So I was surprised to learn that Peterson is challenging me to a debate, in response to a tweet operating under my name...

>So I was surprised to learn that Peterson is challenging me to a debate, in response to a tweet operating under my name. If he really wants to, I am ready to do it during my next visit to New York next October.
Lmao it's actually happening

Other urls found in this thread:

From new article by Zizek


He's gonna regret debating Slavomorph.

That's like Tony Robbins debating Uwe Boll.

It needs to happen; live debate would be the only way to put a nail in this trend

It would be entertainment as well like watching a community college teacher face a sophist

There is absolutely no way that is a genuine Wittgenstein quote.

nigger it's in Philosophical Investigations

No it's not.

I'd love for zizek to stop being a blabbering rhethorician and actually step his game up for this one because I fully believe he is more than capable of shitting on Peterson (then again even Russell brand was able to lmao)

I want Peterson to burst into tears because of "muh individual"

I don't want to have to wait almost 2 years for this to happen, can't they go on a podcast or something?

Peterson will not understand anything Zizek is saying, screencap this

When was that? I'd like to see it. Russell Brand is good at shitting on people because he can do the comedian thing of bouncing between being affable/funny and making a serious point. It can make humorless pundits look like total asshole nerds, even if the whole display is mostly rhetorical.

>copy/pastes his first article from unrelated articles he wrote before
>proves he can actually write better than Peterson and responds to all criticism on his second article
>misspells Petersen
>plugs his own book
>accepts any challenge to anything
is zizek a chad?

zizek lost a debate against will self, a literally who guy

>is zizek a chad?

Of course he fucking is.

it was last week, but Russell Brand sucked Peterson cock for 1h30m, as in they didn't debate anything and just had fun with meaningless hippie babble

just compare the languages they speak and zizek's ex-wives to peterson's wife among other things

zizek also ran for a presidential election

and has actually read the corpus of western texts

>promotes freedom of speech
>shills patrician-tier authors such as Nietzsche, Eliade, Jung, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn
>dumbs down from their superior level to the average intellect of the american
>makes astonishing psychological analyses of novels of said authors, of biblical stories, existentialist works and even simple tales such as pinocchio which hide a deep psychological baggage packed inside of them
>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY
>is a great motivational speaker, superb in debates with the SJWs, skillful rhetorician etc.
>master of logic: understands that logic>emotion and isn't afraid of stating this in arguments with SJWs
>fights against the degradation of the culture and its foremost threats, namely marxism, postmodernism and islamism
This fatso is gonna git skewld

>>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY
You forgot to mention the pills there, bucko.

hello rėddit

>objective morality

this post reads reddit

Who is who here though?

So basically Chomsky vs Foucault 2: Electric Boogaloo

>makes astonishing psychological analyses
astonishing yeah if you're a burger eating basement lard

>is a great motivational speaker
How is he great or motivational? Nietzsche would cringe

>master of logic: understands that logic>emotion and isn't afraid of stating this in arguments with SJWs
winning arguments with fucking sjxw doesn't make you a master logician please

>fights against the degradation of the culture
He IS degradation of culture. He's jello intellectual youtuber with no understanding of what he attaches himself to

go back to youtube

>the languages they speak

Lul, just looked it up. In addition to his native Slovenian, Zizek speaks excellent Serbo-Croatian, English, German and French. He also speaks Spanish but we don't know how well. There was one lad on Plebbit who claimed that Peterson *may* understand a bit of French, but otherwise he only knows his native English. Why are English-speaking cucks so bad at foreign languages? Any self-respecting European speaks English, German and French.

>zizek also ran for a presidential election

Um, I never really understood why he was a candidate for the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (a centrist social liberal party according to Wikipedia) when he's a communist. Can someone with a knowledge of Slovenian politics pls explain?

>Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (a centrist social liberal party according to Wikipedia) when he's a communist.
It's called being pragmatic.

Who do you think is Zizeks favourite white nationalist writer?

Petercuck and fanbase are mirrors of each other

Just compare the lives of peterson and zizek and you'll see how much trash peterson is. he's like mall tier public intellectual

It was his only chance of getting as far as he got

remember everyone hated the soviets

in fact Z himself is always repeating how much the Slovenians hate him for being a communist (you can hear him say this if you watch enough of his interviews)

dogtor pederson make astonish obserbation


well IRONIZED my friend, really well made fun of

Yeah but who's the sophist and who's the community college teacher? Seems like you're insulting both.

Peterson is quite literally the community college teacher. I do however not know enough about to Sophism to say whether or not that is an apt metaphor for ma nigga Zizek.

Zizek was in over his head with Chomsky, but he's more than enough for JP. he knows much more about philosophy and psychoanalysis than JP, and muh damn bloody Gulag Archipelago buckeroo won't even things out.

if this happens, JP gets skewered.

