and subtle form of irony? Was Davey boy wrong about everything?
Rate my shelf, Veeky Forums
I just got to the part of Antifragile where he btfos transsexuals as the sissy fragilistas they are...
Gravity’s rainbow
There are people who read for pleasure, not for wisdom
Is there any Merit to be had with writers like Peter Sotos? I tried reading his infamous Pure zine series...
Harold bloom
Well, Veeky Forums who are you going to have watch your perimeter against them?
Classical education (Great Books)
Transcends postmodernism before it even started
What were some of your first philosophical thoughts as a child, before you even knew of philosophy?
Woke book thread
What is the literary equivalent of morrowind?
...I don't get it
Be in late teens
Is there a purpose of fiction beyond entertainment?
There are people on here who spend their whole lives reading fiction instead of philosophy
What are some later examples of a strictly "geometric", i.e. axiomatic philosophical system like The Ethics...
Let's talk about Umberto Eco. I've only read Baudolino and Foucault's Pendulum, both around ten years ago when I was 20...
For me, it's lacan's equations
Veeky Forums grilled by Marcel "The Masturbator" Proust
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Do you ever feel constrained by syntax when you write...
Is he a good novelist?
Read Dubliners for the first time
The books main character doesn't die at the end
Books where people organize themselves at absurd levels against the protagonist?
Opinions on Carl Gustav Jung...
What are some novels with great prose in english? Like sublime prose that you could read for 6-12 pages an hour...
Is Veeky Forums an official Nazi board?
Just as the Bible is the most important work of religion and the Capital of the economy...
Why do we hate it again?
Herbert Marcuse One Dimensional Man
How much truth is there to this image?
Why is the art theory presented in this book and the tradition it stems from so frowned upon today in academic circles?
I really enjoyed moby dick compared to most other novels I've read...
Thought about reading LOTR. Is the pic related a good edition? If not, which one should I buy?
What are your favorite American books...
Which three novels changed your life the most?
I want to read something that would make me feel sick to my stomach and creeped out
What will the first Martian novelists be like?
What did the distinguished multidiscplinary scholar J. B. Peterson mean by this?
ITT: Post books that are incredibly underrated in your opinion
How do you pronounce pynchon
What's Veeky Forums's daily routine?
Give me a red pill on this guy
Recent Haul Thread
Why did Anglo and German philosophy diverge so sharply in the late 19th/20th century?
Write what's on your mind
C. G. Jung
There is a great deal, in the writing of poetry, which must be conscious and deliberate. In fact...
JRPG feeling books
Are there any short quotes which are profound but not pretentious?
God is the most logical conclusion for the existence of the universe
Question about Alpha human archetype
If I could go back in time, I might confront him [Nietzsche] as follows: “I am a superman: hard, cold, terrible...
Anyone read this? What do you think of it?
Veeky Forums, do deontology and virtue ethics overlap a lot?
Why cant Communists and Socialists admit they're just lazy?
ITT signs that somebody is a pseud
I talked to a little girl on Omegle about books
Reading Symposium
WW3 happens
How to avoid the French Marxist wave of the Post-War?
Will a non-religious person get anything out of this?
The book nearest to you becomes the Bible of a post-apocalyptic civilization. What happens?
Anyone seen this edition before? Picked it up at a used book store for 2 bucks. Apparently is ina...
Original trilogy
Post a Piece of Art
Name a more iconic trio
I’m thinking of getting a tatoo of Socrates on my chest, and I need a quote to go wth it
This is the most garbage thing I've ever read. Why are economists so clearly biased towards capitalism?
I am ugly, prospectless, friendless, will never experience romantic love, and have no real skill
"Take my interview with Kathy Newman for example. I think I did well...
Read a chapter
Obey the Natural Law
/Charts/ Nuuuuu Edition
Joyce fans
Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers
The author's intent delimits the meaning of the work
I left Veeky Forums for 2 weeks and got 10,000 words of my novel written. How much do you have written?
