Books for men in their 20's?

Books for men in their 20's?

I'm an idiot from Veeky Forums and have been on a self-improvement spree as of late, and while my body, and attitude and mindset have all markedly improved from the depressed abyss I was in, I will admit I'm kinda lost when it comes to life in general.

Im not trying to sound like a hippy, or trying to be spiritual or that nonsense, I didnt really have any decent role models other than the stuff I saw on TV etc etc and im just looking to improve myself as a person. Sorry if this came off as cheesy or ghey.

My current reading list I have accumulated thus far: (sorry if this is unnecessary)

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era by Eiji Yoshikawa

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, Shiro Tsujimura

Just want books to help make me a stronger, more well rounded man. Not trying to be a soyboy.

Other urls found in this thread: philosophers greek philosophy to power

Have I got a book for you...

awful poster not even worth giving advice
here take this disdain

The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

Letters to a Young Stoic by Seneca

Any of the Phillip Marlowe books by Raymond Chandler. Chandler knew what was up with women.

I just want to say that improving yourself as a man doesn't mean turning yourself into something women will want. Love and sex is over-rated, ask anyone who has lived with a girlfriend for around a year. But, women do make up half the human race, and they see the world in a way men literally cannot imagine (and vice versa).

I give absolutely no fucks about making women want me.
One: because I have a loving wonderful gf now who I very much care about
Two: I just want to be the best I can be, the women will follow.

Speaking of disdain, I was wondering about Nietzsche the concept of ubermensch seems interesting to me. Is it worth looking at?

I've already read Albert Camus when I was depressed and that helped a lot.

Yes, Nietzsche is a good primer if you need motivation. But it just seems like you already have enough to read. Just read what you have, then come back here.

You come off as really insecure with all that self-justifying.

I dont really get what you're trying to say. I dont know what Im self justifying except my ignorance when it comes to literature (hence why I'm here)

For the Ubermensch stuff you should look into Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Will to Power, they're a little long but if you read an intro to Nietzche or just Beyond Good and Evil you'll be right.

>Books for men in their 20's?

Why are you identifying yourself like a woman? You want objectively good books not some demographic specific garbage

Figured, that I'd get more precise recommendations that way. And some objectively good books may not serve the purpose I'm trying to achieve right now. Hence why I'm specifying and gave examples.

Your list reeks of soy masculinity.

Read Marx

Mind explaining why?

What the fuck has your aims to do with your age and gender? Christ you are an effeminate cocksucker


All "I was raised by a single mother" tier

As a young man that knows nothing of the world, I'd like books recommended with that in mind. This isnt a hard concept.

>The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
This, so much this, read this book and you will understand so much more about life. Screw the philosophy books or other self-help wanking materials.

Start with the Greeks

Mind giving recommendations then? Yknow, the whole point of this thread? Ya flaming nutsucking fruit.

I dont see how commie politcal reading will help with my goals.

Stop pretending to be above it all, poseur. You can't even form your own thoughts which is why you rely on memewords from 2k17.

I recommend hanging yourself

I've read the Illiad and the Odyssey The Trial, Oedipus, as far as greek literature goes I have no clue where else to go.

Plato motherfucker

Will look into it thank you.

I'd say the same but your scrawny ass build probably wouldnt do the job.

>The Rational Male

What exactly is this book about, sounds very fedora/mgtow

Good bait, you would have been 99% believable without that Jordan Peterson book dropped in the middle.

Read Moby Dick anyway

>he thinks there aren't tons of people exactly like this

Reminder /pol/ has occasional book threads where they recommend each other this type of garbage

not baiting, just heard about the guy, watched his videos and figured I'd wanna read what he had to say.

It would be believable with The Reddit Art of Not Giving a F*ck?

Basic Economics by Sowell, that way you'll have some understanding of the way money works.

Just a very methodical book telling you how women work supposedly. Take it with a grain of salt as it assumes women are soulless creatures just designed to try and leech off their man.

The advice is good, the stuff about women just can be devolved to avoid a woman who treats you like shit. If you're a beta cuck or from r9k it's good for you, if you're well adjusted and have self respect already it might not be as much use.


It's dumb redpill shit by some asshole who pretends to be a psychologist by making up fake statistics.

