Novels that made you do this

Novels that made you do this

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this, except the snape part

>throws book at a speed that would just bump on the window
>breaks window and flies a lot more afterwards

>he's an aesthetic realist
careful who you bore to death

>david o'faggot movies

don't worry, i carefully selected this place to vent the shitposting inside me so i can spare irl people

Nice spoiler warning you fucking Hollywood pieces of shit. Fuck you.


Ready Player One


>The whole movie is 2 and a half hours of him reading the book concluding with this dramatic reaction

>Fall of Hyperion
In a good way though

What a shallow waste of time

t. coping brainlet


yoooo right??
I watched the movie and thought "did I miss all these themes when i read this shit book four years ago??" I doubt it.

unironically hemingway.
my whole life you hear his fucking name everywhere, and when you finally pick up a book, you realize why everybody hates a cunt that says his favorite author is hemingway.
It's like he's trying to be this super deep, super rugged and gritty guy but he can't because he fucking sucks and has no talent.

Also an alien novelization. Some random one. No idea what it was called anymore, but it was... cartoonishly bad, and this coming from someone who reads cartoonishly bad fanfiction regularly.
Like, the main antagonist (people) were like these caricatures (you know, before poe's law came into effect) of capitalist slimebags and they took a drug called "pink orgasm" wow. Fucking brilliant naming convention there, you stupid fucker.

The whole "twist" was that the flat, boring, uninteresting love interest to the flat, boring, uninteresting main character was that he was a robot the whole time! Wooah! Crazy. I don't even fucking know why I finished reading it. Maybe I didn't it had like, a 4th grade reading level, so I probably just skimmed the whole thing in 5 minutes. Goddammit. This book is a garbage fire. I think it's Earth Hive, except that the author of earth hive has written other novelizations that I actually did enjoy quite a lot, so I don't know how it could be him. Maybe it was a make a wish foundation wish or something.

i unironically do this. i try and get all the toxic and bile out of my system on Veeky Forums and then have healthy relationships with people IRL.


In my experience 90% of the people say that they hate Hemingway because 90% of the people say they like him

I like you.

ol' papa

i want this so badly

And "The Sun Also Rises"

I was enjoying it until the wood porn part, it turned out to be YA.

The Long Earth series. Started of with such promise, but became more and more evident that it was less its own story and more like the sci-fi literary equivalent of a robot chicken episode. Reference reference reference.
>Hey, look! A giant worm like creature. In the sand. A Sandworm, if you will.
I get it.
>Character then specifically references how this reminds them of Frank Herbert

Unironically laughed to this.
Watch movie Yea or Nay?

Just because you throw like a girl doesn't mean everybody does.

well it's a paperback so you're full of shit.

really made me think

it's a pretty cute movie

checked out trailer; it looks like cancer.