Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't read a book since I was 16.
Sarcasm is actually the hughest form of wit
I can't remember the last book I read or how many years ago it was.
I write anime.
Last full book I read was in something like October of last year.
I only read books and study philosophy because of my crippling oneitis and inability to get with women I actually want.
Self-reference is the lowest form of cleverness.
I read and write romance
What started off as an attempt to impress people by sounding smart, has engulfed my life, fragmented my vision - breaking everything into cause and effect , socially crippled me and repulsed me from everyone. I pace my flat irritated and bored but feel no desire to go outside and talk to people. In University when people speak to me I get irritated with their small talk and their automatic scripts of conversation and often just rudely walk away. My parents call me and i ignore for weeks then respond and feel hatred to them even though they have done nothing but love me all of my life. Women have become so alienated to me, I see them as lifeless creatures living purely in the present with no actual care or concern for anything but their immediate physical comfort.
if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you is correct - the tormentor becomes the tormented.
The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda is only 100 pages long but I dropped it after 25 pages
First Chomsky book I've read, is he always this much of a hack?
Pretty much written in sarcasm, no citations, broad claims.
The books I am most attached to are genre fantasy fiction. I have bought and read almost all his books.
I force myself to read.
We all should be reading right now.
That's normal if you still enjoy it at the end of the day
I hate you all.
I can't read philosophy without getting bored out of my mind.
How old are you now user?
What's been occupying your time?
>can't into reading
Not gonna make it.
fart jokes are the lowest form of humor and should only be socially acceptable to crack them at a funeral
I think the Brothers Karamazov is a melodramatic, moralistic bore. It's like wank-material written for all the neckbearded christians on Veeky Forums
I canĀ“t read fiction without getting bored out of mind.
>t. played fruit ninja on his ipad as a child instead of receiving human interaction
hahahah atheism REKT yet again by fedora.jpg well done user hahaha
I identify strongly with Zooey Glass.
>there is almost statistical certainty that one of these anons has called you a pleb at one point
I'm the most interesting person I know
In terms of my own personal acquaintances, I would say the same about myself too. Although there are far more interesting people out there who I haven't met.
I don't have any friends either.
Can't stop reading I tried but couldn't
I read a few stories from Dubliners (not the long one at the end) and now I consider myself a well read person, and plan to tell various people irl about the book and my having read it
>these anons give you book recommendations
>fruit ninja
I looked this up and now I'm just euphoric in my own not-being-a-fucking-retarded-animal-who-throws-their-life-away-on-something-this-inane-and-pointless-ness
Nothing wrong with that. Do you publish on one of those serial sites? Loads of money to be made there.
I've spent several months on one book.
I much prefer reading plays to seeing them performed
>These anons exist.
Make a thread in /adv/ then leave Veeky Forums forever, please, you've been way too far brother.
This is how I feel too user
Are your friends more interesting that you?
You're probably a sociopath
To be honest you probably are
I used to teach bona fide, severely stunted autists and fetal alcohol syndrome kids, and they loved fruit ninja so much.