History of the Peloponnesian War

>History of the Peloponnesian War
>Most of it takes place away from Peloponnesus


>The Prince
>Not about a prince

It is though

>Journey to the end of the Night
>most of it takes place at day
Fuck you Celine

>The Illiad
>The only ill person was dropped on an island before the book even began.

>la chute
>not a single garbage chute and never once does anyone go down a slide

>Under the Volcano
>there are two volcanoes

>The Long Goodbye
>It actually is a long goodbye
Bravo, Chandler.

>Nobody says bye to Bill


>The Aeneid
>nobody is anemic

>the count of monte cristo
>a census would be pointless since no one lives on the island anyway

>Devil to Pay in the Backlands
>the devil appears for one page and may or may not have existed

>the stranger
>everyone knows who he is and by the end he is positively famous

>fear and trembling
>not even scary

>New testament
>Takes place in olden times

>Romance of the Three Kingdoms
>the kingdoms in fact hate each other

>The Scarlet Letter
>Scarlet Johansson doesn't send anyone a letter

>I am Legend
>my name is Robert Neville

>it has nothing to do with homeric poems

>no greek heroes with latinized names of the trojan war even show up

>Finnegans Wake
>he never actually wakes from his schizophrenic alcoholism

he does tho

>The Periodic Table
>Its a book and never even periodically a table

>nobody gets doubles

>blood meridian
>no mention of geographical delimitations related to longitude and latitude
>lots of blood tho

>The Divine Comedy
>it's not funny

>The miserables
>They're miserable

Bravo Hugo

>Infinite Jest
>aptly titled

>In search of the lost time
>in the end you are actually wonders where all those hours went

Proust, I salute you.

exept for yu fren!

>of mice and men
>there are no mice anywhere in the book

Who though?


>A Farewell to Arms
>Doesn't describe a farewell given by a limbless man to someone with arms

>Don Quijote
>the only donkey is named dapple not oatay

> Yukio Mishima's The Sound of Waves
> it's a love story between two teenagers, no SPLAAAAASH

> Gravity's Rainbow
> V-2 rockets are falling across the city and the title refers to the near-parabolic shape of their downward trajectory

>It's about a guy named Candide

>It's about a guy named Micromegas

>It's about a guy named Zadig

He's perfect

ironic seriousposting is still ironic

>The Republic
>it's not a republic

> Diogenes' Sayings and Anecdotes
> he doesn't say he's going to lie on the floor and then lies on the floor, the absolute madman

Doesn't the idiot guy kill a mouse or something accidentally?

it does, that's why the review is funny

No pretty sure it was a puppy

it was a mouse before the puppy, and at the end a human. so the title makes sense after all

it's French it means the fall

>it's not about pothead

seriously hope these are all intentionally retarded posts

>The Meditations
>not one Om

baka, f am.

>not about a small pig

>set in a city

>the new testament
>is over a thousand years old

>infinite jest
>only been jestingly shitposting on lit for a few years, no where near infinitely

>no longer human
>Still clearly human

>The Art of Computer Programming
>doesn't have one plate


>it's not very erotic at all

>The Great Gatsby
>Gatsby's actually pretty shitty

You're boring


>odysseus' Odyssey
>ulysses' ulyssy

You take that back right fucking now.

You see how many shirts that fuck had?

How many shirts do you have?

I fucking thought so, cunt.

>The Great Gatsby
>he's not great, and he's not even Gatsby

Pretty sure it means cabbage in french

>K. actually defends a concentricity thesis, marking Judge Wilhelm as having fully subsumed the aesthetic into an ethical marriage — thus making a simple binary choice illusionary, but not in the way A. describes in his ecstatic discourse

>The Apology
>Socrates never says sorry

> brave new world
> still on earth