Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

schizo meets God(s) in mental hospital
kills himself

good, good.
comedy or tragedy?

alright, get this, a dude who, hehe, get this, a dude who kills people just because.

Yet it was another dream in God's eternally lonesome mind.

" future cyberpunk police officers are tasked to find out who is the owner of this new drone-drug delivery business.

After they sucesfully chase the drones with their own police drones and go futher up and up the ranks, they find out it's an AI who uses the drug's profits to pay for it's servers to keep living.

One of the policemen secretly falls in love with it and installs the AI in his own PC rig in the house.

Feels Dick-ish, sound nice.

Murican Psycho

Thanks, i think PKD is my favourite author, who can really dream up Sci-Fy that's new and fresh.

Is the AI a humanoid?

The year is sometime in the not-so-distant future: couples expecting a new-born have the option to assign physical characteristics to their child whilst it is still in the womb.

Like us today, their society is driven by consumeristic trends. You can tell when a human was born by the trends: Green eyes and purple hair were very trendy in the 2070s. Blue eyes with red hair was trendy in the year 2050s, etc.

Millions of people look alike. DNA salesmen make a killing. You want my nose? It'll cost you $500,000 USD. My curly blonde hair? $1,000,000 USD. It's also copyrighted, so you'll have to pay $5,000 per year USD (including your children for the rest of their lives)

There are of course pirates who simply digitally download these traits and apply them to poor couples "under the rug" away from government eyes for a discount...and the risk of genetic problems...

Actors are obsolete. Digital renderings of actors are copyrighted by their companies. The renderings are owned by the companies, and loaned out to Entertainment companies, who produce their own movies using said digital actors. They can be anywhere, anytime.

Pirates of course exists, and a rouge group of pirates begin illegal downloading the world's most famous actors and making their own movies.

The pirates tackle the largest Entertainment company: Dalt Bisney, which owns 90% of American's entertainment industry. The pirates uncover something eerie: Bisney has a database hoarding a digital copy of nearly all Americans.

Not only that, but not everything is as it seems with the President lately...especially after conspiracy theories spotted him at two places simultaneously...

God creates everything, dies and rots away
man being born on earth crawling through the mud and being eaten by anything that's bigger than it finds a piece of gods corpse, sees the beginning till the end and creates magic from it not considering with its tiny insignificant mind the bigger pictures that this is a bad thing or even what a god even is at this point in pre history.
Eventually earth becomes a utopia, all of man pretty much demigods and essentially immortal through their almost perfect understanding of magic. The man who created magic finds that there just isnt enough suffering in the world with everything being perfect and becomes the devil just to make a balance in everything.
fastforward a couple of millenia and the Holy Kingdom of King Richard the 1st is doing pretty well if it werent for the fact that they see the devil as an adversary of their version of god (still very much dead) and kind of want the devil dead to create their own utopia.
King Richard declares that whoever is skilled or brave enough can go on a holy crusade into hell and slay the devil.
Enter the Hero character that wants to find his missing father, finds out he went into hell to slay the devil but never came back, and goes into it himself to get his dad and slay the devil.

That's pretty much what I got for this story idea for now, might expand it at some point, I have some others that I can post but those are still very bare bones

It's about a white American reporter on assignment in pre-WWII Paris. He's searching for the same Paris that was home to the Lost Generation because he's a romantic, obviously doesn't find it because by then it had faded. But he does meet an African woman who moved to Paris by some means and works as a cleaning girl for some cafe. They have an affair before his paper pulls him back to America because of budget cuts.

He receives letters from her when he goes home but makes a conscious decision to cut off communication of his own after he gets back due to societal pressure. He goes off to war in Europe and this brings back memories but he can't escape to Paris to see her. Something about the war makes him feel like he's an idiot for accepted societies judgement over his own individual happiness.

The war ends and he goes to Paris to find her again, his spirit renewed by his own enlightenment (tipping intensifies) and love for this woman, but the cafe is destroyed by looters and a neighbor tells him about her death I guess (haven't figured the transition out yet) and he goes to see her grave already sad, then sees another grave with a child's age grave next to hers with the birth year being the year he left and the child's name has his last name.