Tfw can't keep up with all the characters in the novel and confuse their names
Just marathoned this book. What did I think of it?
Does beauty still matter?
What are some books that will or could give me the courage to finally put an end to my existence?
Best way to learn German? Books (which ones) , web pages , dictionary etc etc
What are some novels like The Catcher in the Rye? Written in first person, with a directionless plot...
By Night in Chile's Spanish title
Who was the bigger badass: The judge from blood meridian or The General form Watership Down?
Anyone here like this guy?
What are some good books about the bourgeois state disarming the working class at the command of the capitalist elite?
I've finally decided to read everything Shakespeare. Do you guys know any good resources that could help? Essays...
Fake news
Is it just me, or are the stoics a little overrated and rather simple?
What are some examples of midwit/middle-brow lit and philosophy?
What are you currently reading
Black Poets
Advocates total celibacy, asceticism, not desiring, anti-consumerism, not fearing death...
Write what's on your mind
Does Veeky Forums enjoy the works of William F Buckely, all politics aside
I'm going to have children in the very near future
How do i stop taking everything at face value?
What's your opinion of Richard B. Spencer, president of NPI, author, intellectual, and spear tip of the alt-right?
Is listening to audiobooks a legitimate way to intake literature?
Who is the biggest fraud in philosophy?
Post Veeky Forums cancer
Materialism = Nihilism
What animal symbolizes corruption
What's another work by him that's the closest to this? This was my first time reading him and I really liked this
Starting the most important novel of all time
Welcome To The NHK Thread
Unusual pictures of your favorite writers
Wrote this about the girl I just ended things with, we were together for a long time. What do y’all think
Is there any substantive value to this book or is it just porn? I got about 60 pages in and while oddly fascinatingly...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Why is the "naturalistic fallacy" considered a fallacy...
I read moby dick and the Bible in 3rd grade
Who is your dad's favorite author/poet/writer?
What are some books for the /r9k/ feel?
What does Veeky Forums think about Homestuck
Best of Veeky Forums OC writing
My library doesn't have the greeks
Political philosophy general
Who are the best Christian apologists currently alive?
Where do I start with Robert Anton Wilson?
Who is the most interesting atheist thinker or writter currently alive?
Hey, Veeky Forums. What are your favorite young adult/children's novels? Try to post some that are less well known
What is the bare minimum of works I need to have read to tackle Being and Time...
Jordan Peterson vs Slavoj Zizek is happening
ITT: premises for short stories that will never see the light of day
Itt: Veeky Forums drinking games
What are some good books about the history and symbolism of the swastika?
What did I just read? What was the symbolism of him being a cockroach/dung-Beatle...
What are some good critiques of communism by fascists?
Hi Veeky Forums, what is your pen of choice? I get a nearly erotic satisfaction from using nice pens
Thoughts on the best work of philosophy in f our (millennial) generation?
So Veeky Forums I finally finished writing my novel. 300k words. any suggestions for naming the book as a whole...
Valuing prose and obfuscation over story and themes to be 'artistic'
Just admit this is the greatest book ever written
Sociology class
It would be really cool if his final book was just this huge culmination of all the characters and different settings...
Does anyone actually use cursive?
Has a single good fantasy book been written after Lord of the Rings?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
What're some Veeky Forums podcasts?
Is Ireland objectively the greatest country for literature?
How diverse is your library?
How about we write some microfiction, Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you reading him?
Why is there so much hatred for Charles Dickens online?
How to write comedy?
Curiosity got the better of me
Poetry: french or german?
What books set in Japan have you read that are comfy?
Which is the book all of us NEED TO read and why is it Infinite Jest?
Put in an excerpt of my novel
How do I into poetry?
Where do I start with him?
When we compare femininity with virility understood in material terms, such as physical strength, harshness...
If you love ancient Greeks and Romans so much, why aren't you bisexual, faggots
The Virtue of Chastity
How much have you read today?
