My speech is full of classical allusions

>My speech is full of classical allusions
>No one recognizes them

Is there anything more frustrating?

Other urls found in this thread:

try biblical allusions instead maybe

Fedora faggot

Usually people just smile and nod, sometimes they completely ignore what I have to say. They don't do it in a way that's rude or deliberate, but they pause, stare distantly like a malfunction robot would, and move on with the conversation. Earlier today I was told I was like an alien, not in the way I speak, but something lateral to most people. Kind of hurts. I can't tell if I'm built wrong, or if everyone's been numbed to some interior humanity by unfeeling life.

>Is there anything more frustrating?
Conversing with you, probably.

>I'm a real human and everyone else is a dumb robot that doesn't understand how deep I am
You have to be at least 18 to use this website.

I'd say bearing witness to the kid who reached that stage where they believe they must embellish their writing with impenetrable allusions and references to be legitimized. Even when the classics or poets do it, it's essentially showing off a "power level". If you intend to write for an audience or theorists then go for it; otherwise, don't expect anyone to invest themselves in the flaunting of some prat attempting to look like a professorial. People in this stage of their literary development lack the solid foundation to back up that gumption anyway. Try to get it out of your system.

Many of them also did it because that was their circle. For some of them those allusions were of contemporaries. That isn't the way it typically is nowadays. There's a wealth of works around for us in this modern era to swallow but not much of it is of the caliber of the types of authors Joyce or Woolfe chummed with. We are just fanboys circumnavigating a canon. When we allude it is less personal because these aren't people or works that were written in our times and that hadn't already gone through years of scholarly analyses.

This worked for me.


Why do soyboys love the Greeks so much?

youre wasting you time on deaf ears.choose a fit audience,thats what i did.
Also,you have to be able to converse in a dyonisian manner too,dont get too arrogant and speak like you would to a professor or a more erudite friend,to a former highschool colleague thats now a bartender.Enjoy a beer and some vulgarity,once in a while!

This is so overused (biblical allusions ever more so). More likely that it's shit and no one cares.

Read some modernist poets and novelists in English (since I guess that is your native). That is the superior literary culture. The classics are idiotic.

>Enjoy a beer and some vulgarity,once in a while!

Here's another one

Nice self portrait.

Its a photograph you idiot

How did you go about finding a fit audience?

Hahaha, that's a classic Gregory Berrycone right there user.

first thing I thought of too but can't find it in my pics folder

I think selfie is the word you're looking for friend

my girlfriend is was a lit student and i enjoyed her friends company more than i did my med school/resident guys.i also had a very intelligent lit teacher in highschool i go out with sometimes

If you consider the average dipshit English major to be fit company then you don't belong here

what are you implying?
faust is the classic literary example of the "hyper-genius" savant.he was not a happy man.
i am simply suggesting that you take the egde off sometimes by engaging in activities with the "common" folk.I found that the most admirable and lively people ive met are my grandparents and their friends,all of them deformed by labor,but still more vertical and morally sound than most of the white collar snobs i know.

she is a very smart woman,not average at all.we re both in our 40's now,shes a doctor in literature,like most of our/her buddies

One finds one's audience by writing, user. Not via idle chat at the Co-op, the Park, ot even at the library..
>in before the numbskull who assumes this somehow isn't tic

christ this is awkward to watch
just tailor how you speak depending on who you speak to
don't speak to a girl at a bar in the same style you would write an essay

you're probably just autistic

>she is a very smart woman

lel like a very tall dwarf

>not writing an essay the same way you'd talk to a girl in a bar

>Great music is lost on the ears of the villagers, but play them "The Breaking of the Willow" or "Bright Flowers" and they grin from ear to ear. In the same way, lofty words make no impression on the minds of the mob. Superior words gain no hearing because vulgar words are in the majority. It is like the case of the two travelers tramping along in confusion and never getting where they are going. With all the confusion in the world these days, no matter how often I point the way, what good does it do? And if I know it does no good and still make myself do it, this too is a kind of confusion. So it is best to leave things alone and not force them. If I don't force things, at least I won't cause anyone any worry.

my wife tells me i should stop visiting this place for a reason

>t. Gregory Berrycone

what's your favourite meme, old man?

Oh! Oh! Do me! Do me! I want to know if I'm smart or not! Here, I'll start a conversation; pick whichever one works best:
>"Nice weather we are having today. I'm thinking of taking my family on a picnic."
>"I'm happy that my favorite team won the big game!"
>"Did you see that youtube video? It was hilarious!"
>"My boss is making me work overtime and my wife is upset that we don't spend enough time together."
>"She looks so pretty in that dress! Whoever she marries will be a lucky man."
>"So much tragedy on the news. These are troubled times indeed."
>"I'm too busy to work out right now."
>"Money is real tight; I'm having to work part time to pay for my student loans."
>"This girl I was texting ghosted me."
>"I wish my son would get a job. My parents never had to deal with things like this."
>"I've been feeling a bit depressed lately. My doctor said I should be on antidepressants."

