Write what's on your mind

write what's on your mind

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Writing analysis essays are hard, especially when you’re trying to make them funny. I have so many books on the back log that I read and need to write about and so many books I have but haven’t read yet. Who knew this Anthony Fantano shit would be so hard

Life is unbearable at this point, I don't have time to read nor study. Nothing feels good anymore and people treat even when I'm kind.
Fuck everything, I wanna zone out for a while so I'll take some acid and play visual novels.
Hopefully that will do the trick, if not I might as well kill myself by overdose.

avanti popolo alla riscossa sieg heil sieg heilPer il duce per il Partito Comunista della Cromosomista Reppublicca Zaratustringa

well, my mom bought me Jordan Peterson's future authoring program. ive spent some time in it but the first question is describe a situation where my ability to stay calm helped me. i spent 10 minutes thinking and cant come up with any situations.

>tfw no gf

>Cromosomista Reppublicca Zaratustringa
figo, dove firmo?

Se voti tu anche alle bestie dovrebbe essere permesso.

gay kys
kys fascista
kys tfw no gf poster

lingrifufufueufueieie indusfughe hassth fath lagh fagh luturppwer vuenñunüll yyath'r first'm pah thath fyigyigyisfh rschongloffonroth popdoopd'dopodoodtobobpoop

le donne non ci vogliono piu bene perche noi CROmosoma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In a not too distant future books will be no more.
Often cited reasons for this decline in readership are the advancements of other media; film & Television, internet /social media etc etc

For decades the decline of males reading has been becoming more & more pronounced.
According to a 2016 survey of the U.S publishing industry, white women make up 80% of those staffing the industry.

Very few people are talking about this, that publishing has become a gynocentric arena catering for female readership while males are put in niche "genre's" & possibly the reason males are reading less than ever is because stories that are more likely to appeal to men are not being perceived by the female agents/editor gatekeepers to the industry.

What are Veeky Forums thoughts on this?

kill women, of course

i shouldn't have pulled my pud so hard, now the things all red and marred.

besides that
probably need to pull the plug on civilization for a few thousand years

There are two semi hot emo chicks on my couch right now.
Im horny af.
How to proceed.
Come on brain, stop being a faggot.

I've finally come up with a reading list for 2018:
>March: Euripides
>April: Hesiod and start with the Presocratics
>May: Presocratics
>June: Aristophanes and Xenophon
>July: Isocrates and Homer
>August: Apolodorus' Bibliotheca and Plato
>September: Plato
>October: Aesop and Aristotle
>November: Aristotle
>December: Aristotle
I plan to read the complete works of each author I mentioned. How doable/realistic does this look if I plan on reading 1-2 hours a day?

I'm surrounded by nothing but either brainlets who only care about sports and material acquisition or "educated" people who mindlessly parrot whatever the person representing their echo chamber of choice says verbatim and treat it like gospel. Places like this are the only place I can have a meaningful or productive conversation with anyone.

>my response to pastemagazine.com/articles/2018/03/the-rapid-descent-of-quinn-norton-shallow-thinker.html

Wanting to avoid Problematic editorials in the future, NYT disarms itself. Norton writes what she means, sometimes insensitively so, and the mob burned her in effigy for it. If politics twitter is not going to engage in a sincere dialectic then what is the point? Will the blue team shun nazis, continue to be infallible, and just pat itself on the back forever? So far that has only galvanized the Weimar crowd.

Norton speaks her mind indelicately, seemingly without regard for backlash from those who ostensibly would be her people but for her straying from the approved friends list and the echo chamber. Journalists should not be subjected to political purity tests or the cohort will continue to cannibalize their own. While that appeals to extremists and the insincere, and it might even work for smaller magazines, the press should operate in good faith with the public and not function as a mouthpiece for its subscribers.

sorry bruv, i know that feel exactly


I can't see anything ahead in my future. I've probably ruined my life for good and robbed my parents of a huge amount of money for the eight years they'be supported me trough school.

i think i got pretty high since i first thought about responding to your post, user, i hope you're knee deep in netting and covered in strange shades of lipstick by now. remind them the universe is nearly infinite and we are nearly infinitesimal in comparison so it doesn't matter if we fuck if you're still just staring at your phone.

i feel awful, all of my plans fail before they've even started, i have nobody irl, i spend my time alone in my bedroom talking to people on the computer, i've started drinking recently, not a lot but just enough to calm me so i'm not just anxiously sat there with my heart beating out of my chest worrying over life passing me by

i haven't had an actual verbal conversation with someone in months (outside of small talk)

each time i even speak to a store clerk it's a nice little release, i always end up being almost too honest with them (i'll say i never socialise much)

Thats not bad man. One of them already left with another guy at the party. I gave the second one a drink and said hi.
She is in the chair across from me.