How do I into buddhism?
Any books similar to this film?
Why Are Writers So Fucked Up?
So, my gf has given me a copy of this because it's her favourite book and she's excited about the upcoming movie...
Girlfriend just got me this. What does it mean?
Why do you hate this Chad?
Is my poem good?
Memorizing Poems
German language literature
Is this the greatest South African novel? If not, then what is?
Veeky Forums Bookmarks
Having to critique the writing of a freshmen girl in a creative writing class who has never read anything bigger than...
Find a better sonnet
Is this the official Veeky Forums anime?
Is anybody interested in closely analyzing The Catcher in the Rye with me?
How's the book coming along, Veeky Forums?
Any books on post-masculinity?
If you want to take up serious reading dont treat your reading list like buffet of literary history to be sampled...
Admit Literary Atrocities You Have Done
Do you take seriously Joyce's claim that he "finished the novel"? Do you believe that the novel, as an art form...
What is the best book ever?
Where to start with Japanese?
Creative Writing Degree
Is there any good book written by a black woman?
What was the most important book ever written?
There isn't a single philosopher who has soundly proven that the external world exists
Thoughts on lovecraft?
Do you have a home library specialization?
Plenty of writers have written about how shitty and depressing life is...
Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered...
Fredrick Neichze
Is Veeky Forums the most insecure, narcissistic, and neurotic place on the internet...
“The various forms of education or ‘normalization’ imposed upon an individual consist in making him or her change...
Recommend good novels that display 19th-century London setting
What have you read this year?
I want to be well read
Reminder that if you don't read and understand Jack Kerouac you are not an intellectual...
*destroys your will to live*
I just followed a girl across town for almost an hour just out of curiosity (wanted to see her face but I lost her when...
/bos/ - Boston General
ITT: Book that change your life
/wodirhg/ - What Order Do I Read Him General
How come she no like dante
Adventure novels
So is he actually good or just a meme?
Is homeschooling a good idea?
Condones murder
Has anyone read this book? What did you think of it. A lot of commies got butthurt about it...
and that was the moment when I realised, my friends... I just experienced The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories
had had
What do you think about the people who buy those fancy hardbacks of classics?
Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
Mental illness thread
Buying an e-reader
Books about dealing with the loss of your beloved dog and childhood companion?
Author writes the entire novel in second person
I know Veeky Forums are kinda snobs, but I do have a question about children's novels. So bear with me
Gravitys Rainbow
Write what's on your mind
I'm sure a lot of people has read Moby Dick and I probably will too. Give me some reasons why this book is worth reading
With regard to whatever objects give you delight, are useful, or are deeply loved...
Literature which has made you cry? I have yet to come across a story which touched me that deeply...
Any books on comfy slackers?
What's the best translation? I'm about to start Fagles because some stupid chart said it's the best one...
Name a better working class low life author
Journey to the West
What are some good books that teach military strategy?
How long should it take me to finish reading this? I'm on day 7 and haven't got past the first narration
Confess your sins Veeky Forums
What should I know and have read to be considered cultured?
I haven't read Ulysses yet
Who are some 20th century poets Veeky Forums can get behind?
Chart thread
Is there any literature that I can read that will give me a reason to live as an ugly man?
How did he manage to be a junky and an intellectual at the same time?
/sffG/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Just read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. 2/10
What is the best European literary nation after England, France, Germany and Russia, and why is it Romania?
My writing is too melodramatic. How can I improve?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the writings of William Burroughs...
Looking for literature that helps you as a person
Death and reading speed
Five books later, I'm approaching 37. Nearly half my life I've been reading these books...
Did Nietzsche believe that humans can only act in their self-interest? As in, was he a psychological egoist?
A Critique of Pure Strength
History of the Peloponnesian War
Why isn’t every piece of 21st century literature about technology...
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Snape asks Harry many questions during his first Potions class...
Last threads
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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