My novella starts with a character waking up

>my novella starts with a character waking up
Is this bad? I've seen people give others shit for it here

Make it start with him cleaning his room.

Don't take everything people say here seriously. It's good to avoid cliches but it's not possible to say that it's a bad way to start your novella without seeing what you're trying to do.

The impetus of the plot is a dream so idk how else to start it

Him watching an oniric/trippy sequence on a tv set.

I could see why some would roll their eyes at this, but I wouldn't mind. It's a logical place to begin a story. The only "beginning a story trope" I absolutely detest is starting off with a line of dialogue.

If the dream and course of the plot causes a character to change, have the character engage in a chapter or two that establishes how they are so the change is more profound.

They don't so much change as sort of realize things about themselves.

is it the absurdist novella where he wakes up with a knob on his head

Start it with your character waking up under his bed, then at the end reveal he was actually a demons

Have it begin with falling asleep, and so dream. Wake him up chapter two or three. (A chapter can a page.)

well thats how the metamorp started

Get this, what if he's just in another dream? Then he's not really waking up, is he?

I see. I still think an opening chapter where you sketch out the initial topography of the character or characters' personality is probably a solid choice. I could be wrong though, if any posters wants to disagree. I'm also a little drunk so I could be stupid.

where are you OP
fuck you

>my novel begins with my character watching his own hanging
Is this stupid?

Now he’s waking
And now he rises
Now he breathes deep
And now he steadies himself
Preparing to face the doldrums of another jejune Monday
He opens Veeky Forums
And weeps

Could be good if you write it good could be bad if you write it bad

>my novella starts with 20 pages of the world nigger over and over
Is this bad?

Talk about the day that he has before the dream, like Dostoevsky.

>Chapter 1
>Pepe woke up in his bed. Today will be an interesting day.

This might be best since my main character is essentially a less hateful and more confused Underground Man

>My novel is just a court proceeding with the Main Character just Reiterating what transpired a few days ago.

Is this bad? I thought about making this into some sort of Interview but thought that courtroom is much better.