We have a diborane generator that produces vast quantities of this pyrophoric gas. I'm always marveling that all it takes is a crack in a flask or a bad seal and our lab goes sky-high in beautiful green flames. It's disorienting to think that I teeter constantly on the edge of catastrophe.
that's all I wanted to say thanks

My gf listens to maroon 5, now I think about her everyone I listem to it. Fuck

are you a time traveler from 2010?
why would you ever have to listen to maroon 5?

>Thats not bad man.
getting high's always a pretty safe bet for good times. save that nugget of wisdom for future reference though and talk to that bitch. it's too big a universe to not talk to bitches right in front of you

Thanks man. I asked her outside for a cigarette. We got talking.
Shes in the bathroom with her friend now. Im gonna go try put in that work homie. Peace out yo.


stop masturbating so much!

>gf used to be a whore and can't drink around men


was she literally a whore?

biological slut lol


Not literally, just got around.

so you get sex without having to pay for even drinks? nice

>1 whole month for euripides
>1 and 1/2 for the complete works of plato
if you do both in the same pace, I think there is no way you can finish plato in just 1 and 1/2 month. Not trying to discourage you, but I think it would take 2~3 months at 1~2 hours a day, his complete works is very extense, so either save more time for him or only read the more known/important works.

Aristophanes' complete works are very short, so is Hesiod's, you can literally read Theogony and Works & Days in one afternoon. On presocratics, I don't know what you intend to read (you know that no presocratic work survived besides fragments, right?) but generally 1 work on their philosophy is already enough, you shouldn't need a whole month for it (The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists for instance, 400 pages).

Aristotle very likely will take more than that too, his complete works is as extense as plato, but 10x more dense. Can't comment on Xenophon, Isocrates, Apolodorus and Aesop.

Just one question, why are you not starting with homer? godspeed

I just finished watching Trainspotting with my sister and I suddenly got depressed.
Decent film btw.

was literally in the same spot about a month ago, watch trainspotting with my sister and it out me in a little bout of reflection purely because I could relate to it so much, I've let degeneracy and bad choices ruin all my relationships and thought processes.
it was the 4th time I've watched the film but some reason this time it hit really hard

fucking mexicans

They said the same about vinyl. Now it's over a billion dollar industry. Anything collectible maintains staying power over time. Now whether they'll actually be read depends entirely on new forms of tech interfacing, i.e. cerebral circuitry, direct download, etc. etc. But for the next quarter century, books will assuredly remain relevant.

Just start making out with one by using the power of strategic silence. Sexual tension rests on deliberate pauses.

I didn't like the film that much honestly, I've found it too forced in some parts (the part when the baby dies in particular). I felt like it tries to show how miserable junkies are while at the same time it paints them with an aura of "coolness".
The depression came mainly from the fact that all my relationships are going to shit.

read the books. I've read the 3. skagboys, trainspotting and porno, but if I can suggest one, read skagboys. I love trainspotting, and had watched it several times before realizing there were books, and skagboys was amazing, to see how things were before drugs.

>rentboy used to go to college, studying philosophy if I'm not mistaken
>reads kierkegaard through the book

trainspotting was also good, but not as good as skagboys in my opinion, but always interesting to see the book in contrast with the movie, and porno was my least favorite of the 3, but still good, specially if you like the characters.

gotta re-read skagboys.

Free will is expensive. Your future is attributed entirely to your decisions. Failure can be blamed by no one but yourself. Every action and inaction shapes the next. Either build a habit of success or demolish your hope of anything even barely reminiscent of happiness. And no, success doesn't mean wealth; it means actively failing, not passively decaying.