Suicide is a mechanism, not a resolution

I was thinking og making a collection of 7 short stories.

One for each sin.

Call it "7 deadly sinners" or something.

The idea isn't to straight up be like "This dude's sin is that of lust".

I have a few pages if someone would care to look at my writing style.

I would love to read some of your stuff user.

Nice. I haven't really got to the meat of the first story yet, but i can post what i have so far.

Title: The Perfect Shot.
“Ah, breakfast,” I said to myself as I sat down at the table, “the most important meal of the day.”
I looked at the meal that I had just arranged for myself. Eggs, sunny side up, bacon, cooked to a crispy yet chewy perfection, bread, toasted on the same pan as the bacon to savour some of that salty goodness, and freshly pressed orange juice. Truly a meal fit for someone like me. But then again, I was the one who made it.
As I began eating I turned on the radio as I always do for my morning routine. 7 o’clock, time for the news. It’s usually the same nonsense. This week’s celebrity scandal, war and famine in the middle east, some political mishap. I find it all quite boring to be honest, but it’s good to know what is going on in the world. If anything, it can always be used for a conversation.
After eating I finished my morning routine as I always do. Wash the dishes. Brush my teeth. Feed the fish. Pack my camera. All part of a perfectly balanced and clean way of starting the day.
As I left my apartment I ran into Mrs. Friggs from downstairs, an elderly woman in her 70s.
“Good morning Mrs. Friggs, getting the paper?” I asked and stopped for a moment.
“Yes, I hope it’s worth reading today,” she replied, “if not, I always have the crosswords.”
I smiled. “Give me a rundown of the interesting stuff when I get back, will ya?”
“Of course dear, but only if you will join me for tea!”
“I’d have to be mad to miss out on the best tea in England!” I yelled as I went out the door.

I looked at my watch and started speeding up my steps; if I wanted to catch the bus and not have to take a cab I would have to make it just in time. My little run-in with Mrs. Friggs, pleasant as it may be, plucked a precious minute from my routine.
As I rounded the corner so did the bus and I knew that I wouldn’t have to stress myself. I got on and found a seat.
I like taking the bus. I find it amusing to look around and see if I recognise any faces. Sometimes when people aren’t on the bus, I wonder why they aren’t there. Did they perhaps get a car or do they have day off, maybe they’re just sick? I must say though, that I like it more when I see a face that I don’t recognise. It’s much easier to deduct why they are there. If I’ve seen them around the neighbourhood before I know that their car or bike is probably just broken, and if I don’t recognise them I know that they’re newcomers.
I like to pay close attention to detail; not only because I’m a photographer, but because I see the beauty in the little things. That’s what I mostly to with my pictures too. I like to capture the things that are normally seen as mundane and trivial by most people. Bringing out the natural beauty of things and creating the ‘Perfect Shot’ is what I do best.

There was a new woman on the bus today. I hadn’t seen her around the neighbourhood before so I figured she must’ve been a newcomer. She was something out of the ordinary, but still plain in a weird beautiful way. She was tall for a woman, and her slender figure went perfectly with her slightly pale skin and blonde straightened hair. Her blue eyes and red lipstick complimented each other, and her cheekbones helped frame the face and make her features pop.
“Perfect.” I mumbled to myself as I tried to observe the woman without staring intensely.
The woman got off the bus before me, and as I reached my own destination I regretted not having approached her. However, I figured that with a little luck I might run into her on my way home, and if not, surely, I would see the next day or the day after that.