I didn't want to call Z a philosopher because it's too loaded and pretentious

I guess sophist is loaded too but it's not always used in the modern negative sense as in "sophistry". It just means ancient teacher for example similar roots like "sophisticated" has a positive connotation.

tldr some documents use sophist in a neutral manner

"sophia" or knowledge also has a positive connotation. again some ancient and modern documents use the term sophist just as an innocent noun

Actually not a bad article, even though it's mostly just common sense.
I like Peterson as a self-help guru, but his "cultural Marxism" straw man is indeed kinda silly and youtube-tier.

Marx, obviously

>Cultural Marxism doesn't exist because there are Marxists who aren't Cultural Marxists
>Socialist countries that became socialist on the pre-Cultural Marxist principles reject Cultural Marxism. Explain that.
His main arguments boil down to "Those marxists aren't my kind of marxists." Also, how can he claim it's just a conspiracy theory while at the same time lamenting that they don't publish him anymore, defending their position, and trying to distance his own position from theirs?

the bar for forming a rational argument and applying critical thought is so low that Peterson is doing a service to the many, even if pseuds can trace all of his influences to books and philosophers

the average person won't read a single book this year, but you want Peterson to be Chomsky when all he is doing is telling under-developed """adults""" to think for themselves. Obviously this leads to a cult following, but you seem fine with cult followings of the Kardashians and Donald Trump. Please, please, don't conflate Peterson with our sacred continental philosophers that 1% of the population knows exist. The masses will get the wrong idea, they will think Peterson IS philosophy. No one should be allowed to ride the bunny slope of critical thought because we are busy fumbling down black diamonds (secretly, in the comfort of our bedrooms, where none of the masses can disturb us).

>Also, how can he claim it's just a conspiracy theory while at the same time lamenting that they don't publish him anymore
Those aren't cultural Marxists, though. They're neoliberal capitalists who promote immigration and are using the PC agendas as a tool.

They are "Liberals" and real leftists like Camille Paglia hate them

Liberals just coopt past rebellions to make it their own. A real leftist would be situationists, beats, punk etc. A Liberal-left would be CNN, Obama, tumblr, safe spaces etc

Zizek has always used the term liberal-left to carve a line that the libtard have managed to erase to distinguish himself

Also it's freaking retarded how you lot keep blaming "cultural marxists" like the Frankfurt school for precisely the things they were griping about

Cultural marxist is the dumbest term. They are just dumb Liberals who dont know what marx means who use marx for their own beastly purposes

um what

is this a new copypasta ?

you're baiting at a high level but what is wrong with

>The masses will get the wrong idea, they will think Peterson IS philosophy

> I would be much more inclined to say that the Politically Correct obsessive regulations (like the obligatory naming of different sexual identities, with legal measures taken if one violates them) are rather a Left-liberal plot to destroy any actual radical Left movement. Suffice it to recall the animosity against Bernie Sanders among some LGBT+ and feminist circles, whose members have no problems with big corporate bosses supporting them. The “cultural” focus of PC and #MeToo is, to put it in a simplified way, a desperate attempt to avoid the confrontation with actual economic and political problems, i.e., to locate women’s oppression and racism in their socio-economic context. The moment one mentions these problems, one is accused of vulgar “class reductionism.”
As a former commie who got disillusioned with the left because of their extreme White-hating and tranny/pedo/AIDS-promoting activities (and general disregard for the working class and anti-imperialism) I can relate to this.

>As a former commie who got disillusioned with the left because of their extreme White-hating and tranny/pedo/AIDS-promoting activities

no actually you're just insane

to be fair with peterson fans I hate left-liberal lgbt cucks and wish they didnt exist or call themselves left. they hate what we want to get rid of in a real leftist movement.

the real losers in this scenario are the true radical (jesus what a disgusting term now, they really succeeded) left who got infected by an inoperable mass of malignant cancer

>in fact Z himself is always repeating how much the Slovenians hate him for being a communist (you can hear him say this if you watch enough of his interviews)

That's an interesting statement and possibly wrong, considering that he is almost never talked about in media in slovenia and since the majoeity of the population is nostalgic about socialism that existed in ygoslavia. Not to mention the majoeity of population is pro-russian. That should tell you a lot.

he probably had a reason to say it, he has a lot of haters outside Slovenia why not in it too

Zizek was against the Yugoslav regime. It's true that he's not talked about in media. The few young slovenes that I know had no idea who he is.

t. Croat

It actually is, though.

I agree, it's utterly inoperable, unfortunately. The wage gap grows and all we get from the left is blue-haired turbo-dykes whining about micoagressions, and nigaroos still (!) complaining about slavery.

I tried for the longest to fight against the blue-haired fatties feminist tumblrinas and to speak to all who would listen but they just called me right-wing

Oh well, you can't swim against the tide.
It's like being a drop in an ocean of piss. I just not get affected too much and do ironic stuff against the SJWs like support Trump. Peak accelerationism.