But I'm really just saying this all to myself.

I’ve become Veeky Forumslit/. Join me, brothers.

Our society is morally bankrupt. A society that rejects all real thought and art in favor of one bit, shallow talking points.

Yeah, now that you mention it I should reorganize my time schedules a bit, I think I paid attention to the order of the authors more than anything.
On the presocratics I intend to read the first 2 books of WKC's Guthrie History of greek philosophy and a compilation of the surviving fragments. It should amount to around 800 pages and I'd like to take my time with it. Maybe I'll do Hesiod and the entirety of the Presocratics in april and add a whole month for Plato.
I did start with Homer, I'm just planning on rereading him for fun and because I've heard Plato references him a lot in his Dialogues.

I spent 2 hours late at night walking through a run-down Black neighborhood in the large city where I live so I could get home. The subway had closed and I didn't have Uber on my phone or the money for a cab. Immediately when I stepped out of the bar at the beginning of my journey, the alcohol and drugs making me not care about the cold, a black homeless lady admonished me "cmon go-an putch you hood on ya gun' catch a cold"

I looked her dead in the eyes "The colds just in your head"

"tche, that's wha he sae"

I started walking and was soon out of the bar area, boarded up windows and trash strewn everywhere. Packs of two or three urban youths dawdling around bundled up in coats, eyeing me up from a distance but looking away when I get close and they see that I'm tall and broad shouldered with a quick pace. I passed an elderly black man closing up his corner deli, pulling down a metal sheet to prevent break-ins from happening when he's gone, turning to wonder what I was doing passing through this neighborhood. "Have a nice night sir" I told him, he thanked me.

A few blocks later. Rambunctious music pouring forth from a brick townhouse, crowds of black females in as whorish clothes as the weather would allow in a group outside. Eyeing me up as I walk past but not saying anything, pass a black man stumbling towards the house, a black woman helping him walk. I pass by a McDonalds, it's 2 am. Black woman banging on the door, "Puh LEEZ lemme use yo bathroom, I will PAY Y'ALL, Oh ma Gawd, lemme use yo bathroom. I gotta go so bad puh leez lemme use yo bathroom I'll pay y'all. The east African immigrant workers inside pretending to ignore her, not wanting to risk the chaos of letting in blacks at this hour.

I had been talking with this super-lefty European chick at the club who was on some shit, I mentioned that I supported far-right politics and made ominous hints about unchecked immigration spelling disaster for Europe if it continued. At the drugs fully kicked in she got too upset and refused to speak with me anymore. Only an hour before I had been impressing her with my art knowledge and now I turn out to be Hitler, it was too much. At I walked through the desolate urban wastes I speculated why she couldn't understand that the formation in your countries major cities of ghettos infested with unintelligent and violet minorities had no redeeming features.



I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakthrough. The problem is that I don't understand in what. You know that feeling when you're trying to learn something, where you kinda understand, but don't really. When you're only missing that little piece that makes everything clear as day. That little "trick" that makes it all seem easy. That's the exact feeling I've had for some time now. I'm just missing a little thing to fully understand. The most annoying thing is that I know I have a question. There is something I'm wondering about, I just don't know what it is yet.

Or I might just have finally lost my mind.


Here is the last four years of my life:

>Mom dies of cancer
>Get bad case of wanderlust
>Go backpacking, barely interact with anyone
>Settle into job
>Wanderlust returns
>Realize I'm a sexual degenerate
>Cling to my job because it's easy and pays well, but I hate it
>Make monthly plans to quit and move to Europe to write
>spend my days off trying to write. Quit after two paragraphs.
>grow distant from my family, but keep in touch only through small-talk and holidays
>fear that I'll never leave my job to live my life
>know that I'll die in my thirties from the poor diet and heavy alcoholism
>haven't achieved a single thing
>Don't know what to do to get me out of this rut. Why don't I just leave my fucking job and go adventuring? I have nothing to lose and I'm still a pussy about it.

You sound like a god damn woman holy shit

you cut him in half wtf

Lol, how the fuck can anyone be happy nowadays?

