Write what's on your mind

Write what's on your mind.

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can't stop self inserting as the girl
I'm not gay though, whenever I go outside I don't feel attracted to men at all, I end up staring at girls

Parlami d'amore, Mariù
Tutta la mia vita sei tu

ur gay

I am typing a post

i just typed and posted that post. Now i am typing this one, and i will post it too. You will read what I am typing, which will be the post I will have posted and you will be reading.

I am reading your post. I didn't read it completely because I assume I already know what it says. I'm posting out of boredom. Should I write anything else? I'm sure I had an Idea that I wanted to write. No, I give up.

said I was gonna' read more this year. nearly march and I've only managed to read cartoonists' stuff

im 26 and Im fairly sure Im not going to make it as an adult.

Is it wrong to test my flirt / dating skills on a girl from my class?

She’s nice and all.

Was gonna start off with hey you ready for this test? Then ask her about her major.

Then maybe after our test ask if she has plans for reading week. And possibly ask her out to coffee and get her number?

Been out of the game for 6 years but I’m not inexperienced.

Well that’s on my mind today but I don’t want it to be a big deal. I’m trying my way to keep it light and casual.

/v/ is the worst board of all time

everyone hates /pol/ but it was faggy ass gamergate that brought Veeky Forums to the attention of the ruling class as something to be harnessed for power and profit

i've actually been in a pretty straight male kind of mood lately, probably the warm whether, then again when i get chance to have a decent fap i'll probably have all kind of tranny thoughts

I don't wanna be an ascetic.

It still amazes me that saying "a woman has uterus and ovaries" became a controversial statement in usa

Gr8 b8 m8

The word thot makes me want to puke because it is constantly being used with the cot/caught merger.

/pol/ is still worse just by virtue of it leaking into every other board where it doesn't belong and isn't wanted

It still amazes me that people think this is a clever observation.

being poor is giving me the worst anxiety man, if anything goes wrong i'm fuckin' dead, if someone actually gave me fulltime realjob that pays a living wage i'd dedicate my whole life to the shit and work my ass off, but no one is going to do that

Gay? What's next? Are we going to marry animals? I can't believe Americans let black "people" sit anywhere they want on the bus. Those creatures should be in constant lockdown. Thankfully, most US prisons are around 50% black people, which tells me that there is at least some improvement. It's amazing that we ever let those animals live in our society as if they were our equals.

Dedicate your life to your own business

You should be working for yourself when your 35+

Making someone else rich is dumb. They can easily replace you with tech and someone younger for cheap

I'm so fucking sick of people spamming running moves in wwe2k18

I’m 65 hours and I’m getting the shivers and withdrawal anxiety

really stimulates the synapses doesn't it.

and what business do you currently dedicate your life to?

no the person you replied to but what do you do for work

i've been considering getting into opioids, i feel like being an addict could give me life meaning, if ur constantly focused on trying to get dope u really don't have any other cares in world, plus everyone will take pity on u and shit, where as if ur just a normal poor person without any vice ur basically scum

I meant im 65 hours into NoFap, not drugs...

dude i haven't fapped in like, hmmm, 5 days or so, i can tell it's been about a week because i occasionally start checking out what's on the frontpage of pornhub, etc. also when i'm at work i have to be mindful not to randomly rub my crotch when im sitting at the computer

I'm afraid that throught the years I rewired my brain to such a degree that porn has beame the greatest source of pleasure for it. Not the only source, but definitely the grandest of them all. This fucking somaesque artificial pleasure is destroying me, no to mention hourly edging marathons. My brain probably thinks I am the strongest man in my tribe, having two orgasms a day, eating meat constantly.

so free ur mind and stop being ashamed of being a porn enthusiast, if fags can be proud of taking a dick up the ass, why can't u be proud of fappin it to some porno?

Good luck man, we stand together in this hard fight
I don’t even feel anything when watching porn, just seeing a naked female body triggers me to watch it, like classical conditioning, and when I cum, I feel barely anything or nothing at all

oh i didnt not fap on purpose, i just dont jack off that much

Hi 65 hours, I'm dad

I have nothing in my life to be proud of, if porn becomes the only thing I will kill myself. Also isn't it ironic that porn addiction is the least "sexy" addiction?

I’m not at that stage yet and I have to rely on a full time income.

I have a 2 online shops that net about an extra 1000$+ each on average.

Also have a side job freelancing as a full stack developer and designer.