Read in this order, you ready OP:

Brave New World - Huxley
1984 - Orwell
Crime and Punishment - Dosty
Notes From Underground - Dosty
The brother karamazov - Dosty
The Portable Nietzsche - Nietzsche
Beyond good and Evil - Nietzsche
Modern Man In Search of a Soul - Jung
Introduction into the study of Hindu doctrines - Guenon
The crisis of the modern world - Guenon
The reign of quantity and the signs of the times - Guenon
Revolt against the modern world - Evola
Ride the tiger - Evola
The Upanishads
The dhammapada
The Bhagavad Gita
The doctrine of awakening - Evola

You’ve just escaped the matrix, you’re welcome.

Thats alot of poo in loo im looking at there mate.

Those books were written by the Europeans and Indians joint ancestors you fucking moron. On second thought, don’t read any of these, just stick to 12 rules for sudras.

How in the actual fuck is Hindu religious scripts relevant here?

These have got to be satirical


This is arbitrary and dumb as fuck

>The Upanishads, Dhammapada and Bhagavad Gita were written by Indoeuropeans

just lol

I legitimately dont understand how my list of books to read is satirical.

If you're the OP, it's because your list sounds like you asked a bunch of teenage virgins on Reddit for recommendations. It's a mix of stereotypical "masculine" authors (Steinbeck, Hemingway) and shitty pseudoscientific self-help books by internet celebrities (Peterson, Manson).

Reading Steinbeck and then complaining about commie influence, you might have a little contradiction there.

Anyhow, reinforcing recommendation of Moby Dick and will raise you one Steppenwolf.

>Hemingway and Steinbeck is soy
>Miyamoto Mushashi the greatest fucking swordsman of his time is soy
>A Roman Emperor who's a frontline general and conquered most of the known world is soy

End yourselves you maggots

A book on political philosophy and a novel by an author who was anti-capitalist is not equivalent

And what would you have recommended instead?

a book on a political philosophy and works by an author who used novels to convey that same political philosophy are pretty damn equivalent, one is just more sugar coated. Not saying it's the same thing, but embracing one and dismissing the other seems like you're missing the point. Also, reading Marx is just about the best way to formulate responses against said philosophy.

Name one time Peterson was pseudoscientific

Almost as if he's trying to improve himself

cute thread,

drop peterson.

What did you do to Charly

Chapter 2 of 12 rules. Complete BS

Hemingway is the definition of soy

I also recommend hanging yourself

Gee, someone sure is sensitive. Must be the soy.

Edith Hamilton's Mythology
The First Philosophers - Presocratics and the Sophists
Plato - Complete Works
Basic Works of Aristotle
Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy
Augustine - Confessions, On Faith, Hope and Love
Anselm - Monologion, Proslogion
Aquinas - On Being and Essence, Summa Contra Gentiles
Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy
Francis Bacon - The New Organon
Descartes - Discourse on the Method, Meditations on First Philosophy
Spinoza - Ethics, Descartes' Principles of Philosophy & Metaphysical Thoughts
Leibniz - Monadology, Discourse on Metaphysics, Correspondence With Arnauld
Locke - Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Berkeley - Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonus
Hume - Treatise on Human Nature, Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Kant - Ptolegomena to any Future Metaphysics, Critique of Pure Reason

Half the people replying to this are just going "HA I can't believe you read *author we made memes out of* you must be *meme*. Sure feels good being above all these plebs since they have such bad taste even though I will never say what I read in case I get made fun of. LMAO you soyboy.

The guy asked for recommendations not a judgement of his character. Must be great to be such a superior person to a guy you've never met that gave you a few names of books he liked.

Why is it that everyone on this board wants to feel above everyone instead of elevating them so that they don't stay such plebs. If the person you're insulting is really so bad in your view would it not be better to improve their taste by telling them the right way to go?

By the way an excellent way to go is to read 'The First Philosophers' with a bit of greek philosophy followed by a brief bit of rationalist and empiricist philosophy which isn't really helpful for morals (how to conduct yourself) for the most part hence why you shouldn't waste too much time with it unless you're a fan of epistemological and metaphysical theories. For the kind of stuff you seem to enjoy, read Nietzsche, Plato, and stoic philosophy (Xenophanes).

For some reason Veeky Forums is really apprehensive towards people like you the past couple of months. Here's links to some philosophy recomendations. philosophers greek philosophy to power

I would also recommend you write a lot. Just take a few minutes at the end of the day or whenever you have a big thought just so you have it down. It helps out a massive amount.