I just finished Herzog's documentary Happy People and yeah, I can see how hunters out in Siberia can manage it, but for everyone else in the Western world- ?????


by all means, take your time with them. I particularly haven't read much on them, mostly read a bit about each and their main ideas. Its very interesting and seems like enough material to extend to 800 pages. Myabe later on I will come back to them.
I am currently going through Plato, started with the 4 dialogues surrounding the apology/death of socrates, then few more dialogues, and now am currently reading The Republic. On the previous dialogues there were very few references to homer and to some playwrights like aristophanes (he actually takes part in symposium, for instance), but on The Republic, references to both Iliad and Odyssey are notoriously constant, I am on page 200, and every single chapter had some reference to it, so its a good idea to re-read Homer, as you said, just for the sake of it, but also because of the references.

but anyways, lists are excellent and I love planning them, but one shouldn't worry much if it gets a bit off track, so if more time is needed for X author, so be it.

Talking about lists, my plan to 2018
>"finish" plato (or better, finish my list of plato's works)
>read aristotle
>read Neoplatonism by pauliina remes
>read the new testament
>finish the elements of Euclid
>start studying theology
>some fiction works in between the books above.

Okay. That doesn't change anything.

I've tried and failed to quit drinking a dozen times. I haven't been in a serious relationship. I am in poor health and it's getting worse. I have $170 000 in savings and still won't quit my job. I'm incapable of laughter or pleasure without drinking. And I'm a big pussy, too. I can't convince myself to write or improve my health and diet. I am literally killing myself slowly, but with nothing to show for it.

>studying theology
massive retard

lol you are a bit late, already got my retard certification 10 years ago

Did you know if you simply stop drinking you will start feeling happy again without drinking? It's hard to grasp, I know.. Perhaps you're one of those types (you know, a brainlet) that should attend AA

Aniki wake up!

What's with all these damn homo-erotic undertones in Moby Dick by Herman Melville? I'm on page 52 so far.

I went 37 days in October/November last year. Then got diagnosed with diabetes and fell off the wagon.

Also: during those 37 days, I didn't write a single word, whereas as a drunk, I write a couple hundred words a week.

>chases sperm whale with lots of men
>not gay
ya dork. his husbandu v nice and kind, and you'll learn about ships, you'll be fine gayboy

Interesting comparison user.
But, vinyl are coming from an era when you can still feel the heat emanating from the embers of a music industry golden age.
Can the same be said of authors?
My question is, would Hemingway get published today?
Would Fitzgerald?
Would the count of Monte Cristo or the three musketeers get published today?

just got off work, cracked a beer and trying to relax to a youtube stream

>Then got diagnosed with diabetes and fell off the wagon.
kek nigger if you're going to kill yourself stop doing it half assed.

I'll say something that is not what you want to hear, but you may be dissapointed with what you'll find (or rather with what you don't find). To think you are in the verge of a breakthrough can also be interpreted that you are on the verge of an inner change. This is great, user, but more often than not that supposedly cathartic moment comes out as a dissapointing thing, because it implies a loss rather than something to be gained. Of course, I don't know you or anything about your situation, but at least consider this.

The "little trick that makes it all seem easy" does not exist, not that you can't help yourself making things easier than before, but that you'll always have work to do. Whether it is in life, in philosophy, a trade, a relationship, etc. Ironically, the very thing that makes it easier is abandoning the quest for a thing that makes everything easier. It is this attitude of welcoming the necessary effort you'd have to spend that brings some relief to life. It's about letting go of the security of having things thought out before hand, because it is indeed impossible to think things before, lest you discard all that is new and unexpected, and it is in those very things that you'll find the best opportunities.

You're idealizing the effect of an answer on you even before you can formulate the question. There will always be a new question, there is never going to be a full understanding of things.