On top of that I’m writing two books, one technical and for profit, the other as a creative venture.

I'm supposed to be writing a research grant proposal for my professor but I put it off too long and I forgot what exactly we're going to be researching.


continue the good fight, porn is for lowlifes

I am a porn addict and I hate porn and I am in deep despair.

For normal people sexuality is something natural and that comes as an addition to their already fullfilling lives, but for me sex has always been number one, since I was a teen and discovered porn and masturbation. Being addicted to sex, prostitution, porn, masturbation has made me an imbecile who is dissociated from reality completely. I have been with women but never had a loving relationship, or any kind of healthy relationship with another human being

I'm a gimp and flushed my life down the drain

I don't want to become a celibate because it's boring and lame and love and lust is amazing

but it's done nothing but damage to me so far

I've seen you make this post before, specifically the last part. That was like 5 months ago. It's time to stop fappin.

moment of truth, planning on asking her out this weekend
worried I might be moving too fast, but at the same time what is there to wait for? If she says no then she says no, might as well find out sooner rather than later so we can both move on


godspeed user

What little writing I have been doing, I have been doing with my story.
I’m the type of person, that if I worked in Joseph’s workshop, I would hate Jesus, on the mere fact that I have to hate the boss figure.
I would really hate the fact that Jesus is the owner’s son. This would cause more resentment.
He would show me a chair he dad made, I would brush it off as a nice attempt at a stool.
I would have then shown him a chair I would have made and elevated it’s retardation to something on the lines of Picasso.
(There was a double snake there, I just didn’t know where to place it.)
Jesus, being the magnificent being that he is would have said that he wished his chairs were as good as mine.
Fuck you, Jesus.
This is not to insult the man, rather a reflection of self. A retarded moment. One of many.

I'm seriously considering paying for sex again, to see how it feels to have anal.
Last and first time was in late 2015, when I lost my virginity, had no pussy at all since.

same. been scrolling through escorts today, might do it next weekend

I failed... hard.

I froze up again. I thought that I would be more pliant and social but I froze up due to my ego.

Why am I not so social? Why do I freeze up when it comes to social settings?

Like I mentally prepared for this but I froze up like a deer in headlights.

Gonna analyze more I have a test to finish.

Veeky Forums help me....

stop being a queer homosexual laugh out loud shaking my head

Would it be distasteful to ask out a girl that I'm currently mentoring for a class? We have a lot of similar ideas and interests, and at each meeting we end up talking for 3-4 hours. I haven't enjoyed talking to a girl like this in a long time, but I don't know if taking her on a date is appropriate. Especially since I have to keep seeing her for the rest of the semester.

I've also decided to quit porn, and I feel less anxious now.

Why did you freeze up? Maybe the problem was you over-analyzed the issue and psyched yourself out.

Every time I see this in micro, I think it's James Franco in blackface and then I want to punch a frikin nazi1

Is she legal? If she is then do it. Our society has taught men to feel ashamed of taking advantage of their male power, which in many cases, comes in the power of authority. There is no shame in using your power of authority to seduce her

I have to give a lecture about absurdism and I have a week to read all of both the stranger and Myth of Sisyphus.

Wait until the class is over. I don't think there's an ethical issue if the situation is actually as you're describing, but it's almost certainly against your institution's policy.

>Veeky Forums - Narcissistic Ramblings and Dating Advice
still my favorite threads though

Pffft, you can get through both in a day.

Basically we were in a social circle and I was being quiet.

I felt desperate to contribute but there isn’t really anything I could have contributed.

She was in the circle. I thought I would get her alone but that wasn’t the case.

Now I finished the test early and left early and thought it would be creepy to wait for her finish outside.

I haven’t built enough rapport with her yet to warrant such a move.

But I don’t if I’m being delusional but we shared a 3 second eye contact. I should have smiled and did a ‘hey’ with my eyebrows, but I looked away like a fucking autist.

By the way I’m on day 35 quitting drugs so anxiety is still there. And no fap 3 days.

I just need a moment to build rapport wit her but how....

I just saw a disgusting Redditor on the street with some girl. He had a squeaky childish voice. He said: "If Reddit taught me anything, it's to avoid stupid people."

It's cringy in such a subtle disgusting way. I'm completely blown away.

I need to get better at thinking and not being a loser. I have this aching feeling that there's something I'm supposed to have been done or started but I can't quite put a finger on what it is. I think it's anxiety that a girl hasn't texted me back, weirdly enough