“Good morning Mr. Kemp.” Lauren greeted from her desk, as I stepped into the office of the studio.
“Good morning Lauren,” I replied while taking of my jacket, “please, call me Ed, no need to be so formal- I thought we talked about this?”
“Oh I know sir, sorry, it’s just that the tone wasn’t quite as casual at my last job.”
“It’s quite alright, did you bring the things I asked for?”
“Yes, I went out and did a little shopping yesterday, everything is already inside,” she said and pointed to the studio door, her gaze firmly directed at the computer screen.
“Great, please come and get me if any problems arrive or if you deem an email to be of great importance,” I said as I went into the studio, “though I expect that you can take care of things on your own.”
Inside my small studio a bunch of ordinary grocery items were tightly packed into two plastic bags, I had asked Lauren the previous day to buy what items she thought would be on an everyday shopping list. She bought exactly what I expected and needed for my new project.
I grabbed a few items and put them in a corner of the studio. Something was missing though, I wanted to do a simple photoshoot so to get rid of the floorboards and wall panels I covered the corner with a white sheet. I took a pack of ground beef and put it in the corner and even though it wasn’t fresh, the red colour of the meat really popped. This is exactly the kind of stuff that I like; making the ordinary extraordinary.

What a cute baby tapir.

“So, what do you think?” I asked Lauren while she was scrolling through some of the pictures I had taken. I was standing in front of her and could see her face react to what she was seeing on the computer.
“Well,” she said and paused for a few seconds, “it’s very-“
“You hate it.”
“N-no sir- I mean Ed,” she shifted her eyes to meet mine, “it’s just very… you.”
I walked over beside her and found a picture of two broken eggs.
“Now then,” I looked her in the eye and pointed to the screen, “what is the first thing that pops into your head, first thought?” I waited patiently while she studied the picture.
“Conflict,” she finally said and looked at me, “it makes me think of conflict.”
“That’s great, but why conflict?” I asked with a pleased tone and sat on her desk.
“Two broken eggs… it’s like two people broken by conflict,” she said with an uncertainty in her voice, but with a spark in her eyes. “The way the yolks mix together gives an impression of two hearts bleeding into the same pool.”
I stood up, “Very good,” I smiled and grabbed an apple from a bowl on her desk. “You see this is exactly what I want, for people to react and think for themselves.”

A:- Meh
B:- Not bad. I don't think it will be long before a producer can cast e.g. Marilyn Monroe in his film. But the way you expand it would make for a good PKD-type vibe.
(And assuming you're not writing against the clock with two crazy ex-wives on the payroll, you have the luxury of taking some time over it and actually planning it out, which he didn't, haha)

The blonde from the bus didn’t ride it home yesterday; not at the same time as me anyway, much to my displeasure. But I wasn’t going to let myself get knocked down. I was fully intended on getting to know her; and taking her picture.
To get a good start on my day I made the usual; Eggs, sunny side up, crispy and chewy bacon, perfect toast, and fresh orange juice. After eating my breakfast and listening to a little news I washed the dishes, brushed my teeth, fed the fish, and packed my camera.
I had been waiting at the bus stop for 5 minutes when it finally turned the corner. “A little late today,” I said and smiled at a man whom had been waiting longer than me. I didn’t really pay attention to his response, because as the bus stopped before us I saw her in the window.
As I got on the bus I knew that I shouldn’t approach her as the first thing. I figured it would startle her, so I decided to just observe and admire her. She looked exactly as stunning as she did yesterday. With her blue eyes and pale skin, she almost had slight glow or twinkle to her, and the red lipstick made sure that your eyes were drawn to her face.
I noticed that her stop was coming up and decided that the time was right. If I were to get off at the same stop as her and approach her there she would most likely take me for a stalker. But by approaching her on the bus, where there were other people, I knew she would feel safer.
“Excuse me,” I said with a smile and looked her in the eyes as I was standing beside her seat, “My name is Edward Kemp, I’m a photographer.” She looked at me calmly and maintained eye contact, a good sign.
“I know this is sudden and still early in the morning, but I have to say that you are very beautiful and that I would very much like to take your picture.” Her eyes widened and she lifted her head a little.
“Well it is early, you got that right,” she said with a slight smile forming her face. “My stop is coming up ahead, and I have to go to work, but do you have a number that I can call?”
“Why, of course,” I said and grabbed a business card from my breast pocket. While I wasn’t fond of the idea of letting her take control, I was still pleasantly surprised that she didn’t reject me on the spot.
Before she got off the bus I managed to get a few more details from the woman. She was 26 years old, worked as a bank teller, and her name was Sophie.
When I got to work I told Lauren that I was expecting a call and that she was to get me from the studio in case the phone started ringing, of course she should also pick up first to make sure that the person wouldn’t hang up.

