Why do people in literature deny the reality of race

Why do people in literature deny the reality of race.
Why is science SOOOOOOO controversial?

It would be great if we had some great race realist literature.

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Nobody denies it. You simply overstate the differences and confuse the extent of cause and effect.

>Nobody denies it.
Plenty of people do.
Why are you lying?

>You simply overstate the differences and confuse the extent of cause and effect.
You desperately wish this were true but it isn't.

You desperately wish your narrative was true, that's why you're a loser that sit on /pol/ all day talking about it.

>can't get yous on pol
>comes here for attention
This is in no way literature related

Who denies it?

the funny thing is that I have scientific evidence my narrative is true
but believe what you want cultist.

it's absolutely lit related
the question is why is there so few racial based literature?

Leftists mainly.

But "race realists" don't care about science. Pulling an IQ map from google and calling everyone a nigger isn't science.

>why is there so few racial based literature?
Learn english, nigger.

>But "race realists" don't care about science.
We're the only ones using actual science.
Leftist REFUTE to debate us.

>Pulling an IQ map from google and calling everyone a nigger isn't science.
No but this is:

Alloco 2007 looked at RANDOM locations of SNPs and found that, using random SNPs, you still get very good correspondence between self-ID and best fit genetic cluster:
Using as few as 100 randomly selected SNPs, they found a roughly 97% correspondence between self-reported ancestry and best-fit genetic cluster:

Also these races have massively varying behavioral characteristics, EVEN WHEN CONTROLLING FOR ENVIRONMENT
Race is real.

Why is there such a low amount of race based literature?

You still did not get it right.

Why even use stupid outdated ideology laden words like race when we have more accurate scientific language like the one you just used yourself?

Please put a few grains of lead and copper through your brain stem

what't ehe prosper waiy to saiy it?

>Why even use stupid outdated ideology
It's not outdated.
These studies were from a few years ago.
Race is real.
Please stop spewing pseudo scientific bullshit.

>accurate scientific language
Race is the most accurate.
Races are genetically disinct groups with different genetics and somewhat different phenotypes.

Why do you deny science?

Because a foreign hostile elite is in control of our publishing industry.

>Please put a few grains of lead and copper through your brain stem
Imagine being THIS MAD that science proves you wrong.

I would have said why is race realism so under represented in mainstream literature?

I'm mad that you're making this pathetic excuse for a thread. You have absolutely no motivation to discuss anything relating to literature. You simply want to troll lefties epic style and really stick it to them with how right you are. It's pedestrian and I hope when you realize how fucking empty you really are you commit suicide.

Because you're not scientific. Your conception of "race realism" is intimately tied up with a political program to organise society around race realism. It's perfectly understandable why people are hesitant to discuss this - the words we use have meaning, you know, and your desperate attempt at appearing "objective" fools nobody. It's like a neo-nazi saying "but we're just honestly looking into the evidence for the holocaust, I swear!" Sure, you can examine the evidence, but it's reasonable to ask - what non-scientific motivations are there for stressing this point, and why are you fixated on them as a central evidence of your ideology? For instance, we all know that males and females have biological differences, but we recognise that legally and socially these are complex issue to resolve, and we cannot just expect to cite studies about "sex realism" without expecting backlash. In short, your insistence is inherently political even if you want to disguise it.

>I'm mad that you're making this pathetic excuse for a thread.
Good stay mad.
>You have absolutely no motivation to discuss anything relating to literature.
>You simply want to troll lefties epic style and really stick it to them with how right you are
Wow it really seems to be working. You're upset that your worldview is wrong.
>It's pedestrian and I hope when you realize how fucking empty you really are
My life is pretty great actually desu