This is what someone who hasn't spoken to a real human in years thinks people sound like. The avataring really drives home the disconnect from functioning, and even "functioning", individuals.

I couldn't tell if that was Kierkegaard, Dr. Johnson, or what. Excellent quotation, user.

Are you me? Well, almost, seeing how you haven't realized that normalfags are lesser beings and you still haven't gotten over this. It's utterly futile to try and make normies understand concepts that are above them. It's not worth your time to even attempt to explain yourself to them. You need to find a few friends or a lover that gets you and don't even bother with others. It sounds like elitism because it is but certain people like you, me, the majority of Veeky Forums users, are not meant to fit into "normal" society. Don't waste your potential on anything less than what you deserve.


This is the way the world ends

English major here. Came from Economics. English students are all "quirky" to an extreme or they are so bland they may as well not exist. You have the effeminate dude in class, the girl with blue hair, the chick who looks like a mom, the guy who speaks too loudly because his thoughts are so important, et al. English majors, for the most part, are fucking shitty. I don't really fit in with the classes and I can tell they have animosity toward me because of the way I dress and the things I say. Fuck em.


I think the partition in superior and vulgar as kind of antagonists is bullshit. Look at my superior words.

user is not wrong.

these are the posts you should have paid attention to jerk off
and you dont find an audience. you build an audience by being worth shit, which you apparently arent.

If it doesn't stand on its own without the allusions, then you need to rewrite it.

She should try disconnecting the internet to your cuckshed

>the guy who speaks too loudly because his thoughts are so important

Literally me

is your name Billy? Do you wear habitat for humanity t-shirts every fucking day?

i thought l'anomie was hilarious

how do ya dress

This seems like a good springboard to ask this, but does anyone worry about appearing arrogant? I probably am to some extent, but I try to be conscious of what I decide to affect confidence in and I don't think it's too much. When I am in class and earnestly interested in contributing or just the subject at all, I worry that people think I am arrogant just cause I am interested and curious, or the words I like to use. I am sincere in my academics, and I believe I am trying to engage with people and subjects that demand I don't be meek and cowardly. I'll write a story that I don't know if I can pull off, and be happy about merely trying. I don't want to be arrogant, and I don't think I am, but I also want peers to talk to and work with, and I don't know if I am intimidating or offputing :(

anyone who doesn't pick up on my intentionally cryptic references to classic literature breadcrumbed through a normal conversation must be a normie retard.

>This seems like a good springboard to ask this, but does anyone worry about appearing arrogant?

If you speak earnestly about something you are passionate about, people will forgive you speaking above them a little. They may even accord you added respect for not attempting to lower yourself in speech or thought.

If, on the other hand, you use a lot of uncecessary techniqual vocabulary and it comes acrross as an attempt to show off or to somehow isolate the listener, you'll quickly make enemies; Doubly so if your hearers aren't convinced you full understand the concepts you deploy.

It might be added that a few people will hate those who use 'big words' regardless of circumstance. Best to ignore these Lazlos of the world. (I was wronged by a man named Lazlo)

I definitely never aim to isolate anybody, if anything I try to be a person who people can look too and think "if they're contributing, I can contribute too." But I still worry, and I usually worry unreasonably. And for those who are upset by people trying to engage, or for using big words, I cannot give a fuck about them at all. I think you're right.

But in one-to-one conversation, especially talking about things I like, I worry that I might reveal my passion or interest a little too quickly. If I am interested in something, I think a lot on it and can pretty much talk about anything if anyone engages me. If I talk about a movie with someone who likes movies, I am unnerved by how sometimes they'll seem a little shaken by me talking about themes or small details I like. Maybe that's a problem with their own self-confidence and not my own, but I just hate the possibility of being arrogant or intimidating people I only want to engage with and share.

>They may even accord you added respect for not attempting to lower yourself in speech or thought.

To expand a little. Some will be thrilled not to be treated like a dummy. It's got to be authentic though. Don't even think about it.

>But in one-to-one conversation, especially talking about things I like, I worry that I might reveal my passion or interest a little too quickly. If I am interested in something, I think a lot on it and can pretty much talk about anything if anyone engages me.

This is ok, but be prepared to back down if their eyes glaze over, or if they don't respond. You need to gauge receptivity from time to time, especially with people you don't know well.

This, very insightful

This, listen to DFW speak and mimic that style of conversational speech

I figured as much. Sometimes I will need to wait and see how people react, and if they don't like all I have to offer that's not the end of the world. Such a simple lesson, but a hard one to learn.

Thank you for your posts, friend.

it's definitely more frustrating to have to interact with people who insist on making classical allusions in a normal conversation


Like stealing laurels from Numidian Herakles am I right?

Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren, Barbour, stuff like that