And thats pretty much it so far

Tapir a cute. CUTE!

1/10. Incoherent.

Lonely, disparaged misanthrope builds himself a woman from spare parts. She is his creation, daughter and lover, and she grows to despise him as other women have. I want to have her die giving birth to a still-born abomination.

I think I want her to be built from the parts of live women who he murders without focusing on the murder aspect, more just as a mechanism to illustrate his perversions and issues with women. But every time I try to write a bit of his collection process it comes out as hacky horror tier. I know in Frankstein Shelley doesn't go much into the building of the creature. Maybe that'd be for the better; I'm just not sure.

Wait, did I mess up the syntax? I think that's how cute-posting is supposed to be done.

Make it clear that he murders people, but glance over the murder itself and focus on why he murders them. Why this exact woman, what part of her does he want and why?

ex: "I remember this one woman, Lucy I think. She had the most beautiful hands i had ever seen. And they were so soft to the touch too. If I was to make the perfect woman I had to have those hands. I wanted her touch to feel like silk, I wanted comfort beyond warmth and simple caress."

perhaps even make it so he never gives the body life, but just ends up creating a mess of thread and body parts.

You meant to say "Tapir is cute" in your first sentence, but that's just me presuming your intentions of indicating that the Tapir in OP's image is cute. Your second sentence is incomplete, because the sentence lacks a subject and verb. Perhaps you meant to say "it is cute."

Yeah, that's a good idea, and sort of what I've been trying to do. I just need to work on my subtly I guess. Your mini passage is good, but if you were to put together a whole body that way, it'd be obscene and ghoulish
>mess of thread and body parts
I definitely want the book to be about his relationship with his creation. She has to come to life, because she has to foster a hatred for him. I think it would be sort of lame if she was dead all along and it was some sort of self-imposed hatred.

A Gonzoish piece of my experience trying to keep real estate investors from selling my home in the remote Ozarks aswell as some historical investigation and sneaky undercover things.
Basically the story of a country neet trying to keep their childhood home with interesting dialogue with local old timers and insanely evil accountants and realitors.
The best part is I don't need to create any dialogue and the plot presents itself.
I think it's gonna be p
Gretty buod when it's done

>Gretty buod
Help, this man is having a stroke
Is there a doctor present

Someone please comment.

It's set in world war I and follows two different protagonists roughly the same age in the same battlefield, one is a German chad full of ambitions and a bright future whose father is a high ranking officer among the Kaiser's court, but he feels the need to prove that he isn't just a spoiled brat who has everything handed to him so he enlisted in the military, the other is a French poor miserable kid whose only family is his mother but she is too sick and the only way he can afford to treat her is by enlisting in the military.
Both shoot each other simultaneously by the end

A girl discovers the realities of isolationism and the self through dreams, first accepting and finally challenging the suicidal ideas as a result of her father's suicide. By means of the spectrum of others she meets along this 7-year dream journey which lapses hundreds and hundreds of times in itself, she find what it means to be, as an entity separate and severed from others, finally deciding that she is ready to wake up and eliminate her separations from others.

Tapir is cute. It is cute.

Reeks of American racial psychosis

it's a good idea, but, stay with me, what if he killed people because of the sun

I want to write a novel that makes fun of athiests by starting off with a schizo character who has a fundamentalist nonsense viewpoint with dummy words in place of real concepts. The viewpoints then shifts to another character who is a fundamentalist evangelical christian. The book ends from the pov of a fundamentalist materialist/athiest. Point being how all these viewpoints are the same.

How so? That's actually an opinion I've yet to hear.

A supernatural thriller set in the 60's where the main character is haunted by the characters of the previous books he'd written due to a curse placed on his family.

