Who is your dad's favorite author/poet/writer?

Who is your dad's favorite author/poet/writer?
Some of my dad's favorite author's include Charles Dickens and David Foster Wallace.

my dad thought Clive Barker was the best thing ever.

My dad is kind of white trash and doesn't really read, although he's a poet and is kind of famous among bohemians in my country. I deeply hate him.

My dads favorite writer is Ezra Pound, though he disagrees with Pound’s political beliefs

My dad is illiterate


This was the last book my dad read several years ago because somebody bought it for him, and I don't think he bothered with more than a couple of pages
He's an interesting guy and I love him but I wouldn't be shocked if it turns out he's never read a book cover to cover in his life

Stephen King. My dad is an engineer who gets very stressed out and uses genre fiction as an escape. Can't blame the guy he's had a tough go of it, abusive impoverished childhood, created his own business to support not only my close family but his extended family as well, has experienced numerous business setbacks, got diagnosed with a severe autoimmune disease (no AIDS, they think it's caused by environmental factors but the research is very young and limited). I unironically like King though despite what the autists on this board say, he doesn't seem to have any pretensions about his work, it is what it is and it's entertaining, engagingly written and occasionally pretty insightful. Love you dad sorry I'm such a shit son.

Kahlil Gibran and Irving Stone



r u kafka

My dad likes nature writing a lot - stuff like John McPhee, Barry Lopez, etc.. He also likes history (The Horse, the Wheel, and Language being one of his faves). When he reads fiction it's usually not particularly Veeky Forums, mostly detective stories or sci fi. I recently got him hyped to read Don Quixote and Tristram Shandy, though.

>tfw no dad

All my dad reads is spiritual books like The Alchemist. They're all pretty terrible and he likes to pretend they are the best books ever.

Neither of my parents read, I've never once in my entire life seen either of them reading a novel. My mum sometimes reads biographies.

But I am very thankful to both of them since they bought me lots of books and encouraged reading when I was little.

probably an engineering textbook

Thomas Mann I think. He doesn't talk much in "favorites" but he gave me a critical release of his work a couple of weeks ago. He read much more philosophy than fiction I think

Dad never read. Drank a lot. Listened to a lot of classic dadrock like CCR and Floyd.
Was an assjole.

He's into heaps of classics like Shakespeare, Cicero, tacitus and ancient history texts, but also Moby Dick. He's an English teacher though so I'm sure he has some favourites I don't know about.

My dad died almost 25 years ago just after the collapse of the Soviet Union and I never met him at an age to form memories, so I could never ask him, but I know he read Dumas.

My dad bought me Journey to the end of the night because it was the only book that he could read without getting bored.