How did this lower-middle tier midwit intellectual, with no charisma, a goofy appearance, and a Kermit the frog voice...

How did this lower-middle tier midwit intellectual, with no charisma, a goofy appearance, and a Kermit the frog voice, become so popular? Nothing he says is particularly interesting and it isn't new.

Do American and Canadian males (his main audience), and I would add the anglo-centric world as a whole, not have proper father figures? It seems like most of his followers are experiencing their missed father-son relationship through Peterson

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there's an entire cottage industry of demagogues who make shit tons of money from preaching to a choir of angry, unsophisticated plebs.

welcome to the darkest timeline where words don't mean anything anymore

Nice character assassination of JP

Next time you can talk about how he hates trannies

323 million people live in the United States alone. The amount of people listening to his lectures is a drop of water in the sea. He's not even in the media limelight as much as people imagine.

>t. lower-middle tier midwit intellectual, with no charisma, a goofy appearance

>How did he become so popular?
>he hates trannies

It takes one to know one.

He was recorded telling trannies that they're mentally unsound, and then it went viral within that stupid community, then it leaked out because the world at large thinks that trannies are mentally unsound.

See: Rupi Kaur and her period blood post. The key to success in this era is to make a decent product, and then make a viral video.

As much as a virgin he may look to us, he's a Chad compared to most academics. This is the sad true of academia and the reason why it's crumbling down.

a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.

Murrica and their social justice movement, which in turn spawned the well known array of youtube pseuds, were the biggest mistake of the past 40 years.

Wrong. I'd never want to be like Peterson. He looks weird. His wife is ugly. And his children are on anti depressants. I'd take my life over his any day of the week.
Additionally, I have no interest in fame. I prefer to look from the outside in, rather than the other way around. Also, psychology isn't a science.

Jesus Christ. I don't care much for the cult of personality that has formed around Peterson, but, as cliche as this is, you're actually just a spiteful progressicuck, aren't you?

Petersons ideas aren't new, but they've been, for the most part, disregarded and belittled in the public discourse over the past 30 years. Yes, people did connect with their cultural heritage through Peterson, and in that sense he's taking the role of a father figure, but do you actually believe that that's a valid critique of the ideas he's championing?


are you seriously going to the "FUCK DA HATERZ" argument?

>Nothing he says is particularly interesting and it isn't new.
Sounds like you either haven't listened to or understood a single thing he's said.

are we arguing over something?

I'm just saying you don't need to be envious of someone to despise pundits

ITT: soycial study warriors


>Go to a Waterstones in Leicester yesterday
>His book is on it's own table with a sign advertising it

He's made it lads.

I'm not a progressive. I'm a catholic reactionary.

It's probably because he's the first person to reconcile religious and secular world views with any amount of success whatsoever, while delivering a message to readers/listeners that improves their mental health and sense of well being.
Why do you have to ask? Even if you hate Peterson, it's obvious why he's doing so well.

>he's the first person to reconcile religious and secular world views
You'll have to expound on that.

sure thing buddy.

>I won't believe what you say because it goes against my imagination of what you should be


Religion is a result of evolution or rather there are evolutionary processes going on that causes human beings to develop religion as a tool. So it is useful and we should not get rid of it without understanding the roles it serves since it helps in the survival of the individual and the tribe. He's clearly grounded in biology and takes evolution seriously.

Basically Peterson provides readings of ancient religious texts which show that the atheist critiques of the past couple years have missed the point entirely by complaining about god being a murderer, timelines not adding up, of accounts differing across historical witnesses, by proving that miracles are scientifically impossible, etc., but also that the religious community was wrong to defend itself on these grounds.

Religious truth, in his view, is a developing and maturing system of stories about the relationship between the individual and the absolute/divine/the good/the logos. God is personified in that our relationship to him can only show itself as a particular, but the universal truth is timeless and unchanging. This requires no faith in miracles, Jesus doesn't even have to be a historical person for it to retain its power.

Interpreting religious stories just like you would any other myth while deriving common themes and archetypes from them precludes religious obscurantism in people who lean religious, and is at least respectable to people who lean atheist. Watch Joe Rogan's (a total atheist) podcast with Peterson. You'll see it in action. Rogan called it his favorite podcast of all time.

This is what happens when a generation (boomers) turns institutions of learning into expensive adult day care centers. He is merely a symptom of the rott. Until universities start treating students like students and not ass kissing them like consumers, except more and worse.