A scifi series that deals with many copies of earth set throughout the galaxy and ruled by nephilim directors that fail to guide the planets in accordance with the original earth (ours).

A high fantasy setting that takes place after the end of earth. In this world area all the things Humans & Earth forgot up until its conclusion. All characters are a form of incarnation whether this be spirit, performer, instrumentalist, warrior, etc. Extensive lore blah blah.


B is indeed Veeky Forums

A sequel to the Mormon bible where Jesus meets Mohammad and go on an adventure

memes aside, how accurate is Islam in general when viewed as a sequel to Christianity and the Abrahamic faith

The second criticism is moot since I'm assuming you're writing for an American audience anyways, but I'll humor you.
American race relations are, without a doubt, the most bizarre in the world. Every interaction is racialized, and race itself is fetishized, to the point of dehumanization. So this idea of "forbidden love" between races (besides desperately played out) is something non-Americans roll their eyes at.

Some kids go into a swamp and get raped to death by a bog elemental and a swamp witch.

It's about a psuedo-intellectual failure of a human being who attempts to write a book before he offs himself. It's about a psuedo-intellectual failure of a human being who attempts to write a book before he offs himself. And that author's book is about a psuedo-intellectual failure of a human being who attempts to write a book before he offs himself. So on and so forth.

>wealthy merchant
T. hasn't read the quran

>thinks mohamed wasn't a wealthy merchant

t. hasn't read history

Some post-apocalypse mystery cthulu shit with lots of drama and competing warlords and shit.

I fucking hate that image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

Not as good as the first two

tapir also a cute

Have another one you angry momo

A young boy in a fantasy world is raised by dwarves after he is discovered left with a shipment of elf wine. The dwarves raise him to be a fierce warrior in their underground halls, training him to fight goblins, the ancient rival of dwarves. However, the goblins capture him while he is on patrol one day, not killing him as he is not a dwarf. He learns of their society, and realizes that these "monsters" are people too, with feelings like a dwarf's.
He works to make peace between the two peoples, even though they have been enemies for many years. However, in the end a minority goblin militant faction attack the dwarves, and war is resumed. The young man is forced to kill the people he has been negotiating with this whole time, and one of the last scenes is the boy talking with the goblin chief while the chief dies from wounds sustained fighting the man. Cycle of violence kind of message.

Also, big thicc dwarf waifu, who loves her man, baking, and fighting in the shieldwall. She's like all the best features of a Jewish and British wife. Dwarf father only begrudgingly accepts relationship after trial by combat.

Call it killer 7

Set during the mid 90's in manhattan, a group of four young black teenagers thst dont knoe each other get merged in a sobrenatural plot about obscure and evil forces controlling some aspects of their lived and the more they dwell in the mistery the more they develop their powers.

Our first protagonist is a typicsl chad douchebsg thst excels in many sports, he is about to graduate high school and practically has a free pass to one of the Ivy league colleges thanks to the scholarship that he is about to secure.
Little does he know thst behind a his future plans there is a msjor plan that has been planned before he was born, both his parents dont knoe it yet but he will inherint an inmense responsability that ancestors have reserved for him.

The second character is a nerd girl from a rich family that likes to read a lot, specially about old cultures and mythologies, shes basically an expert on the topic of ancient egypt and other old cultures, her parents want her to study medicine like the tradtion in the fsmily, but she wants to take a fee years free after ending high school in order to keep investigating on her stuff and also raise a fund for a project of creating a library in a school were her deceased aunt used to be a history teacher.

Next we have the misterious but shy boy that has some troubled problems on his past.

Despite being a street smart rascal he decends from a line of forgotten explores and archeologist that still remain as a family secret for him.
In fact, both his grandfather and father died from misterious causes while searching for some ancient ruins in the mayan territory of mexico.
He has more potential thsn he can realize and her grandma knows it, but she is afraid thst her only fsmily still alive may die from the same causes that have claimed the valiant lives of the other men of the family.