What a great refutation of his chapter

you dont need books nigga you need to go out and live life and learn some shit

The Poetic Edda

or Even just the sayings of Hår

not your personal trainer

>The guy asked for recommendations not a judgement of his character.

Well then maybe he should have went to reddit instead fuckweed

Start with the dialogues of Plato relating to the death of Socrates, then read Republic and Symposium, then move on to Aristotle.

How is this an argument?

Funny enough I had to break away from my personal trainer to make gains. He said I wasn't ready for lifting heavy shit.

Reddits for arguments, Veeky Forums is for action

Im doing that too. But I figured I shouldn't just be some gym rat and have other hobbies besides lifting heavy metal things or playing video games and watching TV/anime

>a bunch of neckbeards on Veeky Forums calling prominent authors and a man who seeks self improvement soy is action

yeah alright cuck

OP here I appreciate the help man. Thanks alot.

Project elsewhere reddit. Self improvement is for cucks who need improvement, I am perfect and I am a Chad

You're on Veeky Forums, that in of itself speaks volumes you fake ass Chad

You're on the right track OP

The right track to his home

Read the catcher in the rye with the right mindset

>a book about a whiny beta boy complaining about how life is too hard and how women like sex without love


>The Sickness Unto Death
>Notes From the Underground
>The Prince
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Nichomachean Ethics
>The Biblical Books of Job, Ecclesiastes, 1 & 2 Kings, and Exodus.
>Lost in the Cosmos
>Wise Blood

And just for fun give The Things They Carried a read.

Read Ellul if you want to be lightyears ahead of any ''''''intelectuals''''' and ''''''academics'''''

Listen carefully you fucking pig I'm not going to reply to you:
>Genealogy of Morals
>The Social Contract
>Journey to the End of the Night
>Storm of Steel
>Confessions of a Mask
>Rotting Hill
>Moby Dick
>Don Quixote
>A Treatise of Human Nature
>Pale Fire
>The Question Concerning Technology
>Industrial Society and its Future
>Capital (read it you dumb fucking ape)
>The Wealth of Nations
>The Ego and its Own (just 4 u)
>Twilight of the Idols
>The City of Man
>Simulacra and Simulation
>The Elementary Particles
>Oedipus Rex
>The Iliad and The Odyssey (you can pick the transl)
>The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake
>The Cybernetic Hypothesis
>The Age of Alexander (Plutarch)
>The Republic and the entirety of the Socratic Dialogues (all of them faggot)
>the Chuangzi
>Man and his Symbols
>The Futurist Manifesto

that's enough you'll figure the rest out, seriously fucking don't reply to me you repulse me

Thank you

finally a good list

>all these triggered leftypolacks and effeminate pseuds ITT
Thank you OP.

Question: Name one time Peterson was pseudoscientific
Answer: Naming one time Peterson was pseudoscientific
Refutation: That's not an argument


>No mention of Fight Club
C'mon Veeky Forums

>this entire fucking thread about "getting out of the abyss" and "improving myself"
>still plays vidya
>still watches TV
>still watches anime
my fucking sides. I bet you wont' even finish the first book you pick up due to your fucked attention span.

Why have the stoics gotten so popular among dudebros over the past years?

Because it doesn't require them to do anything

makes sense

its philosophy for plebs, its quote format slop that you can constantly meme yourself into believing. You don't have to think deeply, there is no real ontology or epistemology therein, its just wanting to not feel bad about feeling bad. Perfect for people whose weeks are swallowed by work and school, whose lives are filled with doubt and desperation. We're in the bug age, so bug philosophy like utilitarianism or stoicism is becoming popular. Hedonism is the only other option for most people, which obviously requires either ruining your life or being rich/attractive

What philosophy should they read then?

Kermit the frog

Spotted the /pol9k/ mgtow loser

Read the stoics and the bible. You don't need any other books for your purposes.

Stoics have always been a self-help tier normie corruption of the Cynics.

>dude don't live in a barrel but just count to 10 when you get flustered in traffic :)

>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

The Greeks you fuck faggots

Interested in what this fellow would recommend

The people in here taking the time to shit on OP's choices and attention span without offering alternatives are pathetic

T. Person who hasn't read either.