>Search aforementioned show, which doesn't merit being mentioned a second time
>Episode 72
>Pfahaha spinnin building
>Guy literally thinks Dubai is in India
>Like mentions it several times before one of the other guy points it out
>Haha I couldn't care leff
I used to work at a hotel which attracted a fair number of TV stars, B grade media personalities, travel """journalists"" and the like-- they were always the same basic archetype: loud, ostentatiously charming, full of themselves, and for anyone who could see through their veneer of superficiality, completely vapid and uninteresting.
Of course, most people are themselves vapid and uninteresting, and don't even have the social skills to be loudly vapid and uninteresting. Those people then flock to these B-grade celebrities, which confirms their inflated opinion of themselves, and they confuse their never ending stream of social banalities, casual sex, and self righteous vacuousness with being a charismatic person.
My advice, OP, would be to be yourself as fully as you can be. By this, I mean spend a half hour (minimum) every day writing in a journal, reflecting on your actions and feelings, and trying to work out specifically what kind of person you are and who you want to be. Only speak truthfully, only present an honest version of yourself, and when hit with the inspiration to say something, say it. When you fuck up and insult somebody or say something wrong (and you will), don't fixate on the fact, but reflect on it and try to understand what hidden psychological factors made you act and speak in such a way. Use your reason
At first this is going to seem counter intuitive, none of this will make you more popular, nor will it make people particularly like you more. This isn't the point though. What you want to achieve is to be an unapologetic version of you. Specifically, be the kind of person who, from gut instinct, makes the kinds of actions and says the kinds of things that you can be proud of.
Even if other people don't like you, as long as you can go to bed knowing that you said what you desired to say, and did what you desired to do, and where a good person both in actions and intentions, the idle talk of other people will seem like the chirping of birds while you walk through the woods.
Its important to be sincere here, and act on impulse. If you aren't sincere if you try to put forward some mask or presentation of "who" "you" "are" (lots of people do), then you're mostly fooling yourself, and depriving yourself of an authentic existence. By acting on impulse, you force yourself to make a great many split second mistakes, and by making those mistakes, gain the tools critically examine yourself as you really are, and improve yourself not just superficially but from the deepest depths of your being.
Most people don't even know themselves, so don't let their talk get to you. What's important is that you like yourself, and can go to sleep each night proud of your actions.