You've just turned evolution into a stand-in for god, and the term 'useful' is totally useless without proper contextualization.

How could he be the first to say that? It's so pedestrian.

Nigga, how old are you? Were you even on the internet 5 years ago?

>lower-middle tier midwit intellectual
>no charisma
>goofy appearance
>Kermit the frog voice
4 subjective, degrading labels glued into rhetorical question about success, with immediate answer stating that it is undeserved which also tries to elevate you as a judge (not interesting, not new). Followed by some more in the same manner about his audience with same attempt to degrade it also.

Just clean your room, mr. little Cain.

>watch Joe Rogan
lmao, no thanks

Why would that matter, son?

he isn't the first to say it, he just brought it to a wider audience

This is a shill thread...this same copy pasta is up on /pol/ and /tv/ right now


He's abusing these kids.


Can confirm.

Go clean your damn room, shill.

It's almost as if they have nothing worth saying other than the mountain of lectures they put on youtube for free. SOMEONE CRUCIFY THAT CAPITALIST PIG.

whats with the ugly ass art on his back. is that like his logo? like the X men have the big X, he has this shapeless shit in his office?

>It's probably because he's the first person to reconcile religious and secular world views
The illiterate north american strikes again

> ITT: Spending time on 4chins trying to justify why they're right in what they believe to be some dumb cunt on the other side of the world instead of doing what they know that'll make their lives better outside of their electronic devices, today, tomorrow and the distant, inevitable future.
Make that 25 clueless idiots that don't value their time and are willing to spend it in their futile attempts at fixing up why that fat/tranny/mediocre/faggot/egotistical Internet brainlet is wrong.

Because just a few years ago the discourse about religious truth on the internet was dominated by idiots like TJ. Our generation was pretty disillusioned with religion, and our parents, teachers, etc. were totally powerless to stop them from becoming alienated from culture.

Religious people actually didn't have any answers to retarded questions like 'if god is real then why is there suffering?', or 'doesn't evolution disprove god?' The just stuck their heads in the sand and tried to keep the tradition going by making their children go through the motions, taking them to church, reading from the bible, trying to get them involved in christian youth groups, etc., but individuals want to live according to principles they believe in, not act out what other people expect of them for the sake of peace.

If the answers Peterson gives had been common knowledge, do you really think the religious right would have buckled over like it did?

t. nihilist shill

Useful in terms of outlasting time and random destruction. People don't live in isolation. There's the world with other people in it, natural destruction, famine, limited resources, and time to contend with. Evolution is a process of elimination. If you generate a million variations, only a few of them will survive in this rather difficult world, the rest is eliminated.

>You've just turned evolution into a stand-in for god
That's basic system building you retard. You build your structure of reality from a principles that you accept as true and you derive all else from it. That's what you do in logic, mathematics, and physics.

In terms of Peterson, he holds two system in his head, the evolutionary one and the christian one both. He knows they are difficult to reconcile but there is still an area of overlap that he talks in. Peterson does not remain purely in the christian structure which is why he appeals to atheists and agnostics and Buddhists to an extent. If anything he is more Taoists in believing in order and chaos and pure action.

Nobody's seriously buckling, maybe about his disrespect of trans students but nothing more. It's just an elaborate publicity stunt.

>our generation
you're a shilling idiot

It's up on /tv/? Kek.
I'm the OP of this thread and the one on /pol/, but I didn't post the /tv/ thread. And it's not shilling, you mouth breather, I'm just getting a discussion going.

Sure thing buddy. The fact that discourse paradigm when it comes to moral theory has done a complete 180 from "lol, look at all the contradictions in these religious text, we just gotta use S C I E N C E to create an objective moral system, fuck god" to "dude, morality is about the relationship between the individual and the divine" is just a fluke.

>calling someone a mouth breather while posting kermit threads in 2018

t. Peterson

remember this?

>no charisma, a goofy appearance, and a Kermit the frog voice
I disregard the opinions of anyone who randomly describes people this way


yeah man
Gen X sucked shit at raising kids

>I can't even
You have to go back.

There are indeed swathes of lost young men in the US and Canada raised by single mothers, more often than not doing a poor job with their sons' upbringing, who look to Peterson as a quasi-father figure.

You seem to think these lost generations of young men deserve nothing but contempt, rather than any kind of guiding force out of their depressive life situation. You'd rather spit on them than let them seek out the means to get back on their feet.

