How to read this properly?

How to read this properly?


Should I read it with the show water dripping?
To give more of a underground feeling?

Play ambient sound from the games and drink vodka

Unfortunately I can't drink alcohol

Then read the book in your closet with a candle. You will be totally immersed.

And dead after I catch on fire

Why would you catch on fire?

Because my closet has clothes in it

Oh well I guess you don't have a walk in closet. Never mind then. Just read the book.

Drink water.

Drink soy milk

First put a bullet in your skull

What's the deal with soy milk?

I am ( unbelievable I know ) allergic to water..

It's very healthy and good for you

Is that a Veeky Forums Chad or a Lib-Chad?

The only proper way to read this is in the dark with only enough light to read/on an e-reader. Any scene where Artyom is in the tunnels becomes an anxiety attack.

Oh my fucking god, this!

I got the audiobook for this free off lawldable. I had a 5 hour drive at night alone during a thunderstorm. It was the spookiest thing I'd done in years so do that.

How are you not dead?