Camille Paglia is brilliant. Though also ultimately as hopeless as me on a larger scale, at least there is one person out there calling out these monsters.

Zizek will win but the right-wingers will shit on the chess board and proclaim themselves winners because he speaks broken English and is hard to understand.

> The wage gap grows and all we get from the left is blue-haired turbo-dykes whining about micoagressions, and nigaroos still (!) complaining about slavery.
Yeah, even though I didn't participate in the Angela Nagle thread, she is the only leftist of this generation who has any grasp of anything happening. Her book though filled with typos is a concise chronicle of everything that happened in recent years, I was surprised. One of her points is that /pol/ is the 1960s left of today and the Establishment is what is now called "left" today; they point out libtards are focusing completely inane useless stuff which is what I agree with and the Petersonians point out

the thing is I also agree that Justin bieber sucks but they don't need to go on a crusade about it; it should be obvious

Worst case scenario it becomes like both sides live in their separate box and believe their own truths, kinda like competing political parties. Nevertheless dialogue would be better than none

u sound like a fucking idiot

t. blue haired fat feminist LGBT tumblrina

You're not a leftist, you're a zombie

>Worst case scenario it becomes like both sides live in their separate box and believe their own truths
that's what happens in every single debate

btw, you are dumber than a Petercuck

fatty fat fat

>Why are English-speaking cucks so bad at foreign languages? Any self-respecting European speaks English, German and French.
Because we aren't cucks who care about your degenerate languages

Why do people call something documented a straw man? Is it a straw man in reference to certain arguments of the left or a straw man "historically" which just isn't correct.


The Fabian Society would like a word with you.

fuck you for making think there was a speck of dirt on my monitor

Friendly reminder Zizek debated Horowitz:

>tfw stalin is ringing

Do you act intentionally stupid? Or is it a rhetorical strategy?
'Marxism' is not a cult of Marx, it extends beyond the historical figure of Karl Marx and even the views he held.
The thing that made Marx different from the other socialists, that he himself emphasized, the thing that makes a Marxist different from a Socialist is the methodology. Marx' great legacy, if we are to call it that, is his method.
The term 'cultural marxism', then, was not coined based on anything they claimed that Marx advocated. Rather, the claims is that it is the result Marx' way of analyzing things applied to the cultural sphere.

>implying anybody will still be paying attention to Kermit by then

>It's like being a drop in an ocean of piss. I just not get affected too much and do ironic stuff against the SJWs
Same. I try not to concern myself too much. The circumstances have turned me into a dgaf nihilist.
It's a solid book. I think a lot of old-style leftists get it, but they're regular people who don't have megaphones. I'm talking the Bernie voters who are entirely White. I am, however, glad that a guy like Zizek can speak this truth with the soapbox he has.

>Rather, the claims is that it is the result Marx' way of analyzing things applied to the cultural sphere.

name one person who advocated applying Marx's economic analysis to "the cultural sphere."

What I was trying to get to is that something for instance as the Frankfurt School has nothing to do with, and is antithetical to, current establishment academia and culture. These guyss were anti-university, authority through and through

>Marx' great legacy, if we are to call it that, is his method.
pic related, you
You people are scary
You are more hair-raising than Nazis
hope the petercucks eat you

just go watch the sam harris podcast where jordan acts retarded

Christ, Marx went part of the way himself. Every significant Marxist, starting with Marx, has recognised the importance of cultural hegemony in maintaining the economic order. The step, which notably Gramsci helped advance, from there to seeing it as a primary concern and putting a cultural struggle in the foreground is not a big leap.
Is the claim that getting black women hired into managerial roles is a Marxist agenda? No, at least not for anybody but the biggest nutjobs.

the average person won't read a single book this year, but you want Peterson to be Chomsky when all he is doing is telling under-developed """adults""" to think for themselves. Obviously this leads to a cult following, but you seem fine with cult followings of the Kardashians and Donald Trump. Please, please, don't conflate Peterson with our sacred continental philosophers that 1% of the population knows exist. The masses will get the wrong idea, they will think Peterson IS philosophy. No one should be allowed to ride the bunny slope of critical thought because we are busy fumbling down black diamonds (secretly, in the comfort of our bedrooms, where none of the masses can disturb us).

He literally says that human culture is only the result of the modes of production

Also fuck you for cucking class and making it all about identity politics

>master of logic

You really didn't know Zizek is chad tier?

>itt zizek fanclub

Chomsky reads? I always thought he just asserted things without playing with ideas and engaging with contrary information....

He acts even worse in the Benatar debate. Every time someone actually challenges Peterson's ideas shows his lack of sophistication

Is this real?

In what context am i supposed tor read this.

kek the amount of non-sequiturs is staggering but I have to admit he has a very inventive mind


A bit unrelated but what accent does Benatar have, it's sexy as fuck (no homo)

South African I think