I wonder why that is.

>You seem to think these lost generations of young men deserve nothing but contempt, rather than any kind of guiding force out of their depressive life situation. You'd rather spit on them than let them seek out the means to get back on their feet.
Peterson isn't the solution, since he's a mess himself.

Look at his interviews. He's not the problem. Everyone he talks with is utterly retarded: why? He's one of the few persons with average intelligence left in the north american continent. He's just surrounded by a zombie apocalypse of utmost retardation, this is how he looks smart.

The North American continent should just sink like Atlantis and disappear forever for us to be free from the plague of their mental illnesses.

The most annoying thing about Peterson is that mentally challenged plebs now wrap their inane mental diarrhea in verbiage a la "discourse paradigm."
>I have absolutely no experience with discourse on ethics except for for browsing /r/atheism prior to finding Kermit therefore he's "le paradigm shifter"
Right. I also enjoyed the global paradigm shift when humans invented writing when I was 3.

Could be worse. Could be that basket-case Stefan Molyneaux.


So what's your solution? Assuming you have actual sympathy for his lost-generation fanbase.

They should look up to their mothers instead of some guy from youtube. Peterson didn't sacrifice himself to raise them. They deserve contempt for their ungratefulness to their mothers.

Do you actually have any criticism of the guys message or are you just going to continue trying to adhom? If you're aware of a person who doesn't have some problems, feel free to point them out to us.

Labor camps and firing squads.

I don't know but the answers lies in education. Meme archetypes won't help them, that's for sure.


he's right tho

A societal collapse. Only then can this entirely artificial social order, which creates distortions in human relationships, can be overcome. It all needs to collapse. Then, naturally, men will go back to being men and will go back to being women.

Find them a personal mentor in a community center that doesn't shill stupid shit like pomo being their boogeyman

i wonder how Molymeme would have turned out if he grew up in a time when Peterson's "pretend to be your dad" thing was going on.

>Let me tell you a story. Your unvenerated father lies deep in the belly of a whale, awaiting your rescue. Guarding it is a lobster at the top of its dominance hierarchy. Pinocchio is pissed. From a Darwinian perspective, it would take the amalgamation of a thousand heroes to save him, roughly speaking. I mean, what do you even do at that point? You're just done, and that's no joke. Only a man who has slain the dragon could face that. But how do you slay your dragon, you might ask? Well, now that's the bloody question you could think about for 5 years and still not properly understand...

>anons are grateful to Peterson
>therefore they must have only contempt for their mothers
>otherwise they should just continue only looking up to their mothers so they can be swallowed up by the great feminine and remain unconscious for the rest of their lives

whats a societal collapse entail in your considered opinion?

Which lecture is this from?

> no charisma
While I agree that he's not a revolutionary thinker, he clearly got his charisma going for him. All modern thinkers are awkward as fuck.

>implying not being a fanboy is character assassination

refer to

>complains about being swallowed up by the great feminine
>posts anime girls as reaction pics
you're trolling

Nuclear war, natural disasters, anything that will set humanity back to pre-modernity.

it's a venerable tradition

He ties Red Pill shit in with anxieties about SJWs and modern politics. It's only surprising that it took until 2017 for this kind of guy to come to prominence

for you

Can't these guys just sort themselves out, and then we can avert all that? Or do you just hate the idea of sniveling NEETs sorting themselves out?


Post-modernism completely rejects any idea of concrete progress you midwit.

read the communist manifesto, then you'd understand where they're coming from.

He stood up against trannies forcing their insanity on academics. Because of this, the left now has an unreasonable hatred for him, and the right now has an unreasonable love for him.

check out this brainlet

Its funny how Peterson constantly rants about science yet doesn't seem to understand the scientific consensus is that being transexual is not a mental illness.

He's the same as all rational skeptics: science when I like it, conspiracy when I don't.

>forcing their insanity on academics
How is asking to be addressed respectfully insane?

No, there's a definitely an element to it which considers itself highly progressive, and which is closely tied to what we understand by progressivism today, namely pushing the cause of absolute relativism in the name of equality. From this point of view, all oppositions, all hierarchies need to be deconstructed in order to create a world without conflicting values.



>this is your brain on peterson

> (((scientific consensus)))
Please neck yourself, you're wasting valuable oxygen my hamster might need.