Last one we have a young rich girl that was adopted at birth by one of the most richest families in manhattan, her step father was the best friend of her biologic parents and when they died he took care of her with his wife, they also have a biologic son that recently came into the family and she is cant be happier with her step parents, but the time has come and she must take the place in the great order, shall she learn the truth sbout the death of her parents and why she is more important than she thinks.

What is this thing? I love it!

I actually really like this but I'd prefer it if shes was buried with a husband or another man's child personally. Seems a bit weak an ending to just have him have a kid he didn't know of.

But regardless, could be really good user.

You're a fucking retard.

but wait, what if, hahahah, he doesn't believe in the sun

what is good old neon?

True, I am. But I don't necessarily find your point to be accurate. All of my Korean family, for an example, hate the Japanese and it's very unacceptable to be dating one. Likewise, I know many Chinese who despise Africans and will ostracize family members if they're found in the company of one.

I think the reason it's a larger issue in America is because it's the largest country in the world that does not have a native race to it's name (Native Indian aside as they're such a small minority). So it is ingrained within our society as a whole to be conscious of those differences.

In what way would it be strengthened by your suggestion, do you think? My worry with that would it would add more layers of drama and only detract from the theme.

Working on a project in which a lich's apprentice dies and is raised as an intelligent "zombie" without his knowledge, and learns about his death a year down the road.
I also have a side project of writing a play about a vagrant trying to find a new place in the world, solely because "playwright" is a fucking cool title.

It's the "bretty gud" "meme" taken to it's logical conclusion, absurdity. It's actually an extremely high brow "meme" only a well versed scholar would understand.
If you don't understand the deep affinities between Kauffman's notion of the Adjacent Possible and Biosemiotics' hybrid Peircean/Uexküllian “sign” concept, by which living systems – both as individuals and in the aggregate (i.e., as co-actors, communities and lineages) – “capture” relevant aspects of their relations with the immediately given Adjacent Possible and preserve those recipes for future interaction possibilities
as biologically instantiated signs. Of course also need to understand Peircean algebraic logic and his existential graphs to able to independently derive s functionally complete system of graphical logic that can represent geniuine triadic relationships, as have I. Beyond this you need to understand the manner in which physical and semiotic causation cooperate in an orchestrated fashion, giving rise to an ever-expanding profusion of scaffolding structures and processes. You will not "get" this "meme" unless you "get" the origin of the phenomenal world via the naturalization of logical conflict or incompatibility which is broader than, but includes logical contradiction). logical conflict, or incompatibility itself, is the mechanism of intentionality; meaning-making is assured by scaffolding, which is a product of earlier choices, or decision-making, or interpretation. If you can't grasp this you can not possibly understand that "gretty boud" is exactly as far as the "bretty gud" "meme" can be taken and still be considered itself.
If you don't understand something ad simple as that. You have no chance of comprehending my memoir of abusing drugs while fucking with realitors. The magnitude of my intellect would destory you, you sir would be the one "having a stroke".

I've never seen fun posting this advanced.

No, you've missed the point. Racism, or bigotry towards out-groups (especially with historical contexts like the Japanese annexation of Korea) is found all around the globe.
I'm talking about something different.

I'm gonna have this on copypaste

Any links then to clarify what you mean so I can understand you better?

Tapir posters arguing.

This is not pasta isn't it?
I should learn this by heart and use it in every argument in real life and win by virtue of being wordy (see what I did there?)

It's a creative copy pasta. More like a copy collage, I took material out of several abstracts (all in the same issue progress biophysics and molecular biology, volume 119 issue three section 5) and added some things about graphical logic and other tweaks to make it seem like I was refernceing a coherent system I devolped to take memes to their ultimate form.
Even if I plagirised larges sections of it I'm still pretty proud of my doing so and of understanding it(except Peircean algebraic logic lol). I'm sharing my methods because I want others to use them in the future, I know I will.
And yes you should do learn how to do this in real life, if I get bored or annoyed I can confuse any argument to it's end with a minute of monologue. I often do that unintentionally when I forget to conceal my power level.