I went through alcoholism too man. Got DUI and shit as well. I've also had problems with narcotics in my youth, i've been sent to AA/NA, hundreds of meetings, never did anything for me. One day I just started feeling so shitty (and fat) that I couldn't do it anymore. So I started drinking less and less, and the less I drank those times I did rage the next morning would be more and more unbearable and useless. Quit drinking everyday and then realized how malnourished I was and how foggy my mind had become generally. So I ate better and it just made my brain work better and body feel better each and everyday. Eventually instead of having the feeling that 'I need to get home and drink more than yesterday' was replaced with 'I need to get home and do these things that will make me feel better tomorrow'


>My question is, would Hemingway get published today?
>Would Fitzgerald?
>Would the count of Monte Cristo or the three musketeers get published today?
grills are their main markets so yeah they'd buy them like they buy pointless figurines, cushions /cushion covers, and fluffy things. vinyl will get there and since it's generally not old vinyl they'll last for thousands of years instead of getting smashed like i wish more of those figurines would.

>tfw I can't write for shit
Will I get better as I read more?

that and as you get clearer about why you hate yourself and how to stop it. gl

i moved my trashcan and now i'm constantly at risk of flicking a booger on the floor


I hurt my feelings everyday by ridiculing myself and calling myself bad and I hate it

Good post, but you seem to be missunderstanding me. I don't expect anything to change. I'm simply intrigued. Ever since I was a child I've been that faggot kid that always had to know the how's and why's, and that has continued until now. I've always had a knack for learning, extrapolating from what I've learned, and understanding how things are connected. Nowadays it goes something like "I wonder how x works/why x is. It should be y because abc." After doing some research on the subject and I might figure out that it was not y, but rather z. That takes me deeper because I need to find out why that is. Sometimes I find that there might be multiple answers, or no one has one, or there might not even exist one.

I'm rambling and going off track, but my main point is that I'm annoyed because I don't know the question, not because I don't have the answer. Not knowing something is wonderful, because that means I just have so much more to learn and think about. I don't want a grand change, I just want to know what I'm asking.

Earlier today, I texted my favorite cousin who I haven't really talked to in a couple years
an hour later, they replied "hey, who is this?"
I replied and they haven't answered in another hour and a half
If that's not her number anymore I don't have any way to contact her
I'm lonely and impatient, Veeky Forums

>having someone to text


Are humans and plants truly the same thing in the end? Or are we one at all times.

We feed off of plants, and when we're gone, they feed off of us. And once this happens, and our energy ends up in a seed, do we end up a tree? And when that tree makes a fruit, and a deer eats that fruit, which holds our energy, do we become the offspring of the deer?

Help me Veeky Forums fags.

It depends on what you define as "self" Who and what are you?

i have no ass and i must sit

who the fuck is billy herrington

I just want to live cozily on my own in some remote location with good internet where I would never have to work and could funnel myself wholly into artistic pursuits without the stress of needing to get by.

Justice exists because of injustice, but the same does not hold true the other way around.

jacking off 10 times a day to trap anime isnt an artistic pursuit

he's big in japan

I ate too much earlier. I am disgusted with the fact that before then, I jacked off to disappointing porn webms on the smallness of my phone screen in the dark to the growl of the neighbor's generator. I despise how this weekend long power outage has led me to waste time that could be used to finish that novella draft. A draft that reads as shitty as I feel right now.

This day has been a waste of sleeping, eating, wanking, and writing thousands of disjointed words, all done in the dark as I await the return of electricity to my life.

plants worry less

this reminded me of that nanny murder trial in nyc, like u feel bad for the exploited nanny forced to work for some rich manhattanite raising somebody elses kids, but then it's like "forced"? she could have done something else, so u feel bad for the richmom having her kids slaughtered by a resentful slave, idk, they both seem like assholes, i guess it's one of those "bonfire of the vanities" things lol didnt read where everybody is an asshole you don't end up feeling bad for anyone, like the opposite of a tragedy where u feel bad for everyone, do theater fags have a name for that


bathos, the opposite of pathos. it's when the pathetic becomes hilarious

lol i remember during hurricane sandy i had to fap to a pic of lana del rey that someone had photoshopped a duckbill onto her face, but i was using a cheap chinese android tablet with no battery and the free wifi they city was giving was slow as shit, so i saw my chance and i fapped it

are you in new england? it was windy but otherwise nothing bad happened, just a generic rainy day really

The chick reminds me of a Thai/German guy I know. Very knowledgeable about culture, especially music and food. His politics are as left as they come though. Has a cringey condescending attitude to anything right of European left wing political positions.

i am a person who live in america and have a funny times