There is a Hebrew saying to that effect, which translates to:
>If you can't convince, confuse

A book consisting only of the word "that" and "had" which nonetheless makes perfect grammatical sense.

Postmodernism was a mistake

look at this fucking thing, god must be a real jackass..

he's talking about the bizarre, co-dependant relationship between niggers and crackers, a type of identity politics that only really exists in the u.s. due to the sheer numbers of each race living together and the history they share.

>An SJW trannie time traveller goes back in time to kill Jordan Peterson, thinking that this act will make the world safer and more comfy for all tranny activists. Unfortunately, this only makes things worse because Xir act creates a dangerous far-right movement in Canada who reinstitute the Fruit Machine as Dean In Totas.

Over time the Fruit Machine not only expels all fruits and trannies from the university, but develops along with supercomputers creating a parallel universe in which all gay and tranny culture is seen as misconduct. Here we see a parallel ironic dystopia in which an anti-Trudeau/Peterson AI Machine comes to power and risks all of the progress of equality and the rights of justice.

Actually the spirit of the idea isn't fundamentally postmodern. My thinking was that the ambiguities inherent in the words "that" and "had" could be used as a lexical framework on which to impose a narrative of the reader's own derivation. This is more of a cubist attitude and therefore fundamentally modernistic, as opposed to postmodern. Not that I would expect a Petersonite to really grasp such subtleties. Although in all fairness there are some metafictional elements but those stand apart from the process and we're incorporated rather reluctantly and mostly as a way to maintain my own interest.


clearly this project is fucking my brain something awful

like the great gatsby except set in last decade's silicon valley
sort of like writing a myth for california

A man who has amounted to nothing in his entire life devises a way to combine bowling with pinball and becomes unbearably wealthy. At first he starts to fill his home with silicone sex dolls until he realizes he can afford actual prostitutes and even attract beautiful yet shallow women.
Eventually he collects a tribe of single mothers who agree to breastfeed him in return for supporting their children. Despite all of this he remains a shlub with delusions of making something of himself. Because he shuffles his feet when he walks, others easily pass him leading to the book's title, "Walking Backwards."
It's the 21st century Confederacy of Dunces and is told in second person. If Random House doesn't pick it up I'm thinking a visual novel with art made in DAZ Studio. Real gritty stuff.

sounds p good

If it's adapted to film as I expect, I will insist on the actresses playing the herd to actually be lactating, no CGI. This is a passion project and I expect nothing except practical effects. And no, I won't be playing any roles in this, that's self-indulgent. I've got SOME integrity left.

Why did I find this shit so funny? I must have laughed for like 10 seconds.


Gattaca and Simone. Really original stuff here.

The first half of the book starts off when a boy's shitposting is found by his school. His parents are outraged, and send him to an expensive Jesus school to clean up his act. He tries to fuck one of the girls there, but he's too much of a betafag. Girl gets raped and he becomes depressed.
The second half of the book consists of the boy leaving christfag school and gradually becoming less sad.
In the book, I have a magic system loosely based off the color wheel.

I like it

sounds too simplistic, unless you back it with some really good prose it won't go far

My novel is well over 200 pages already and I posted part of it here

I liked it the other way better. It was a lot cuter

Apart from body parts, get him to harvest a FFUGLY's brain.

She'd be so stoked to get Monroe lips, Lopez hips, Parton tits etc, even with seamwork and mixed tans, she agrees.

She tries hard to love Frankenwerfer out of gratitude, but it gets harder and harder, because he is shallow, selfish and borring inspite of being a SSS-class genius. He is low hygiene and disagreeable, overtime looks uglier and uglier and uglier.

And a goodlooking goodguy FINALLY notices FFUGLY hauling trashbags for the MC, pursues her, gets her, gets her pregnant.

MC finds out only when she finally leaves. (See "selfish", above.)

Total retcon, kills off fan favorites, low effort fast publish cashgrab, protagonist is author-projection, closes canon against fan fiction.

the first one would be cool as a chick flick movie

>that baby tapir
nice :)